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15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent · 0 replies · +1 points


15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Organize This · 0 replies · +1 points

Attend The ShenValley Tea Party's Star-Spangled Tea Party on August 1st!!
Join us in defending our freedoms for the future and honoring those who have defended them in the past and present. A live band will be present for your entertainment, and we will be honoring our veterans and active duty soldiers in the evening with a Tribute to the Troops. August 1st rally in Staunton VA, at Gypsy Hill Park bandstand from 6pm-9pm. Keynote Speaker is Delegate Chris Saxman from VA

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Organize This · 0 replies · +1 points

You know, if just half of us on this site joined and partipated in the Free State Project, we would have a strong fighting chance at turning this country around. By creating one truly free state that refused to bow to the Federal Government, we could set an example that would inspire other states to join us.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent · 0 replies · +2 points

This is what I sent to Architect of the Capitol at

Architect of the Capitol,

I support the engraved national motto “In God We Trust” and Pledge of Allegiance within the Capitol Visitor Center.

As a taxpayer, I paid for part of the $621 million facility and think some corner of its 580,000 square feet deserves to be dedicated as a permanent display of the Capitol's rich spiritual history.

Our Declaration of Independence states that our rights are 'endowed by our Creator.' I have personally never taken this to be an endorsement of Christianity, but rather an acknowledgement that a higher power, or divine understanding, plays a role in History that is felt, if not always seen.

I personally do not practice a Judeo or Christian faith, but feel that acknowledging the spiritual principles with which our founders infused the Declaration and Constitution is as important to our future as it has been to our past.

The future is never properly served when we allow our honest history to be edited to suit the taste of any, whether they be the many or the few.


15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - The 9/12 · 0 replies · +3 points

This is what I sent to Architect of the Capitol at

Architect of the Capitol,

I support the engraved national motto “In God We Trust” and Pledge of Allegiance within the Capitol Visitor Center.

As a taxpayer, I paid for part of the $621 million facility and think some corner of its 580,000 square feet deserves to be dedicated as a permanent display of the Capitol's rich spiritual history.

Our Declaration of Independence states that our rights are 'endowed by our Creator.' I have personally never taken this to be an endorsement of Christianity, but rather an acknowledgement that a higher power, or divine understanding, plays a role in History that is felt, if not always seen.

I personally do not practice a Judeo or Christian faith, but feel that acknowledging the spiritual principles with which our founders infused the Declaration and Constitution is as important to our future as it has been to our past.

The future is never properly served when we allow our honest history to be edited to suit the taste of any, whether they be the many or the few.


15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Stand Up & Lead · 0 replies · +1 points

This is what I sent to Architect of the Capitol at

Architect of the Capitol,

I support the engraved national motto “In God We Trust” and Pledge of Allegiance within the Capitol Visitor Center.

As a taxpayer, I paid for part of the $621 million facility and think some corner of its 580,000 square feet deserves to be dedicated as a permanent display of the Capitol's rich spiritual history.

Our Declaration of Independence states that our rights are 'endowed by our Creator.' I have personally never taken this to be an endorsement of Christianity, but rather an acknowledgement that a higher power, or divine understanding, plays a role in History that is felt, if not always seen.

I personally do not practice a Judeo or Christian faith, but feel that acknowledging the spiritual principles with which our founders infused the Declaration and Constitution is as important to our future as it has been to our past.

The future is never properly served when we allow our honest history to be edited to suit the taste of any, whether they be the many or the few.


15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks for the investment advice, I need it!

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent · 0 replies · +1 points

I hope you are right franmcc. We gotta stay brave.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent · 4 replies · +12 points

On Glenn's show today he played a soundbite of Obama whining that those who accuse him of increasing the deficit are the same ones who who left him with a big national debt.

What I heard was this: "It's not my fault I have to increase the national debt to a godzillian dollars! What? You think that just because we already had a huge national debt when I took office that I should give up my big expensive social agenda? That's not fair! I worked hard to become president and I've been making all these plans a long time. You can't expect me to give up MY PLANS for this country just because we are already enormously in debt!"

That's what I heard: a person unwilling to set aside WHAT THEY WANT for the benefit of this nation. I heard a spoiled CHILD that must have his way. I heard a person that is not capable of living life on life's terms and accepting the things he can not change and just working to change the things he can change.

I heard another power addicted politician that I want the hell off my soil until he can grow up.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent · 6 replies · +9 points

Did you all know that George W. Bush Holds the approval rating record of 90% following 9/11? Obama's highest approval rating was 69% so far.

What strikes me about this is that it means that roughly 60% of the people who are now raving for Obama, were raving for Bush on 9/12

That's 60% of the population that has no freaking clue what they believe, what they want, and are easily swayed by the media, the latest fad, promise of "change," the promise of a free ride, promises of vengence against the "enemy" (which is whoever the finger just happens to be pointed at et the time) etc.

In other words: HitlerBait

These are the people we REALLY need to be afraid of. People with no "program", no intellectual honesty, no heart for the pursuit of truth. No concept of freedom. "The founders who?"

How do we change hearts and minds when those carrying us to oblivion are devoid of both?