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4 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Richard Holden: A call... · 0 replies · +1 points

Dear Richard Holden

Congratulations on winning in North West Durham- the boundary of which stops just three miles from where I live in rural north-east Cumbria. It is quite an achievement to win over the Constituency in which Consett Steelworks closed in 1980, then coal-mines and collieries were closed after the battles with Arthur Scargill - in the early years of Margaret Thatcher's government!

However, for Boris Johnson to retain Constituencies like yours that are scattered across Northern England, the Midlands and Wales he will NEED MONEY. And with tax revenues crashing and Rishi Sunak's huge borrowing (to stop complete economic meltdown) in the Great Coronavirus Recession that is going to be Mighty Difficult to get! The Bank of England will need to print £1 Trillion over the next 18 months- but use it to buy up Gold-backed Securities to back up the new money (backing up the new money in this way will help forestall Inflation).

If Britain goes bankrupt and has to go to the IMF for a bailout they will not countenance allowing Boris Johnson's big "Levelling up" policies to keep northern voters sweet: The IMF will demand Voter-enraging Austerity (Mark II) - more Public Sector pay-freezes, more cuts to Welfare and increases to VAT. You would be out on your ear at the 2024 General Election- as would dozens of other Northern and Midland Conservative MPs.

So, tell Boris Johnson to advise the Bank of England to Print Money- but use it to buy Gold-backed Securities from UK-based trading platforms and from Gold companies in Britain. That will help foster a swift Economic recovery post-Lockdown without the awful side-effect of high Inflation. This will bring about a recovery in Tax revenues and keep the Gilt Markets happier. Boris should also impose a modest Land Value Tax on wealth (less economically damaging than other taxes) to raise money to pay for the needed Infrastructure Investments. That combination will help you and your new colleagues keep your Seats!

All the best at this time

Ian Pennell

4 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Richard Holden: Labour... · 0 replies · +1 points

A great article Richard Holden. I live just a few miles outside the Constituency that you won off Labour in December- just over the border into Cumbria near the market town of Alston.

I agree very much with your sentiments. However, there is soon likely to be now a big Coronavirus- shaped hole in the Public Finances and (if projections of economic collapse of 30% GDP- with just a slow economic recovery afterwards) then the Markets will not let the Government borrow enough to keep Public Spending where it has been recently - let alone allow additional borrowing for the "Levelling Up" investment programme for the North.

Thus, to be with an outside change of having an Economy pay sufficient Tax revenues to cover Public Spending- and for the Markets to let the Government borrow a bit more to invest in Infrastructure- Roads, Railways, Housing, Broadband all need it- the Bank of England will need to print about £1 Trillion and inject it into the real Economy over the next couple of years. But to stop the Money Markets losing faith in Sterling when this is done the Bank of England must buy up £1 Trillion in gold-backed Securities from UK-based Gold Companies and trading platforms. This is not like a return to a rigid Gold Standard, but having something of value behind the new money will forestall a collapse in the value of Sterling whilst the much-needed new money is printed and used to buy Gold Shares and Securities.

The new money would filter into the UK Economy and help prevent a truly calamitous long-term collapse in GDP, then a quick return to Economic growth. This would help support Treasury revenues and -in the process- help retain the full confidence of the Gilt Markets in the British Government's ability to repay its huge debts.

This Programme will be key to being able to keep all those first-time Conservative Voters- Sweet!

4 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - It may just be that vo... · 3 replies · +1 points

I wonder how popular the Conservatives will be by this time next year after Rishi Sunak has to announce Inheritance Tax goes up to 60% on all inheritances over £100,000 and a Land Value Tax of 4% is implemented on all property and land worth over £500,000? This huge amount of borrowing and printing money to keep the Economy going now will have to be paid back from a (likely to stay) smaller UK Economy for several years! Public Spending cuts will be electoral suicide so they will have to go for Tax increases that are the least economically damaging. That said, Foreign Aid and Green subsidies will likely be slashed to help balance the books.

It is likely that by this time next year the Tories will be behind in the Polls as they have to administer some (necessary) fiscal medicine to stop Britain going bust!

4 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Luke Evans: It feels h... · 0 replies · +1 points

Luke Evans, MP is sadly right about Britain needing to be prepared for the Storm, that you hope never arises but Coronavirus- and the measures required to contain it- will necessitate a big amount of Government Spending to stop the Economy collapsing. The aftermath will be much higher Government Debt, possible Inflation caused by a need to print money to help businesses and households -and an Economy that may well remain smaller than in recent years for a decade or longer.

