It's bad the UN will probably do nothing about it and once again the United States will need to play the lead role for the rest of the world!
Just to let you know Bush and Cheney were not as responsible as you may think for 9/11. It was Bill Clinton who had four seperate opportunities to accept Bin Laden as a POW but he turned it down every time. Why? Because he didn't want to get involved in an international incident! Read the book "Losin Bin Laden: How Bill Clinton's Failures Unleashed Global Terror" by: Richard Miniter. When you read the book your eyes will be opened to the truth of what really happened and who is to blame!
Just because president Obama is a black man it does not make disagreeing with him racist!!! It is more racist for you to imply such a thing than it is to disagree with the man. I do not disagree with him because of his race I disagree with him because of his foolish ideas that are going to bring this wonderful country to bankruptcy!!!