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10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - PSNI urged to co-opera... · 0 replies · 0 points

Laura lee uses a website for advertising when she is in ireland north and south called Escort Ireland which is run by 2 convicted pimps peter mccormick(ex ruc part time officer) and his son Mark Fats Mccormick.

Ugly mugs which is meant to help sex workers also has tie's with the the mccormicks. When the head of Ugly mugs was asked if she worked for Escort ireland she denied this. yet she has a admin profile on escort ireland along with other profiles.

She said in her submission to the justice committee that Escort Ireland had no links to the mccormicks any more yet this post from a escort on escort Ireland's website over the weekend confirms that peter mccormick, mark mccormick are still owners of the site.

Laura Lee judging by her tweets and internet footprints is connected to Lucy from Ugly Mugs which is believed to be the main manager of E designers which is a front in England for escort ireland.

All this information can be found online. Here is a link to the Romanian escort claim that the Mccormicks are still heavily involved in Escort Ireland.

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Stormont inquisitors e... · 0 replies · 0 points

Your welcome here are more that might answer your question's.

Yes there is a alternative, for escorts to cut all links with the mccormick(escort ireland) but they will not do that because they make more money if the use Escort Ireland and also Escort Ireland attacks any new site with heavy DDOS attacks.

In short what is the point in helping Escorts when they continue to fund the mccormicks escort ireland.

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Stormont inquisitors e... · 0 replies · -6 points

Larura i do not care about you previous work, if you lost you case against them you must have been guilty hence the judgement. I have commented on this article which is 1 sided and the fact is that You Laura lee pay 2 pimps and traffickers (Escort Ireland) every time you work in Ireland north or south do you not.

When i was young my mother worked 4 jobs to support us, 4 honest jobs i might add so i have no sympathy for you or anyone who exploits human beings by supporting traffickers Escort Ireland.

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Stormont inquisitors e... · 2 replies · -6 points

Is that the best you can come up with, at least answer some of the issue's i have raised. Here is your real world for you. A site run by 2 convicted pimps and traffickers. But sure lets not blame the escorts who fund the mccormicks north and south by paying them advertising fees every week so they can make 100 euro for a half hours work while some poor girl from another country is used over and over again for some perverts sexual gratification.
<a href="" target="_blank"&gt <a href="http://;" target="_blank">;

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Bought, used, humiliat... · 0 replies · +1 points

No i also understand she was a junkie addicted to a number of drugs.

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Stormont inquisitors e... · 8 replies · -13 points

What people do in there own home's is of no concern of mine. please how is Laura Lee not funding criminals. You have watched the video of the justice committee so you no only full well that it was put to her that she is advertising on a site run by 2 convicted pimps and one trafficker peter mccormick and mark "fats" mccormick.

She pays them for advertising which in turn supports there criminal enterprise. Why should trafficked women suffer because laura fancies a new pair of 150 euro shoes?

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Stormont inquisitors e... · 0 replies · -12 points

Well thats up to the public to decide.Escort Ireland which is run by 2 convicted pimps and which laura lee advertises on has a strong policy on editing, locking and deleting comments made by punters in the warning section of there forum.

And not only that how would you treat a person who showed up, give a false name and when asked how many people she was claiming to represent ie union of sex workers she did not have a number, when asked how many sex workers are members in the north of Ireland she did not know that either.

But sure its all the Justice committees fault for being bullies, pull the other one it has bells on. I'm surprised the editor of the telegraph let this story run considering they know who owns Escort ireland and they have run stories on the mccormick's in the past.

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Stormont inquisitors e... · 0 replies · -7 points

All escorts advertise on Escort Ireland run by 2 convicted pimps, ugly mugs was founded and 1st funded by a convict pimp peter mccormick.

i fail to see how ugly mugs could protcet any sex worker when the system set up to report them is funded by a pimp.

i will ask once again, will a sex worker who was using a landlords property reimburse him or her for loss of earnings due to the attention the sex worker has brought to there property?

The answer is no.

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Stormont inquisitors e... · 2 replies · -8 points

Really and when a landlords property value falls because a sex worker was using the property for that trade unknown to the landlord will the sex worker pay the compensation to the landlord for there loss of earnings.

No didn't think so.

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Stormont inquisitors e... · 10 replies · -21 points

They where treated like that because they advertise and pay a webiste called Escort Ireland which is run by 2 pimps and a ex sex worker who is married to one of the pimps and the other pimp is her son. Both have been convicted of brothel keeping pimping and one for trafficking.

Mainly ex part time RUC officer Peter mccormick and his Son Mark "Fats" Mccormick.

Why should anyone take sex workers serious when they continue to fund a criminal enterprise North and South of the border.