This comes only twelve years after the big Financial Crisis and the attendant Recession- measures were taken to forestall a prolonged Depression by the last Labour Government- and the result was an explosion of Debt that required ten years of painful Austerity to get under control. What will the next Big Crisis be- How do we make sure that Britain has the Fiscal firepower to fight it, to protect businesses and keep Public Services going without bankrupting Britain or risking soaring Inflation?

There needs to be a road-map for making sure Britain is Prepared for the Next Big Crisis- at least Economically. If I were Boris Johnson (when he recovers from the nasty Coronavirus) I would come to realise that not only does Britain need to eliminate the Public Debt over time but that Britain needs to have Savings Put Aside for an Emergency- a Sovereign Wealth Fund like Norway has. The Markets will not allow the Government to print ££100 billions (should it be unable to borrow it having got too much in Debt) without putting downwards pressure on Sterling- this would lead to rampant Inflation.

So to get out of the current crisis we need to get back to some Economic Growth and Britain also needs to pay off the National Debt. There is also a need to support the Economy and foster a rapid recovery after this Coronavirus Lockdown. I would suggest the following:

1) The Bank of England should print £500 billion or more and use that to buy gold-backed securities and shares from UK based platforms/ companies. This will help put money into the UK economy whilst the securities will back up the value of the currency- a kind of Gold Standard to forestall inflation.

2) The British Government will have to implement Wealth Taxes based on "The Rentable Value of Land and Property". Such taxes are less damaging than taxation on Income or VAT but will be unpopular in the Shires. The monies raised would pay for improved Public Services, Investment in Infrastructure and some business rate cuts. To prevent the Public Finances getting out of control "Borrowing for Investment" will no longer be fiscally responsible in the new circumstances the Treasury will find itself in.

3) Luxuries like Foreign Aid and Green subsidies will have to be hacked back. There will likely be a smaller economy and Government spending that does not benefit the UK will have to be reduced. The savings will need to go towards paying down the National Debt.

All of these measures will be vital to ensure that Britain has reserves (or can cheaply access funds) to weather the Next Big Crisis.

4 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Howard Flight: What th... · 0 replies · +1 points

Here in the UK the Bank of England and Boris Johnson's Conservative Government are doing some of the right things to stave off a truly catastrophic economic collapse- deferring VAT payments, self-assessment tax holidays, paying the wages of workers, and making emergency funding available for businesses in the form of special loans. Certainly in view of the demands on the NHS the extra funding provided for it to increase capacity is vital. However, more needs to be done- good businesses teetering on the edge of bankruptcy don't need loans (increasing their debts) they need grants to help keep them solvent and more must be done to help the self-employed and put money into households and businesses.

In the longer term there will be a need to ensure three things:

1) A rapid bounce-back in the Economy
2) Stopping the National Debt getting out of control -so that Credit Rating's Agencies don't downgrade Britain and push up borrowing and debt-servicing costs.
3) Finding money to pay for the big Infrastructure investments and for better Public Services in future.

Given that the Coronavirus Recession (and the measures to mitigate it) will greatly push up the Debt to GDP Ratio it means the Bank of England will have to do much of the heavy-lifting. Printing money to buy Government bonds will risk causing Inflation, but printing money to buy Gold-backed securities means that there is something to back up the value of the new currency. If this is done at the right rate this will ensure the Coronavirus Recession is V-shaped and provided the Economy is not too flooded with money that demand for goods exceeds their supply (also pushing up Inflation) this should allow for some slow but steady growth in the Economy. This will increase Treasury revenues and Interest Rates (and thus borrowing costs) will stay low and enable the Government to Borrow for Investment without seriously spooking the International Markets. Increasing revenues will also enable more money to be spent on Public Services.

4 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Simon Marcus: Coming s... · 0 replies · +1 points

I see that Credit Ratings Agency Fitch has downgraded Britain's credit-worthiness and may do so again. Moody's and Standard and Poor's may well follow suit. The markets (so far) have taken all this in their stride but if all three main international Credit Ratings' Agencies downgrade Britain to one notch above their junk ratings the Markets will demand a higher return... 5% per annum which would push the Interest of Government debt to £125 billlion a year (assuming the National Debt reaches £2.5 trillion).

