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13 years ago @ KCRG - Police Ask Landlords t... · 0 replies · +3 points

As soon as you type your name, address, birthday, place of employment and a photo of you and your family, we will turn it right on for you.

13 years ago @ KCRG - Police Ask Landlords t... · 0 replies · +12 points

Cedar Rapids logic - if every person in America would just sign a crime-free agreement, we would be living in Shangri-La

13 years ago @ KCRG - Police Ask Landlords t... · 0 replies · +13 points

One would think the Landlords would ask the cops to help improve a portion of Southwest Cedar Rapids...

13 years ago @ KCRG - Pain at The Pump Here ... · 5 replies · +38 points

I hope that most people are aware that the high prices are not because of Exxon's "evil" 8% profit margin, it's not because Republicans are evil, it's not because Democrats are evil. Oil is purchased in US Dollars from OPEC. We have been printing fake money by the Trillions for years, making the dollar more and more worthless. That is why oil, gold, corn, coffee, beef - all commodities are going sky high - it takes more and more worthless US Dollars to purchase them on a global market. So we can either focus on ending the Federal Reserve and the policies that encourage them to print more and more fake money - or we can argue about Democrat vs Republic (which is just what the banksters want you to do)

13 years ago @ KCRG - Dubuque Agrees to Chan... · 0 replies · +2 points

How many people would be sitting in a prison cell if this had been a private company or corporation rather than a government organization?

13 years ago @ KCRG - Flavor Flav\'s Chicken... · 0 replies · +15 points

Life itself no longer has any meaning.

13 years ago @ KCRG - IA Attorney General Wa... · 0 replies · +6 points

Perhaps he should move to Iran - where such government overstepping into people's lives is normal and acceptable...

13 years ago @ KCRG - Police say Iowa City M... · 1 reply · +45 points

And people wonder why more and more of the public no longer respects the police

13 years ago @ KCRG - Arlington Teen Injured... · 1 reply · +4 points

We need to ban sparrows!

13 years ago @ KCRG - Man Faces Arson Charge... · 4 replies · +2 points

I've been on here for over a year and I still wonder that very question. I always thumb up because I as.sume the story behind it is hilarious