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10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Give gays our freedom ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I empathize with you. I am aware of cases where grown men take advantage of street children. I am also aware from the report of a former British officer stationed in the Caribbean, who stated in his years of service investigating homicides involving homosexuals the majority of such cases were found to be homosexuals perpetrating violence against themselves (others of same sexual orientation). The Profile associated with those cases were particularly heinous in terms of purposefulness of abuse meted to whatever was left of the victim. For whatever reason, jealousy or other the intensity of emotion with predisposition for violence seem to far exceed hat of heterosexuals. In terms of a higher risk pre-disposition common-sense alone indicates that the toxic environment through which human waste is disposed would only multiply potential ill health if its function is abused. irrefutable facts via the medical fraternity only serve to underscore the fact that any such behaviour can never be healthy. If laws are created to facilitate the well-being of society, homosexual behaviour/practice should never be afforded the opportunity of being accepted by any government.

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Give gays our freedom ... · 0 replies · -3 points

Here is a compromise solution; ask for a legal "reserve" or enclave, or better yet collect contributions from your membership to buy land and develop your own Gated enclave and then ask government for licence to be"free" with each other whilst within those bounds. Rest of Heterosexuals could not care less what you do in a bounded environment with each other as heterosexuals are not particularly interested in a homosexual life-style. This way you will not impose yourselves on heterosexuals as such action would be illegal outside your legal enclave. And once within your enclave, you are sure who is whom as per sexual preference so you need not be apprehensive about approaching whomever you find appealing in that environment.
Granted you would have to Register your membership with the Ministry of national security and also ensure that Non-members are not allowed within your "Legal" enclave. Should any non-member by whatever means appear within your enclave and as a result subject to behaviour that is not normally lawful outside of that "Legal" confined enclave then the law will side on protecting such an (unregistered) individual as if same act was perpetrated outside legal jurisdiction of that enclave.
ONLY members of your alliance, above 20 years of age should be allowed within "Legal" enclave to prevent potential for children to be subject to the life-style practices of your sexual orientation.

One legal hurdle you may have is that Law is never created to arbitrarily to permit high risk behaviour as it pertains to health and well-being of individuals subject to the Law. In such cases special safeguards enshrined in law will have to be accommodated. Given that there exists Irrefutable evidence (Ask Medical association President of Trinidad and Tobago if you do not believe me) that Risk of Contracting HIV/AIDS is higher with individuals engaging in homosexual activity (Male sex with males, MSM) than with heterosexuals - perhaps prior to engaging in gay relationship an legal document surrendering right to legal action in case of transmission or reception of STDs between interested parties needs proper consideration.

The alternative is that you could reach out to LGBT groups overseas and see if they could lobby their Gov't to provide citizenship for you in a country who's Laws provide for the type of "freedoms" that you like.

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Give gays our freedom ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Here is why you need to ask the Express to remove your letter instead of my comments - it is not well framed for anyone (inclusive of PM) reading it, to be inclined to have any empathy for the LGBT Alliance, Trinidad -

Your statistics lack proper reference. What are the percentage of heterosexuals to percentage of homosexuals in society? Of the proportion of heterosexuals, what percent commit sexual abuse or molestation. Of the proportion of Homosexuals, what percent commit sexual abuse or molestation? Of the proportion of homosexual what percentage are physically abused or murdered by homosexuals as converse to heterosexuals. What is the basis of and under what conditions was the statistical data collected, what is the basis of integrity of the data collected and what margin of error (level of accuracy) can be expected in the data due to conditions under which its collection and assimilation took place?

Why would Gays need to turn a "blind eye" in voting for the PM and her political party unless you are suggesting you generally felt she did not deserve your support, but feeling self-serving and not concerned for the well-being of the wider population you voted for her none-the-less? How does the PM really know you voted for her other than your political lip-service and veiled threat not to vote for her (Betrayal) in future if your needs are not met with by her? Isn't it a kind of mercenary practice to vote with a "blind eye" (for someone you otherwise would not approve of) and what confidence can the PM have if your attitude is such toward the country's greater good? Would you give support to a coup if it benefited your personal objectives, by turning a "blind eye"? you seem to be revealing a certain type of character to the PM in your letter and at the same time indicating a certain negative light within which the "LGBT Alliance" views the character of the PM.

Given by your suggestion, we can agree that the PM was democratically elected, then you should understand the the PM exists as Chief servant of the Citizens of The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, and any change to Laws should properly originate from a Referendum by the same Citizen population. To be lobbying the PM with also veiled threat of not voting for her (law changed potentially by a PM/cabinet under duress), you seem to want to obtain your desire under conditions no different from the Section 34 scandal. OF course having travelled that route. before the PM is unlikely to add that to her list of accomplishments. Going behind the country's back to get your own way would not be appreciated by the general public.

If anything, your letter above has strengthened the resolve of wider society to be wary of your LGBT Alliance's objectives but at the same time to ensure your desire to be "Free" (however defined above and beyond that of the freedom of others in society) should with the highest priority, be ignored.

