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13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Wikileaks Proves Ameri... · 0 replies · +2 points

Did you know that America can create 10 Million good paying Jobs almost overnight by Pulling out of NAFTA and WTO right now?

But, none of these American Politicians who are in the pocket of the CFR-PARTY Globalists will ever let that happen for sure.

Here is my Job creation Computations:

“Based on the U.S.Department of Commerce estimates that 22,800 jobs are created for every $1 billion in merchandise produced for Import or Export.” Go to this location to check.

Total USA Imports in 2006:
$ 2,211.7 billion ---- (Total Import number including all Oil Imports)
$ 309.4 billion less - (minus amount spent on Imported Crude Oil)
$ 1,902.3 billion X 22,800=43.37 million jobs lost from Imports. ==================================================

Total USA Exports in 2006:
$ 1,451.7 Billion X 22,800=33.10 million jobs created from Exports.

If USA Pulls out of NAFTA and WTO right now:

USA could possibly lose 33.10 million Jobs from EXPORTS.

However, I am sure many countries will still import items from the USA because they will be forced to do so. That would of course create even more jobs gained than I have estimated.

USA would absolutely gain 43.37 million Jobs by closing the doors to International IMPORTS from China, India and Japan.

So, 43.37 minus 33.10 = 10.27 million NET JOBS GAIN.

My calculation means ABSOLUTELY 10.27 million Jobs gained if the rest of the world did not buy one single penny of USA EXPORTS.

SO MOTE IT BE. . . . .
BY: Harry Dingey

13 years ago @ Big Government - Dems Gone Wild: 'F*%k ... · 0 replies · 0 points

Did you know that every Central Bank of every Industrial country in the World is a Private Banking System owned and controlled by the Super Wealthy Rothschild Banking Family?

Did you know the Rothschild Family is said to be worth Twenty-five Trillion Dollars?

Did you know if every living person on earth was to give you $3,676 in cash money, you would be about as rich as the Rothschild Banking Family.

Are you starting to understand how these Politicians are bankrupting America and destroying the American middle class?

If you do not listen to what I am saying, then you deserve to sleep in the street because that is exactly where you and your entire family is going to end up very soon.

I retired after working thirty years as an Industrial Engineer at Rockwell International in Newark, Ohio. So, please trust me, these are Real International Trade numbers to back up everything I am saying.

Did you know that America can create 10 Million good paying Jobs almost overnight by Pulling out of NAFTA and WTO right now? But, none of these American Politicians will ever let that happen.

Here is my Job creation Computations:

“Based on the U.S.Department of Commerce estimates that 22,800 jobs are created for every $1 billion in merchandise produced for Import or Export.” Go to this location to check.

Total USA Imports in 2006:
$ 2,211.7 billion ---- (Total Import number including all Oil Imports)
$ 309.4 billion less - (minus amount spent on Imported Crude Oil)
$ 1,902.3 billion X 22,800=43.37 million jobs lost from Imports. ==================================================

Total USA Exports in 2006:
$ 1,451.7 Billion X 22,800=33.10 million jobs created from Exports.

If USA Pulls out of NAFTA and WTO right now:

USA could possibly lose 33.10 million Jobs from EXPORTS.

However, I am sure many countries will still import items from the USA because they will be forced to do so. That would of course create even more jobs gained than I have estimated.

USA would absolutely gain 43.37 million Jobs by closing the doors to International IMPORTS from China, India and Japan.

So, 43.37 minus 33.10 = 10.27 million NET JOBS GAIN.

My calculation means ABSOLUTELY 10.27 million Jobs gained if the rest of the world did not buy one single penny of USA EXPORTS.

SO MOTE IT BE. . . . .
BY: Harry Dingey

13 years ago @ Big Government - Dems Gone Wild: 'F*%k ... · 2 replies · -3 points

Sssssh.. Obama and the Democrats and Republicans do not want you to know this because they are all paid Globalists who care more about sending your JOB off shore to China to increase profits for International Bankers and Manufacturing Companies than American Workers who voted them into office.

You have the best President and Congress that MONEY CAN BUY, because all the leading candidates of both parties are bought and paid for by the CFR-PARTY before the first ballet is ever cast by the people.

The CFR-PARTY is controlled by the Rothschild Banking Family consists of card-carrying members that run and control all the International Banks, Manufacturing Companies and all the major means of communication all over the world.

Did you know that every American President since Woodrow Wilson elected in 1913 has been a card carrying member of CFR-PARTY?

