


91 comments posted · 12 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ Halolz - MEET THE BLU TEAM · 5 replies · +2 points

Pyro rushes aren't as fun cause other Pyros can't stay on fire. D:

Scout rushes are just hilarious. The sound of WOOHOOBONKHOODISPENSAHEABOINK will become a trigger of fear in your mind after your first defeat at the hands of a Scoutrushing team.

Soldier rushes are a cakewalk if you have at least two Demomen or Pyros on your team who know what the fuck they're doing (As rare as that is. You think W-M1 Pyros are annoying? Try W-M1 Grenade Demomen).

And Medic rushes are just weird. You'd think a team full of people not attacking you as hard and just healing eachother wouldn't be a threat, and it isn't in CTF, but in CP and Payload, they become an auto-healing reinforced concrete wall. A team of 10 Medics takes all of two Heavys' ammo to clear out, and that's if their aim is good.

Heavy rushes... Just a one-word summary: WHRRRRRRRRRRRATATATATATATATATATA

14 years ago @ Halolz - MEET THE BLU TEAM · 0 replies · 0 points

Spy rushes ftw. I remember once on the nomnomnom.us server everyone on BLU rolled Spy and disguised as RED Snipers and when the gates opened, the RED Sniper that WAS there was greeted by a team's worth of himself. Ahh good times. We won too.


14 years ago @ Halolz - [VIDEO] StarFox iPod C... · 2 replies · +1 points

*Apple name

The main reason why I like the Touch is games anyway. Assassin's Creed, Resident Evil 4, Brothers in Arms, Need for Speed Undercover, and even casual stuff like the simple Bejeweled or Peggle, and the fact that you can play your music while playing any of those games makes the premise even more appealing. Let me tell you, nothing like playing Resident Evil with the Tank theme from L4D blasting in your ears, or setting the last race of NFSU to Pendulum's Propane Nightmares. Sweet stuff. That and the fact that it might be getting even more big name games, and even Valve hinting at the possibility of making a game or two for it (anyone remember that oddly good-looking version of Portal being played on an iPhone? That's Valve's).

As for TF2, I usually go by the name of Mentlegen or Papa Capp or something of the sort. I frequent the nomnomnom server, but I head elsewhere occasionally, like the ubercharged.net server.

14 years ago @ Halolz - [VIDEO] StarFox iPod C... · 2 replies · +2 points

Funny, cause I have an iPod because I like iPods, not because I want to be popular. That's like saying someone who bought a BMW Z3 just got it to score chicks. That's the case MOST of the time, but for some they just honestly like the product, and for me and the iPod Touch, its features (music, video, pictures, web, email, REAL 3D games and not that Mode7 bullshit others offer, ect...) well outweigh the issue of its cost, which wasn't a big issue to begin with. Besides, for what they are, Zunes ARE overpriced. You're getting the Microsoft name and uh... That's just about it. Other than that, they're average PMPs that can be easily replaced by something much better and cheaper like a Creative Zen V+.

And yes you have seen me on TF2. I was probably that Spy who facestabbed you just a second or so out of the resupply in Well. Although I could be mistaken.

14 years ago @ Halolz - [VIDEO] StarFox iPod C... · 2 replies · +1 points

Which was? The hating furries part, the getting raped by a dog part, or the not neutering his dog part?

14 years ago @ Halolz - [VIDEO] StarFox iPod C... · 3 replies · +2 points

The talking reggae Wii is right, wait it out. It'll also come with All-Range Mode and the ability to mute only Slippy.

I think that alone is worth the wait.

14 years ago @ Halolz - [VIDEO] StarFox iPod C... · 2 replies · +1 points

That video is awesome. I submitted that to Shawn a long time ago, it's a wonder he hasn't posted it yet.

But just judging from most of their stuff, I can at least scientifically say this:

Nico Nico [Douga] = Video games ÷ Memes - Art + Music x Awesome

14 years ago @ Halolz - [VIDEO] StarFox iPod C... · 3 replies · +1 points

Huh, you're an odd one then.

Most are pro-iPod for some odd reason. = /

14 years ago @ Halolz - [VIDEO] StarFox iPod C... · 2 replies · +1 points

Shoulda had Spot neutered when he had the chance. Oh well.

14 years ago @ Halolz - [VIDEO] StarFox iPod C... · 2 replies · +1 points

Yeah, it's a spin on the old Shuffle commercial, and although the wording literally translates to "live the random", that's close enough. :P