


53 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Breaking Down \"The So... · 0 replies · +2 points

Blah blah blah... it's still all fan speculation. As far as the show is concerned, Sombra isn't anything more than what he was 'shown' to be.

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Season 4 Twitter Tease · 0 replies · +2 points

Yeaaaah... not buying it. Sorry, but she's done this before, and I have yet to be wowed as much as she claims I should be, or seems to expect me to be. Besides, I've never really watched the show for 'teh awesomes!'.

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Equestria Girls - Disc... · 2 replies · +1 points

13: If friendship is supposedly so strong that it crosses dimensional boundaries... why hasn't the alleged human Twilight clone mentioned in the film already become good friends with the other five? Obviously she's not /nearly/ as special as our own pony Twilight counterpart. Shouldn't she already be in Celestia's school? Shouldn't she be /aware/ that 'she' was running for the 'prom'. Where /was/ she the entire time, anyway?

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Movie Followup: \"Eque... · 2 replies · +3 points

That's just it though. My usual repertoire is Family Entertainment. I don't necessarily LIKE overly adult films. In fact, for the most part, I tend to avoid them.

This wasn't family entertainment. Season 1 was family entertainment. This was... teenaged girl entertainment. Family Entertainment usually has something for all ages. I didn't feel this had anything to offer anyone outside of the target demographic, and in a very blatant way.

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Movie Followup: \"Eque... · 12 replies · +28 points

For me... this movie pretty much cinched why I'm so worried about the future of the series.

I tried to watch it. Really I did. I have my own issues with the whole idea. And I'm not as in love about all the character references, because I don't really CARE about character references. Derpy, Octavia, Vinyl... they mean nothing to me. Even my interest in Trixie starts and stops at the part where she acts as a foil to Twilight in Boast Busters. That's it. So what does that leave? The reason I so love the series has always been the interaction of the main six. But this movie, unfortunately, doesn't add anything new to that interaction. There's not even any equality about it, as Twilight, in her increasingly important role as 'princess' moves more and more towards front and center. I thought the whole point of Season 2 was to take her OUT of that role? But then season 3 happened.

Still, apparently the only way they can maintain that friendship is at all relevant to this series is to put the 'main' character in a situation where she has to do it all over again... and from what I understand, most of that was re-hashed from the series proper anyway.

But no... there was something else that bothered me. Something I couldn't put my hands on. I am not a rabid brony, but I had no qualms about watching the show in the middle of a common room of an all-male dormitory. Anyone who asked me if I knew about or liked the show would get an honest, unapologetic answer from me, and if they asked why, I would gladly tell them.

But as I sat down to watch this show... I simply couldn't do it. In ways that the first and second seasons never did, this movie reminded me all too readily that I was watching a show targeted at pre-teen girls, and I felt ASHAMED to be in that crowd.

I walked out. It was too uncomfortable. I can't put my finger on it, but I simply could not stand to be in that theater. It was painful.

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Discussion: Did The Se... · 0 replies · +1 points

This... unfortunately, makes sense, and is probably going to be the reason for Twilight entering the mirror alone. Everything in the human world happened so fast, that the next pony in line didn't even have time to enter the mirror.

Which would just make me scream, honestly.

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Discussion: Did The Se... · 2 replies · +1 points

Seriously. It's like Hasbro told DHX 'You have to mention that Twilight is a Princess at LEAST [this many] times during the course of the show. We still need to sell those princess toys, too!

Word is that Mr. Jockstrap calls her 'his little Princess' as well.

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Discussion: Did The Se... · 0 replies · +1 points

Seriously... a land that even Celestia knows so little about... and there's a portal to it just... sitting there, in the open?

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Discussion: Did The Se... · 1 reply · +2 points

I would go so far as to say that Season 3 was already showing complete signs of Twilight taking over. Of the 13 episodes, only 4 of them had any focus on the other main six: "Too Many Pinkie Pies" "Wonderbolt Academy" "Apple Family Reunion" and "Keep Calm and Flutter On" And none of those four prominently features any of the OTHER main six, except for Twilight in Too Many Pinkie Pies. Oh, and she conveniently solves the problem.

"Wonderbolt Academy" Only had the side gags of Pinkie missing Dash and of the other five being in danger so Dash could save them, otherwise Spitfire and Lightning Dust stole the show.

"Apple Family Reunion" focused more on Apple Bloom and Babs Seed than Applejack, really, and the other five had only one appearance each.

"Keep Calm and Flutter On" was completely stolen by Discord, and the other five outside of Fluttershy proved no help whatsoever.

Of the other NINE episodes, Spike and the CMC each got two of them, leaving five of those episodes to focus mainly on Twilight. Twilight may have always been the 'main character' but the relevance of her friends has been devolving since A Canterlot Wedding. The only reason that her friends didn't follow her into the mirror is likely so that they can have Twilight learning how to make friends all over again. True friends who have been on great adventures would never let her go through that portal alone. They didn't let her face Nightmare Moon alone, and they barely knew each other then!

My greatest fear about all this is that FiM is quickly becoming "The Twilight Sparkle (and friends) Show!" and personally... that would suck.

That, and I also fear that every episode is going to feature all of Equestria in prominent danger. There's only so many times you can do that before it becomes boring, and with EqG, that'll make time number 5 in three seasons and a movie. I don't know if even Dr. Who puts the Earth at stake that often.

So, yes... I am very worried about Season 4, and this 'movie' is doing nothing to assuage those fears.

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Discussion: Did The Se... · 0 replies · +2 points

That last one makes me laugh. Honestly? I have never watched one of Faust's shows before this one. I wasn't really interested, but something special happened with this show. And maybe it wasn't just her, but I have a feeling she was a major part of it, because ever since she left, the show is steadily headed back into the realm of typical childish girly shows. Shows that, once more, I have no interest in. I'm sad to see it go that route, but for me, this show was never about the adventure, about saving Equestria, or about the lore. It was about the relationships, and that seems to be taking second fiddle to the franchise these days.

The show was smart, and it had a purpose. That's why I liked it. This is not smart. This is barely entertaining, and even that has yet to be seen.