After Woodrow Wilson was elected President of America, one of the first acts he did was to establish the Federal Reserve Banking System (A Private Banking Company) in American in 1913 to repay the Wealthy Rothschild Family for financing his run for President.

Did you know that this private central bank called the Federal Reserve Bank regulates the amount of money the US government is allowed to borrow and put into circulation?

Did you also know like any bank, the America Government must also pay the Federal Reserve Bank interest on all this borrowed money? Of course in the final analysis the American people are totally responsible for the total National Debt they tie around our neck plus interest.

Talk about a SWEETHEART deal. This is like your accountant charging you interest on every check you write on your own checking account. Only the American Congress could think up such a damn stupid deal like this. The Federal Reserve for many years has refused to tell the Congress where all this money goes or who gets this money.

Ron Paul has been trying for many years to get a bill before Congress to audit the Federal Reserve Bank to see where in the hell all of this money they print up goes.

A few months ago Ron Paul finally got his bill and the House of Representatives passed the bill and sent it to the Senate. Would you believe this bill failed in the Senate?

On December 1, 2010 we learned the Federal Reserve spent a “Large Chunk of the Bailout Money to bail out all the other Rothschild Family Banks all over the World”.

Do you understand what I just said? The Federal Reserve has a complete POWER of Attorney over the America people money and the congress lets them do anything they want do.

The Federal Reserve is answerable to no one and our Congress just does not care.

Also, I should like to point out that every Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank has been appointed by the President of America since its inception in 1913 and always has been a Zionist Jew.

Sen. Barry Goldwater ~ With No Apologies said in 1979.

Mr. Chairman, “we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve banks. The Federal Reserve Board, a Government board, has cheated the Government of the United States out of enough money to pay the national debt. The depredations and the iniquities of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal reserve banks acting together have cost this country enough money to pay the national debt several times over. This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of the United States; has bankrupted itself, and has practically bankrupted our Government. It has done this through defects of the law under which it operates, through the maladministration of that law by the Federal Reserve Board and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it”.

13 years ago @ Big Government - Why Power Belongs to t... · 0 replies · +2 points

Sssssh.. Obama and the Democrats and Republicans do not want you to know this because they are all paid Globalists who care more about sending your JOB off shore to China to increase profits for International Bankers and Manufacturing Companies than American Workers who voted them into office.

You have the best President and Congress that MONEY CAN BUY, because all the leading candidates of both parties are bought and paid for by the CFR-PARTY before the first ballet is ever cast by the people.

The CFR-PARTY is controlled by the Rothschild Banking Family consists of card-carrying members that run and control all the International Banks, Manufacturing Companies and all the major means of communication all over the world.

Did you know that every American President since Woodrow Wilson elected in 1913 has been a card carrying member of CFR-PARTY?

After Woodrow Wilson was elected President of America, one of the first acts he did was to establish the Federal Reserve Banking System (A Private Banking Company) in American in 1913 to repay the Wealthy Rothschild Family for financing his run for President.

Did you know that this private central bank called the Federal Reserve Bank regulates the amount of money the US government is allowed to borrow and put into circulation?

Did you also know like any bank, the America Government must also pay the Federal Reserve Bank interest on all this borrowed money? Of course in the final analysis the American people are totally responsible for the total National Debt they tie around our neck plus interest.

Talk about a SWEETHEART deal. This is like your accountant charging you interest on every check you write on your own checking account. Only the American Congress could think up such a damn stupid deal like this. The Federal Reserve for many years has refused to tell the Congress where all this money goes or who gets this money.

Ron Paul has been trying for many years to get a bill before Congress to audit the Federal Reserve Bank to see where in the hell all of this money they print up goes.

A few months ago Ron Paul finally got his bill and the House of Representatives passed the bill and sent it to the Senate. Would you believe this bill failed in the Senate?

On December 1, 2010 we learned the Federal Reserve spent a “Large Chunk of the Bailout Money to bail out all the other Rothschild Family Banks all over the World”.

Do you understand what I just said? The Federal Reserve has a complete POWER of Attorney over the America people money and the congress lets them do anything they want do.

The Federal Reserve is answerable to no one and our Congress just does not care.

Also, I should like to point out that every Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank has been appointed by the President of America since its inception in 1913 and always has been a Zionist Jew.

13 years ago @ Big Government - Why Power Belongs to t... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sen. Barry Goldwater ~ With No Apologies said in 1979.