The only way Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak will be able to continue with their "Levelling Up" agenda and just paying the Interest on the National Debt will be through £150 billion per annum of Tax rises, slashing Foreign Aid, slashing Green subsidies and reducing Quango Budgets by 20%. A huge Land Value Tax on high-value property and land is about the only thing the economy could cope with (extra taxes on Income and consumption of that magnitude will keep Britain in permanent Recession and prove electorally suicidal). Even so, the sort of Land Value Tax that will be needed will mean Boris Johnson has to prepare to take a forty-Seat hit in the wealthy Shires and West London if he is not to take a greater (Election-losing) Hit from betraying the millions of newly Conservative Voters in the rust-belts of Sunderland, Durham, Teesside, South Yorkshire, Humberside, Nottinghamshire and South Wales who have all been promised better Public Services, more investments on roads and railways and no rises to VAT, Income Tax or Fuel Duty!

4 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Red Swan...or Tory lan... · 1 reply · +1 points

Nothing should be taken to chance. Everything- including the kitchen sink should have been thrown at Jeremy Corbyn by the Tories (and it wasn't)- and even now there is material out there that MUST be used to damage Labour's chances of denuding Boris Johnson of a Majority- or worse.

Jeremy Corbyn's past associations with the IRA, Hezbollah; Labour's soft touch toward terrorism is well-known and does not seem to have put off the millions of young Corbynistas. But here's something that might- the closeness of senior Labour figures to Paedophilia. This has been reported in the Press in recent years, but I am surprised that no-one at CCHQ has had the nouse and savvy to have this material as a backstop should Labour close in on the closing days of the Election Campaign. And the signs are there that Labour are indeed closing in- and there's probably an Accrued Poll Hit to the Tories from Boris Johnson's unforced error with that reporter over a sick boy: So EVERY EFFORT must be made to Damage Labour NOW before its too late.

This material is out on the web. There is so much on Labour and the sympathetic touch of many still standing for Labour over protecting Paedophiles. It's all there and -just why- are the Tories not using and sharing this stuff because paedophiles are the very people that 99% of younger people fear and revile with a passion- for themselves and (especially) for their own children. Here are the links:

1 )https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6713005/I-told-Corbyn-bad-things-happened-2-months-child-sex-scandal-exposed.html
2 )https://www.politicalite.com/labour-2/labour-the-paedophile-connection/
3) https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/labour/...

Voters need Warning!

4 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Read the Conservative ... · 0 replies · +1 points


7) A whole list of Labour Councillors and the odd Labour Deputy Mayor convicted of paedophilia (The Labour Party’s Convicted Paedophile List.)

8) While Harriet Harman, Labour Candidate for Camberwell and Peckham (South London) worked as General Secretary the NCCL, the NCCL submitted a document to parliament's Criminal Law Commission in 1976 arguing for the lowering of the age of consent potentially to as young as 10 and for incest to be legalised. This was submitted at a time when Dromey was on the executive and Hewitt was general secretary, and remained the official position when Harman became legal officer two years later in 1978. The document said: "Childhood sexual experiences, willingly engaged in, with an adult result in no identifiable damage." It also said it was "logical" but "not politically possible" that the age of consent be abolished altogether, and said therefore that the age of consent should be lowered to 14 – or 10 "provided it is demonstrated that consent was clearly given by the child". ('We can't prove sex with children does them harm' says Labour-linked NCCL)

9) Twelve Labour Candidates for this election who have some nasty, vile views- one of them saying The Queen is the biggest welfare scrounger (Labour in crisis as 12 wannabe MPs engulfed in controversy in 24 hours)

10) John McDonnell, Jeremy Corbyn's potential Chancellor of the Exchequer has some very nasty violent tendencies. Threatening to kill a female Conservative Minister should debar one from high office (John McDonnell's lynching remark could have led to murder, claims Jacob Rees-Mogg) and this (John McDonnell jokes that he would have liked to have assassinated Thatcher). No man who makes threats to kill should get anywhere near power, but if (as is possible) Labour get to form a government after 12th December John McDonnell will be Chancellor of the Exchequer!

11) And this about Jeremy Corbyn is food for throught too (IS JEREMY CORBYN A PAEDOPHILE?)!