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Give gays our freedom ... · 0 replies · +3 points

Your statistics lack proper reference. what are the percentage of heterosexuals to percentage of homosexuals in society?
Of the population of heterosexuals what percent is recorded committing sexual abuse or molestation? Of the population of homosexuals what percent is recorded committing sexual abuse or molestation? What level of accuracy and integrity is attributed to these statistics under conditions which data was obtained?
Add to your statistics - What percentage of physical abuse or murder of homosexuals are attributed to homosexuals exclusively as converse to Heterosexuals?

Why would Gays turn a "blind" eye to vote, unless by your suggestion; voting for the PM and her political movement required "turning a blind eye"? And this being so, for whom else would you stoop to corrupt practice in turning a "blind" eye to cast a vote when it seems convenient to you? (not necessarily the country). Isn't such the character of a mercenary and one whom would betray at the drop of a hat (one whom not even the PM should trust)? The PM has no proof you voted for her but your political lip-service and veiled, issued threat of not voting (Betraying) for her if you do not get your own way?

Time is running out for whom? Whether the PM wins next election or not, Life goes on, and if she resigns, she has a PM's pension. Time is really running out for you.

The only thing factual you suggested was that the PM is supposed to represent all the citizens of The Republic Trinidad and Tobago. But then a Democracy exists and only the people of the country can decide via referendum what is best for themselves and their loved ones. It is the people of the country that determine what is best for them, not the PM. The PM is but Chief servant.
Is the LGBT Alliance, Trinidad; Trying to lobby the Chief Servant to act possibly contrary to the will/best interest of the Population, that the Chief Servant exists Democratically appointed to serve?

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Backward step in fight... · 0 replies · +1 points

"Summary of the Issue

Professor Brendan Bain is a retired UWI professor and world renowned expert on the research, treatment, and public policy related to HIV/AIDS. After a career of service for over 25 years, Bain was fired by the Vice Chancellor as head of C.H.A.R.T, the CARICOM response entity for HIV/AIDS across the region with one year remaining on his contract.
He was wrongfully dismissed on the basis of an Expert Report he submitted to the Belizean High Court, after certain interest groups falsely claimed that he made legal recommendations concerning the buggery laws in Belize. However he did not make any recommendations concerning the buggery laws. His report only detailed medical research on the HIV/AIDS risk which is not in dispute. Specifically, he pointed out objective fact that "there was higher relative risk of contracting HIV by men who have sex with men in Belize". This fact has been acknowledged by all international health organisations and interest groups and is the basis for the increased allocation of resources to stem the spread of HIV amongst men who have sex with men. He was unfairly dismissed because of the political motives of a few interest groups, and objective scientific study and research has been suppressed because of the unwillingness of the Vice Chancellor to act in the interests of the wider public and citizen stakeholders.

Protests have begun at the University of the West Indies by medical professionals, students, researchers, lecturers and other citizen stakeholders who are deeply concerned about the threat to academic integrity at the University of the West Indies, and a fear that the UWI and C.H.A.R.T. programme will cater only to the limited interests of a few outspoken groups rather than the wider public and all citizen stakeholders."
Source and to sign petition -

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Appalling failure by t... · 0 replies · +6 points

"Pink Panther" Movie, Inspector elevated to Acting CoP. "Art reflects Life (The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago's current reality)"

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Appalling failure by t... · 1 reply · +26 points

"Williams had said: “There were a lot of statements and utterances made by Mr Bassant which have been very irresponsible on his part on things which are incorrect, which I know as a fact are incorrect, which I can just put in the public domain, based on the office I hold and the access to information I have. And some of that, I believe, may have triggered the issue of a threat being made against Mr Mark Bassant.”" - Express

According to the above- Isn't the Acting CoP condoning gangsterism in the Police force by trying to give justification, in the above context, for threat against the journalist's life?

"..."And some of ... that, ... I ... believe, may have triggered the issue of a threat being made against Mr Mark Bassant.""

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Coolie Woman | Trinida... · 0 replies · -2 points

Read the book and you will notice that the "D" word in true form back then never referred to mixed race, but those who left for the New world and hence "Broke Caste". An it did not matter whether you were from Brahmin lineage or not, Once you chose to depart, leaving all behind you were classified with "D" word (effectively seen as illegitimate in respect of your ancestry.

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Rumours of war, weapon... · 0 replies · +5 points

Someone wants to return to power real bad by using fear tactics....recall the alleged threat reported during the SOE...most recently the stirring of news about a coup. Those vehicles ordered by MONS seem to be props for an apparent show, closer to election time.
The real coup is if this political movement returns to power after next general election.
This Gov't have a bad habit of crying Wolf every now and again to gain Political sympathy.

Is the Minister planning to cut down a whole neighbourhood next time domestic violence is reported, using the new Equipment? Is the Minister planning a New branch of the security services to handle Armoured Courier Delivery?

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Stop the beach bike &l... · 0 replies · 0 points

A certain frontage on the beach/shoreline adjacent to the ocean/sea cannot be considered Private property , but accessible for use by all citizens of the country. It is effectively deemed part of the waterline ( and no one can claim property past that point into the water. Some areas may be designated as "Protected" for Environmental or other reasons, for which restrictions would most definitely apply.
Licence are usually granted based upon conformance to certain regulations in practice.