


640 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

9 years ago @ Daily - Mountain biker dies du... · 0 replies · +7 points

RIP Scott

9 years ago @ Daily - Jury selection begins ... · 0 replies · +3 points

What Morons!

Hope jail is worth the few thousand of dollars you goons stole. Karma is a biatchhhh!

9 years ago @ Daily - Friends of CU-Boulder ... · 2 replies · -1 points

Sounds like a classic tale of bad government acid floating around the streets of Boulder again. The police state agenda is alive and well across our beloved country, shoot to kill, sort it out later. Population control??? hmmm...? Sounds like a very creative mind that could have been a very useful asset to society. Take note young'n's, your future is at stake when you're blacked out & have no sense of what you're doing, so many variables that can cause you to lose your life, end up in jail/prison, or end up having to register as sex offender for running around while you are tripping naked.

Bad acid is bad M'kaay!


Condolences to his family and friends!

10 years ago @ Daily - Safety, \'negligent be... · 1 reply · +5 points

Hard Hitting news!

Agreed, litter bugs suck!!!!

10 years ago @ Daily - Police seek witnesses ... · 2 replies · +14 points

Not good. Very disturbing!!!

I won' t even take my 10 daughter down there for a bike ride anymore, this comment just strengthens my stance.

Just a shame, Boulder is looking the other way on this. Is it, they are possibly scared that a lawsuit from the ALCU could pop up, if they got aggressive?

10 years ago @ Daily - Broomfield Safeway sto... · 1 reply · +8 points

Safeway is on a sharp decline downward...King Soopers is killing them.

10 years ago @ Daily - Boulder councilman, me... · 1 reply · +12 points

Boulder has had the worst influx of the homeless culture I have ever witnessed! Everywhere you look, there is a homeless person.Literally.

Maybe it's time call in the pied piper???

10 years ago @ Daily - Why would Boulder Coun... · 0 replies · +5 points

This is the kinda crap that goes down, when you have too much time on your 'happy go lucky' hands. I wonder when the native's performed this ceremony, how many actually went & volunteered. If I was part of that tribe, I would have been on hunt duty or the farming team.I would have found things to be more useful to the tribe, than hanging from a hook in pain.

Chief: Are we gonna see you tonight at the hook and hang Ceremony?

Indagap: No, chief...Very busy buffalo hunt tonight. I'll try to make the next one. I'll make sure you get the prime cut after I'm done with the harvest. I also noticed your wife could use a new buffalo skin.

Chief: Very well then, just drop the meat & the skin off tomorrow.

10 years ago @ Daily - Police: Woman punched ... · 0 replies · +2 points

That was someone who was beat senseless with a baseball bat/Golf club...something along those lines. Over an Xbox video game console. That was pre-mediatated.

This is a nosey busybody taking pixs of people smoking pot on the creek path.Totally avoidable,by minding her own business. That's my point!

Little bit of a different scenario,so wah!

10 years ago @ Daily - Police: Woman punched ... · 1 reply · -6 points