


33 comments posted · 3 followers · following 1

13 years ago @ Big Government - Spread the Wealth Arou... · 0 replies · +3 points

Very timely! Perhaps, this can be an invaluable educational tool to wake up the sycophants & teach the uninformed masses of what the truth are as to what O'Bumma the communist CONMAN & his thugs has done to destroy America!

13 years ago @ Big Government - Thursday Open Thread: ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Tony Costine,

What crazy juice have you been dipping in? Nothing hyperbolic there!

What pnipni posted reflects the reality.

You demoralized, brainwashed, delusional liberals are the reason why USA is in the decline economically, socially, morally, and politically!

RACISM is one of the innumerable reasons Obama sucks as POTUS!

Note you liberals & Socialist democrats & Obama' accomplishments: In 2009, All you demoralized, brainwashed, delusional liberals put an Egomaniac/Militant/Hypocrite/Tyrant/Marxist/Racist/Islamist/Treasonous/Liar/Dictator/Usurper/ Narcissist name Obama or Soetoro into the White House putting on a hell of a theatrical performance whilst trampling on the US Constitution, promoting government anarchy, destroying US economy, proliferating RACISM & DIVIDING the country, abuse of powers, eroding our Judea Christian foundation, plunder the public treasury, contempt for the US taxpayers, obstruction of justice, diminishing liberties of US citizens, disparage USA abroad, committing frauds, bankrupting America, creating depression level high UNEMPLOYMENT RATE OF 16.2%, engage in corruptions, destroying the military, support anti-America stances, destroying the middle class, supporting & funding terrorist factions globally, undermining national security, proliferating communism, increase the misery index of working Americans, and engage America in 4 WARS (currently, 60% of military casualties occurred under Obama.)

Consider all these destructions that you demoralized, brainwashed, delusional liberals partnering with the enemy within Obama the communist & socialist Democrats has done to America?

Have you liberals no shame? You liberals are unconscionable!

When will you liberals wakeup and FACE THE TRUTH?

13 years ago @ Big Government - If Your Government Che... · 0 replies · +2 points

John, if you are still a man GO GET A JOB, WE DO NOT OWE YOU A LIVING!

13 years ago @ Big Government - If Your Government Che... · 0 replies · +1 points


13 years ago @ Big Government - If Your Government Che... · 0 replies · +2 points

BOO HOOO BOOOO HOOO , poor baby, sore loser, You should go pound sand.

13 years ago @ Big Government - If Your Government Che... · 1 reply · 0 points

NO, they do NOT have a truth problem.

I believe you have a problem because your comment was removed you would pass such an unfair, sour grape judgment on this site' moderators.

In comparison with many other web sites' stringent constrains, you should be more appreciative of Andrew's moderators who are more than inclined to be fair and rule favorably for the commenter in the protection of his/her right to free speech.

13 years ago @ Big Government - Rep. Allen West Says '... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sick minded? Look whose talking.

You impaired mental status disqualify you as a legitimate voter.

13 years ago @ Big Government - Is Obama a Conservative? · 0 replies · +1 points

You have a point there.

13 years ago @ Big Government - Is Obama a Conservative? · 0 replies · +1 points

He probably sold his soul as "the price was right" from Soro.

13 years ago @ Big Government - Is Obama a Conservative? · 0 replies · +1 points

O'Bumma the Irish is a CONman.