


108 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ The New Civil Rights M... - Echoing Obama, Blacks ... · 0 replies · +3 points

David, one in six wouldn't be that great of a number. One in six is 16.7%. :-/

13 years ago @ The New Civil Rights M... - Christian "Family" Gro... · 0 replies · +1 points

David, it appears he wants you to call into him on Monday. Here is the update:

13 years ago @ Equality on Trial - Live-blogging from San... · 0 replies · +1 points

I was wondering about this too.

13 years ago @ Equality on Trial - Live-blogging from San... · 0 replies · +1 points

Adam, my best guess is Craig v Harney. I'm still looking though.

13 years ago @ The New Civil Rights M... - Oral Roberts' Gay Gran... · 0 replies · +1 points

I think you're a good man as well. :)

13 years ago @ The New Civil Rights M... - Oral Roberts' Gay Gran... · 2 replies · +2 points

Apology accepted. Please accept my apology. I am far from a right-winger though. Just to explain a little bit, when I was referring to Silva's BS and tripe, I wasn't referring to his religious beliefs by any means. I was referring to his attacks on Randy Potts Roberts. I personally don't care what someone else believes, until I see them attacking someone else. That is when I speak up.

13 years ago @ The New Civil Rights M... - Oral Roberts' Gay Gran... · 4 replies · +1 points

Apparently they have collapsed all replies to Ken Silva's comment. So, now I'm the asshole? Even though YOU were the one that said the following to me, "May you contract non-curable cancer, without the aid of a known painkiller that works, and never die. Maybe then you'll have something to whine about!" Yeah, I'm a "non-Christian" asshole!

You know what, I don't wish harm to come of anyone, INCLUDING my biggest enemies. Yes, and I'm the "non-christian" asshole! Guess what! I act more like a REAL christian than you EVER will!

13 years ago @ The New Civil Rights M... - Oral Roberts' Gay Gran... · 1 reply · +2 points

Wow, is that the best you've got? Seriously? Wishing a long painful death upon someone? How very "Christian" of you!

Was I talking to you? NO! Did you even bother to read the bullshit that Mr. Silva posted? He attacked Mr. Roberts! Yet you wish a long painful death on me!

Perhaps your wish will come true. And of course, just like the good "Christian" that you are, you will revel in the fact that you told me to get an non-curable cancer for which painkillers won't help me cope! Again, how Christian of you! What is really sad, is that YOUR brand of Christianity, you know the one that wishes long painful deaths for those who don't subscribe to your tripe. Such WONDERFUL behavior from a so-called "Pastor!"

And here I thought, you were one of the "good guys." Guess I was wrong!

13 years ago @ The New Civil Rights M... - Santorum: I Will Overt... · 0 replies · +1 points

Alright, well, since Santorum (Google it) is likely to face another "Google problem" if he keeps it up!

13 years ago @ The New Civil Rights M... - Gay Tea Party Leader B... · 0 replies · +2 points

This guy is a complete idiot! He will support someone who would rather see him dead (eh, em....Bachmann, Cain, etc.) than to see him as an actual human being. As far as I'm concerned this self-loathing douchebag gets EVERYTHING he's asking for with the GOTeabaggers!