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13 years ago @ Big Government - Is The Right Wing Blog... · 0 replies · +2 points

Lee, we all have to pick our battles. Pigford isn't going away. Although it isn't complicated, it is foreign to the main stream. There are details of what led to this that are unknown. In other words, there is background that has to be disseminated before the corruption can be fully understood. Secondly, I echo other commentators that have mentioned race and the easily flung shouts of racism and bigotry that we automatically get if the subject of investigation is a black person, or for that matter, a non-white. We know it isn't true, but we are learning to pick our battles.

Cries of racism will never stop from the Left, it is their knee-jerk reaction to any suggestion that a non-white has done something wrong. It won't stop Conservatives for calling out wrongs, mostly because we are learning to ignore the habitual use of the word racism. Pigford isn't going away.

15 years ago @ Big Hollywood - I Didn't Quit Drinking... · 1 reply · +1 points

24 years. Got sober in Texas and moved to Los Angeles after 19 years. Good grief, what a change. People in meetings just assume everyone is a liberal who hates Bush and Bill O'Reilly. It was a bit of a shocker, but I moved from a Red State to a Blue State so I shouldn't be that surprised.

But your observation is right on the money: they embrace the AA principles and customs because they are taught to do so... just as they hate Republicans because they are taught to do so. In my conversations out here, if I bring up a topic, and I don't attach it to politics, most everyone agrees and takes the conservative position. Great column, it made me really think about the last 5 year years in L.A. A.A.

15 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Garofalo Still Angry W... · 0 replies · +8 points

Hi, I'm a Liberal Democrat,
I think I am better than the average person for no reason whatsoever. I believe in tolerance and think the world would be perfect if everyone just listened to me repeat what I've been told to believe. I believe you are a racist, but I also believe that minorities are not capable of anything without my help (by "my help" I mean the Government). I believe that blindly following brilliant people like Pelosi and Reid and THE ANOINTED ONE... I mean President Obama, is the only way to help all of you average, stupid bumpkins realize you are too stupid to live your life without help (by "help" I mean Government). I am smart. You are a stupid, racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted, xenophobic, intolerant, uneducated waste of space. (Unless you agree with me, then you're cool). That's why I blindly follow the Democratic Party. They make me feel like I am smarter than you, and I would rather feel smarter, than actually look at facts. That's a waste of time... who has time to read the bill?

15 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Pageant RELEASES Tople... · 1 reply · +1 points

If you are pro same sex marriage, you can pose topless. That's in the rules, I think.

15 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Obama as Joker: Select... · 2 replies · +4 points

This is cut and pasted on many of the Big Hollywood posts today. If anyone believes that drivel I have moved beyond contempt to downright pity.

If he was in high school, after a while I would probably go sit with him in the cafeteria... THAT kind of pity.

15 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Obama as Joker: Select... · 1 reply · +3 points

How long will they fall back on racism when they can't defend Obama? How long before he is not a black President, but THE President of the United States.

Obama's race is turning out to be a quite convenient diversion when they want it to be. Like Garafolo says: it's just racism, straight up.

I sense a tipping point approaching.

15 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Today's Chapter of 'Th... · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm glad Garofalo is famous. It's people like her that will continue to let people in the middle see how hateful people on the Left can be. The nutjobs will always feel empowered by her opinions, big deal. It's the people in the middle that could start to see how the Left really does hate, really are bigots, really are intolerant and are just sad, unhappy people.

She is the perfect spokesperson for the "hope and change" crowd. Contrast her hateful rant against anything that the Left labels as 'hate' from Rush. A second-grader could see which one was hateful.

More Garofalo please!

15 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Lonewolf Diaries: Arre... · 1 reply · +2 points

Yep. Most of my comments are as pithy as possible. But I got passionate. Trouble.

Breathing regularly now, thanks.

15 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Lonewolf Diaries: Arre... · 3 replies · +3 points

I just erased about 6 paragraphs of reply and reaction when I hit a wall and finally thought, "I give up, what's the use."

15 years ago @ Big Hollywood - What About the 'R-Word'? · 0 replies · +2 points

I worked in an office where one of the black employees thought I looked similar to an infamous person that was a racist. It wasn't long before he perpetuated his thesis and soon had the other black employees against me. I was so appalled when they all "confronted me" one day screaming in my face "What's your problem"? Of course I had no problem at all. It was all manufactured by one fellow employee.

I was shocked and speechless. They were now convinced, based on looks alone, that I was a racist and hated black people. Nothing could be farther from the truth, but I remember the hate in their eyes. My stunned state soon turned to anger, and then pity. Two of the three were fired that day for the scene they caused at the workplace. The third employee eventually was ready to hear my side of the story and felt somewhat duped by his fellow black coworkers.

My point is that racial profiling is not a one way street, The Henry Gates outburst is a perfect example.