12) And Jeremy Corbyn himself publicly slammed BBC over Israel's very right to exist as recently as 2011 (see here: Corbyn says 'BBC is biased towards saying Israel has a right to exist'). This man could become Prime Minister.

13) Labour run authorities failed to act against some of the worst child- sex grooming situations in Britain in the last few years - because the perpetrators were Muslim and Labour does not want to be seen as "anti-Muslim" (i.e. Telford, when they still had a Labour MP just before 2015, ditto Rotherham) (1,000 girls raped, beaten and some even KILLED in UK's 'worst ever' Muslim grooming scandal)

14) Naz Shah, Labour MP for Rotherham in 2017 retweeted a post telling victims of child molestation and rape to shut up for the sake of "diversity". (https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/4358394/labour-mp-rotherham-abuse-tweet-petition/)

Links all in Parenthesis. SHARE!

4 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Read the Conservative ... · 0 replies · +1 points

The Tories might yet lose this Election- but there is one way to make very sure that Labour don't get into power. They are extremely vile and if enough people shared this with friends and family- and they were urged to share this LABOUR DOSSIER- particularly in the Marginals we can stop Jeremy Corbyn in his tracks. THE DOSSIER:


1) Labour Party Councillors prosecuted for child pornography and child sex offences (see here: labour25 )

2) Jeremy Corbyn did NOTHING to stop wicked paedophiles abusing children in the early 1990's in his North London Constituency (Jeremy Corbyn 'did nothing' after being told of paedos in his borough) and here (Corbyn’s silence over child abuse in Islington is typical of how he picks and chooses his causes « Labour Uncut). Jeremy Corbyn also seems to have had a soft spot for one paedophile (Homeless man mourned by Jeremy Corbyn was paedophile illegal immigrant who died from Spice overdose).

3) Jeremy Corbyn and Diane Abbott pressed for an amendment to the Crime (Overseas Protection) Bill that would make it harder for other countries to get vital evidence in relation to British paedophilia from Tech giants (‘LOONY LEFT!’ Corbyn and Abbott accused of putting politics before paedophilia victims)

4) Tom O'Carroll former Chairman of the 1970's Paedophile Information Exchange allowed to join the Labour Party in 2016. He was jailed for distributing indecent images of children in 2006 (Fury as paedophile campaigner is allowed to join Labour party)

5) Harriet Harman, the Labour Candidate for Camberwell and Peckham (South London) was a legal officer ran the pro liberation group NCCL from 1978 to 1982. The NCCL had close links with the paedophile Information Exchange and when Tom O'Carroll headed up the PIE (Harriet Harman rejects claims from paedophile campaigner Tom O'Carroll). See also (Harriet Harman admits paedophile group joined her civil liberties group in the 1970s).

6) Labour Candidate for Rhodda (South Wales) Chris Bryant and his Agent, Mr Stephen Carnell: Mr Carnell is jailed for collecting 12,000 pictures of ‘the most serious child pornography police have seen’ -while his boss Chris Bryant poses in his pants on the Internet to advertise himself for casual gay sex encounters. Describes himself as “Horny as bu**ery” and says, “I’d love a good long f**k”. (A List of Members of Parliament convicted of sex offences). Did Mr Bryant know about Mr Carnell's predilections for children?


4 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Read the Conservative ... · 1 reply · +1 points

While Harriet Harman, Labour Candidate for Camberwell and Peckham (South London) worked as General Secretary the NCCL, the NCCL submitted a document to parliament's Criminal Law Commission in 1976 arguing for the lowering of the age of consent potentially to as young as 10 and for incest to be legalised. This was submitted at a time when Dromey was on the executive and Hewitt was general secretary, and remained the official position when Harman became legal officer two years later in 1978. The document said: "Childhood sexual experiences, willingly engaged in, with an adult result in no identifiable damage." It also said it was "logical" but "not politically possible" that the age of consent be abolished altogether, and said therefore that the age of consent should be lowered to 14 – or 10 "provided it is demonstrated that consent was clearly given by the child". LINK ('We can't prove sex with children does them harm' says Labour-linked NCCL)

Pity the poor folk of Peckham, South London. Many of the young Corbynistas have NO IDEA what their prospective Labour MP got up to (and approved of) in the days before any of them were even born! An organisation which she ran suggested lowering the age of consent to ten and said that "Child Sex need not be harmful". Would Harriet Harman like the adoring Corbyn-supporters of today to know about this? One suspects not!!