
89 comments posted · 3 followers · following 0

15 years ago @ levian の blog ♥ - hidden treasure.. · 1 reply · +1 points

Express Rail Link. There is a train directly going to KL Sentral from KLIA and it's called ERL. Was wondering if you took that, but nevermind hehe.

15 years ago @ levian の blog ♥ - 星座:爱情禁忌.. · 1 reply · +1 points

Aiyah, I can't really read a lot of Chinese. That's the language I'm weak at. XD

But I'll try. Hmmm, ok there is some truth to Pisceans being a bit indecisive. However I've learnt a lot so now if I want to do something, I'll make sure it's done. Nobody else is able to dissuade me. But hey, thanks for sharing and letting me practise my chinese XD

Now you should also do some thinking. Come to my blog now and join in the game to win a novel for yourself (or your friend)! 240-pages, BRAND NEW. Spread the word too - the more the merrier, more clues :)

15 years ago @ levian の blog ♥ - hidden treasure.. · 3 replies · +1 points

From KLIA you can take the ERL to KL Sentral. Price is not cheap though, RM 30+ per ride :(

Which line you liked best? I loved the monorail XD

15 years ago @ Tekkaus - What Is Your Medieval ... · 1 reply · +1 points

I took it. Results: cartographer. Read: someone who explores the world to make maps. Hmmm :>

15 years ago @ Tekkaus - Joey McIntyre\'s Stay ... · 1 reply · +1 points

Sometimes it helps to have a "model" (not the fashion model) as a guideline for who or want you want to be. You'll be something that resembles the model but not that model itself. :D

15 years ago @ L i s a l i c i o u s - Wah Toh Tit Tar · 0 replies · +1 points

Looks like your shoulder blade and back were in great stress. Could it be that you are in front of the com typing for a long time in work? Poor lisa.

15 years ago @ L i s a l i c i o u s - Let’s Follow Eac... · 0 replies · +1 points

I like twitter but it's a bit troublesome using it on my computer. Wait, there's the iphone xD

15 years ago @ levian の blog ♥ - true blood.. · 1 reply · +1 points

Not really into vampires too like Mon :P

Maybe someone should make movies about friendly vampires XD Oh wait are these vampires friendly? XD

15 years ago @ levian の blog ♥ - cat breed: oriental sh... · 1 reply · +1 points

That cat sure looks like we can't mess with it XD

15 years ago @ levian の blog ♥ - hidden treasure.. · 5 replies · +1 points

You've been to KL and took public transport? Which LRT/monorail/bus did you try? ;)