This is really bad, sad news. Stewart and The Daily Show absolutely tell it like it is. I know when I watch that show, I'll learn more from his "fake" news each night than I ever learn from any US news source. Anytime I need to know who the lamest political or social idiot of the day is, Jon Stewart will let me know in great detail. I can only hope that The Daily Show will continue and whoever sits in the "anchor chair" will be as classy, strong and truthful as Mr. Stewart. What a great loss for us all. On the bright side...I hear Brian Williams is looking for a new gig.
Palin/Nugent '16! Oh, the joy. Oh, the comedy. Oh, the horror.
This collection of numb-nuts just keeps trying to out-do each other. How can anyone in his/her right mind think that years of proven research and historical data don't matter? Oh, yeah..."right" mind.
Wait. What the $*&#??????? Panic buttons? How about arrest warrants for these unstable lunatics (is that a redundancy?) These clowns are issuing threats of violence and physical danger to citizens and elected officials. I know it's Texas (and these guys really do put the ASS in Texas), but come on. This is beyond ridiculous. Any sane person in Texas, gun owner or not, should be screaming loud and long at the governor and any other state or local officials to have the open carry crazies arrested.
Yes, when compared to Mike Huckabee's stirring explanation of how government and sausage making are like twinsies and Sarah Griftee McPalin's whatever the $*%@ she pooped out her mouth-hole (which was hi-larious!), I think we can all agree that The Donald, El Trumpstero Grande, did have the very bestest load of BS at the Convention for the Seriously Crazy. Well done Orange Head.
These guys forgot to ask her what her favorite color is and if she were a tree, what would a bird look like. Idiots.
Now, I’m not saying I know for sure, but it’s entirely possible (haha, it's absolutely true) that Peter Barbera and Cliff Kincaid have butt-sechs with each other hourly after looking at pictures of other men having butt-sechs then masturbating each other then doing mouth sechs, too. I'm just saying it might be (it really is) possible.
I'm not sure who is more mostest moronier, the Two and 7/10th Stooges on Fox or the blind mice that swallow everything Huey, Doocy and Lucy shove down their throats. Open wide 'muracah. Here it comes.
And I'll just bet anything those Moozlums, who were condemning violence in the name of Islam and wavin' those 'muricun flags, are also paying taxes to support the school and the town where the protests were held. Sneaky Moozlums. Best watch 'em, so they don't git away with nuthin'. It's all a cover-up so they can ram sharia law into every Texans every orifice.