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10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Play More Local | Trin... · 0 replies · +4 points

Oh yes attack the messenger, how mature. Seems like I touched a nerve there. However despite your sour grapes and shallow response, soon we will get a fine display of "dignity" from our Trini women on March 3rd & 4th and not to mention the countless fetes leading up to the big days. Grow up and try to take some responsibility for your actions for a change.

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Play More Local | Trin... · 1 reply · +7 points

Thirdly the article is elitist in the extreme. Oh look at me I am so cultured, I listen to Freetown Collective whoever the hell that is. Nobody cares or even knows who Freetown Collective are, but everyone has gotten the message from Junior ‘Famous’ Noel who is getting message of Play More Local across to the masses like Freetown whatever can never dream of doing.

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Play More Local | Trin... · 3 replies · +3 points

"If there is a call to “play more local” it should not be at the expense of women’s dignity or bodily autonomy". Are we to believe that all these women parading semi nude on Carnival Monday and Tuesday with sometimes nothing more than paint on their bare breasts doing splits on the stage and behaving in the most disgusting ways are worried about their dignity? Ha Ha ha ha!!! thats hilarious, simply hilarious. Clearly the problem is that Trini women themselves have no substance, dignity or pride whatsoever. These songs thrive in an environment where women are all too willing to participate in degrading themselves every opportunity they get. According to Destra "Wine Like a Badess" Secondly the author seems reluctant to advocate for more local content even as our artists continue to struggle. Why do we always take the side of the Caribbean over our own citizens is beyond me. I often wonder whether all we have in Trinidad are illegal immigrants because so few stand up for this country. To hell with Jamiacan music, let Jamaicans see about that, I am a Trini. Jamaica does not even want to buy our products for goodness sake. cont.

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Shaw Park project a bi... · 1 reply · +3 points

The implication is that this type of massive waste is exactly what we can expect when PNM wins the general election in just over a year or so. The massive corruption and waste which took place under the Manning administration which left us with an empty treasury after the second energy boom in the nation's history is still continuing up to today in PNM run Tobago. I thought the message waste pretty clear. PNM = Corruption.

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Magdalena Grand expand... · 0 replies · +3 points

1. Tobago may not be a nation by itself but certainly does not act like it. For example a Trinidadian cannot be head of the Tobago House of Assembly. Tobago has been asking for decades for more and more independence. If you are uneducated as to this fact please do some reading before you express opinions about Tobago.

2. Owning land is not a right. This is a simple statement which once again seems to have you bewildered.

Lastly you missed the point that Tobagonians always had land, many of them sold their land. To now come and claim you are landless after you have pocteked and or squandered your money from the sale of your land is not a cause I am interested in fighting for. Your are just parroting crap spoken by politicians.

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Magdalena Grand expand... · 3 replies · +5 points

Firstly Tobago already has a new hospital. Secondly Tobagonians stopped being farmers and abandoned their lands selling it to Germans. In case you didn't know Tobago was once famous for agriculture it no longer is. If Tobagonians don't have land today its their own damn fault. Thirdly Tobago is a nation full of old talk about being autonomous and is moving more and more towards secession. So dont talk that kind of rubbish then the very next day come begging for your daily bread. Either you are autonomous or not. Politicians have been allowed to talk too much rubbish for too long. Its time the few educated amonst us talk out. The general population is just too damn ignorant for this country to function properly. Democracy can actually work against us when your population is full of idiots.

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Magdalena Grand expand... · 6 replies · +8 points

Yes why have a golf course on an island who's economy is based on tourism? Just allocate 5 acres to each citizen that ought to solve all Tobago's problems. Where did Trinidadians and Tobagonians get this stupid idea that everyone is supposed to own a piece of land even in Germany most people rent. Politicians here keep filling the minds of ignorant citizens with all kinds of rubbish. What exactly are visitors to the island supposed to do when they get there? Tobago needs more golf courses as a matter of fact. But what the heck Tobago doesnt really have to earn any money for themselves anyway because they come cap in hand begging for handouts like vagrants every year yet always talking rubbish about autonomy.

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Savannah in urgent nee... · 1 reply · -2 points

The horrible state of the capital is nothing new. Only a total idiot would say its only since 2010 and the PP. It's a stupid population full of morons like Suequangarcia that have us in this mess. 60 years of PNM and the richest country in the Caribbean is the ugliest nastiest place in the entire Caribbean, probably only Haiti must be worse. Yet they will support PNM till they dead. PNM was the party that crammed as many illegal immigrants into ghettoes for votes, destroying POS and also the entire east west corridor. Every single PNM constituency is a crime hot spot. St. Ann's hospital must be missing a patient because only a lunatic would write such crap. What's worse is you are not only stupid but a racist too. I have never known a time when POS was anything to be proud of just look at George and Duncan Sts. We need a new capital because POS is way beyond hope or repair its a total disaster. Only purging POS of all the people living in low cost HDC housing can start to repair the damage and nobody has the political will to do it.

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Why a man leaves...not... · 1 reply · -8 points

I cannot hope to explain everything to you because you make so many foolish comments. I don’t have the space here to address everything wrong that you have said. It would take years of my time to repair all your ignorance. Who ever said anything about North America, what is the relevance of some men being fat too or some men being evil? You are ranting like a mad woman. Look back at the title of the article, settle yourself and come again. For your enlightenment the article is about why men leave, other than cheating. Try dealing with that. You comment about my mom and attempt to personalize the issue because you are not equipped to deal with data, facts and logic. All you have done is become emotional and illogical. This is what happens to people who are not armed with substance and information to respond to a topic, they end up talking all kinds of rubbish. Educate yourself it’s the best thing you can do.

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Why a man leaves...not... · 4 replies · -12 points

What an absurd comment. So are you suggesting that we change the standard of beauty to obesity because many people are over weight? The reason why supermodels are paid such high wages is because they are not normal. Exceptional specimens in any field of endeavour always set the standard for example like Kate Upton and Gisele Bundchen are the standard for beauty, Michael Jordan for basketball, Michael Schumacher for F1 drivers. Beauty is something exceptional, most people are about average or ugly. So to say beauty should be obesity because their are many obese people is totally inane. I suggest you take your own advice and put on a 100 ponuds or so and drown in your own blubber.