The Church of England has been hijacked by liberals and the far-left, in accordance with the teachings of Antonio Gramsci. There's no mystery as to why the C of E behaves the way it does. The real mystery is why the majority of the public put up with the current imposters and the politically-correct yes men currently masquarading as clergy!
Breaking News: Mr T. Pot in hot water for calling A. Kettle black!
Just Google 'Transnational Progressivism' to understand this madness!
Mass immigration, higher crime rates, political correctness, collapsing services and infrastructure, and a host of other ills are all symptons of rampant globalism. The quicker the patriotic MEPs of all European nations get together to smash globalisation to smithereens the better!
This little piggy went to Harrods,
This little piggy stayed at one of his three homes,
This little piggy had pan fried sea bass with rosti potato, spinach, poached fennel and saffron dressing,
This little piggy had none (he couldn't eat another thing).
And this little piggy went...
"Wee wee wee" all the way to the bank...
I've posted a few times on how good it is for us when rags such as this 'demand' that their readership doesn't vote for the BNP, as the Brits will just spite them. But maybe the M.E.N. was just trying to boost sales. I mean, the front-page splash, as displayed at the top of this article, is really eye-catching due to the presence of our logo. If I'd seen that front-cover on the news-stand I'd have certainly bought a copy just to see what it was about. As Richard Littlejohn said, "If the BNP didn't exist, then the press would have to invent them". Despite all their rantings, the press really love the fact that the BNP thrives - it sells them no end of papers!
Millions more taxpayer pounds to be wasted on another whitewash farce just so Gordon Brown can claim that the government has been 'exonerated' by an official 'enquiry'. Not that any of them are ever impartial. They appoint 'yes men' to head them up, and set the parameters for all enquiries. The only time these enquiries are ever 'damning' of the government or institutions is when the government itself is desperate to change something, as with the Macpherson report, and then uses the 'evidence' in these reports as justification to impose swingeing cuts and changes, which the government desired in the first place. It's all complete claptrap!
All the LibLabCon merchants were spewing out the 'need to reconnect with the voters' following our victory. I hope new readers will not be fooled. One of the tools used across Europe to rid people of nationalistic sentiment is the ideology known as Transnational Progressivism (TP). The aim of TP is to identify 'dominant' and 'oppressed' groups in each country, and then favour the oppressed groups - in this case the ethnic minorities who have been allowed in for this very purpose! Therefore Frenchmen, Englishmen, Germans etc. are treated as having less rights than ethnic groups (positive discrimination). In this way the indigenous peoples will feel disenfranchised in their own homelands, and therefore feel less patriotic. This will ease the way for all nations to be subsumed into the EU, and then into the one world government (globalisation). The whole purpose of TP is precisely to 'disconnect' from the majority of their respective electorates. So when they talk of reconnecting, know that it is just that, talk!