


134 comments posted · 12 followers · following 3

12 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Angel': ... · 0 replies · +3 points

Yes. I have never understood the whole "all you have to do is remove a vampire's heart and it makes her/him invincible" plot. That's how you KILL a vampire. Does this mean that if Buffy somehow pulled out a vampire's heart it would suddenly become invincible? I feel like it was just a really, really heavy-handed metaphor for James' heart being "ripped out of him" after his ~1 tru luv~ died.

12 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Angel': ... · 0 replies · +13 points

Nyy V xabj vf gung jura "Pbeqryvn" fgnxrq Yvynu, V vaibyhagnevyl fnvq (bhg ybhq naq gb ab bar va gur ebbz), "Bu, gunax Tbq." Abg orpnhfr V qvfyvxrq Yvynu (va snpg, V ybir Yvynu, naq jnf fb irel fnq yngre), ohg orpnhfr vg zrnag gung Pbeqryvn jnfa'g Pbeqryvn, naq V ab ybatre unq gb qrny jvgu gur vqrn gung ZL Pbeqryvn jbhyq fbzrubj fyrrc jvgu Pbaare, jub jnf cerggl zhpu yvxr ure bja fba jura ur jnf n onol.

12 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Predicts 'Buffy':... · 0 replies · +4 points

Nuu, bxnl, V pna nofbyhgryl frr gung nf n onq pyvpur, nygubhtu V'ir arire yvaxrq vg rkcyvpvgyl jvgu tnl pbhcyrf. Npghnyyl, V guvax gur bar gung obguref zr zber vf gur zrybqenzngvp bar unys bs n pbhcyr qlvat naq gur bgure qrpvqvat gung gurl pna'g yvir nalzber pyvpur, juvpu nyfb xvaq bs unccraf va gur Qnex Jvyybj cybg.

12 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Predicts 'Buffy':... · 7 replies · +2 points

Gb jung yrfovna pyvpur ner lbh ersreevat? Vf guvf n pbzzba gebcr? V arire ernyyl znqr gur pbaarpgvba orgjrra Jvyybj'f yrfovnavfz naq ure rivyarff be ure zntvp ceboyrzf.

12 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Buffy th... · 1 reply · +4 points

Abcr, V nterr. Bs pbhefr, V qba'g guvax V'q qb nal orggre guna Jvyybj naq jbhyq cebonoyl qb n jubyr ybg jbefr orpnhfr V qba'g frrz gb unir "zbenyf" cre fr. V'ir nyjnlf sryg gung vs gurer jrer erny zntvp va gur jbeyq V jbhyq pubbfr gb or rkgerzryl cbjreshy naq pubbfr gur rivy fvqr. Rivy whfg frrzf zber vagrerfgvat guna tbbq.

12 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Buffy th... · 0 replies · +12 points

So, Buffy and Riley are having sex for pretty much days and have all the force of a sexually deprived poltergeist behind them, and somehow they still manage to have the most boring sex in the world. Oh, look, Riley's on top, now they're kind of on their sides. Yawn. It's called creativity people, look it up.

13 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Buffy Th... · 3 replies · +7 points

Enaqbz Fvqrabgr: Va 17p. Ratynaq, gurer jnf n uhtr chfu sbe gur gurngref gb or fuhg qbja (juvpu riraghnyyl unccrarq sbe n ovg nsgre gur rkrphgvba bs Puneyrf V). Bar bs gur ovttrfg ernfbaf sbe guvf jnf gung n ybg bs eryvtvbhf tebhcf (zbfgyl gur Chevgnaf) oryvrirq gung vs lbh cynl na rivy punenpgre, lbh zhfg nyfb vagreanyvmr gung ebyr naq orpbzr rivy lbhefrys. V jbhyq qrsvavgryl fnl gung guvf pbaprcg unf erznvarq gb fbzr rkgrag va phygher gbqnl. Erzrzore jura Urngu Yrqtre qvrq? Znal crbcyr pynvzrq gung vg jnf orpnhfr ur unq orpbzr fb qrcerffrq sebz cynlvat gur Wbxre va Ongzna. Be znlor vg jnf bayl zl zbgure jub oryvrirq gung.

13 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Buffy Th... · 6 replies · +3 points

Zna, guvf vf tbvat gb ernyyl fhpx sbe zr nf n Fcvxr/Ohssl fuvccre. Nygubhtu, V jvyy nqzvg, V'z abg fb zhpu n Fcvxr/Ohssl fuvccre nf V nz n Fcvxr/Zr fuvccre? V unir guvf fgenatr guvat nobhg fxvaal, ubg oybaq thlf. Naq frevbhfyl onq oblf. Yvxr, qrzba, znl xvyy lbh onq oblf. Ohg bayl va svpgvba! Va erny yvsr V qngr avpr erqurnqf. Nyjnlf.

13 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'The Amber ... · 0 replies · +8 points

Lol. Winds. Milton loved him some winds. There is a surprising amount of focus on "winds" in Paradise Lost. Initially in Paradise, Adam and Eve had no "ill-winds," then after their fall, they get indigestion and produce some "winds". But, you know, Milton was crazy about a good diet; he thought that if you just ate temperately, you could avoid all manner of sins, especially lustful ones. Good times.

13 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'The Amber ... · 3 replies · +4 points

Really? Q and Picard? I can't really see that being much of a battle... unless it's a battle of wits! Is it a chess battle? Does Worf play a round? Does Ambassador Troi walk in an say "I sense that someone is concentrating," and then we all have a good laugh, because everyone knows she's just a pretend telepath/emotion-reader? You're right, this is a good series.