Mr. Chairman, “we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve banks. The Federal Reserve Board, a Government board, has cheated the Government of the United States out of enough money to pay the national debt. The depredations and the iniquities of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal reserve banks acting together have cost this country enough money to pay the national debt several times over. This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of the United States; has bankrupted itself, and has practically bankrupted our Government. It has done this through defects of the law under which it operates, through the maladministration of that law by the Federal Reserve Board and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it”.

Did you know that every Central Bank of every Industrial country in the World is a Private Banking System owned and controlled by the Super Wealthy Rothschild Banking Family?

Did you know the Rothschild Family is said to be worth Twenty-five Trillion Dollars?

Did you know if every living person on earth was to give you $3,676 in cash money, you would be about as rich as the Rothschild Banking Family.

Are you starting to understand how these Politicians are bankrupting America and destroying the American middle class?

If you do not listen to what I am saying, then you deserve to sleep in the street because that is exactly where you and your entire family is going to end up very soon.

I retired after working thirty years as an Industrial Engineer at Rockwell International in Newark, Ohio. So, please trust me, these are Real International Trade numbers to back up everything I am saying.

Did you know that America can create 10 Million good paying Jobs almost overnight by Pulling out of NAFTA and WTO right now? But, none of these American Politicians will ever let that happen.

Here is my Job creation Computations:

“Based on the U.S.Department of Commerce estimates that 22,800 jobs are created for every $1 billion in merchandise produced for Import or Export.” Go to this location to check.

Total USA Imports in 2006:
$ 2,211.7 billion ---- (Total Import number including all Oil Imports)
$ 309.4 billion less - (minus amount spent on Imported Crude Oil)
$ 1,902.3 billion X 22,800=43.37 million jobs lost from Imports. ==================================================

Total USA Exports in 2006:
$ 1,451.7 Billion X 22,800=33.10 million jobs created from Exports.

If USA Pulls out of NAFTA and WTO right now:

USA could possibly lose 33.10 million Jobs from EXPORTS.

However, I am sure many countries will still import items from the USA because they will be forced to do so. That would of course create even more jobs gained than I have estimated.

USA would absolutely gain 43.37 million Jobs by closing the doors to International IMPORTS from China, India and Japan.

So, 43.37 minus 33.10 = 10.27 million NET JOBS GAIN.

My calculation means ABSOLUTELY 10.27 million Jobs gained if the rest of the world did not buy one single penny of USA EXPORTS.

SO MOTE IT BE. . . . .
BY: Harry Dingey

13 years ago @ Big Government - Breaking - Power to th... · 0 replies · +1 points

Did you know the Rothschild Family is said to be worth Twenty-five Trillion Dollars?Sssssh.. Obama and the Democrats and Republicans do not want you to know this because they are all paid Globalists who care more about sending your JOB off shore to China to increase profits for International Bankers and Manufacturing Companies than American Workers who voted them into office.

You have the best President and Congress that MONEY CAN BUY, because all the leading candidates of both parties are bought and paid for by the CFR-PARTY before the first ballet is ever cast by the people.

The CFR-PARTY is controlled by the Rothschild Banking Family consists of card-carrying members that run and control all the International Banks, Manufacturing Companies and all the major means of communication all over the world.

Did you know that every American President since Woodrow Wilson elected in 1913 has been a card carrying member of CFR-PARTY?

After Woodrow Wilson was elected President of America, one of the first acts he did was to establish the Federal Reserve Banking System (A Private Banking Company) in American in 1913 to repay the Wealthy Rothschild Family for financing his run for President.

Did you know that this private central bank called the Federal Reserve Bank would regulate the amount of money the US government was allowed to borrow and put in circulation?

Did you also know like any bank, the America Government must also pay the Federal Reserve Bank interest on all this borrowed money? Of course in the final analysis the American people are totally responsible for the National Debt plus interest.

Talk about a SWEETHEART deal. This is like your accountant charging you interest on every check you write on your own checking account. Only the American Congress could think up a deal like this.

Congress had a vote about 6 months ago to audit the Federal Reserve Bank books and the bill failed in the Senate.

Also, I should like to point out that every Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank appointed by an American President since its inception in 1913 has been a Zionist Jew.

Sen. Barry Goldwater ~ With No Apologies said in 1979.

Mr. Chairman, “we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve banks. The Federal Reserve Board, a Government board, has cheated the Government of the United States out of enough money to pay the national debt. The depredations and the iniquities of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal reserve banks acting together have cost this country enough money to pay the national debt several times over. This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of the United States; has bankrupted itself, and has practically bankrupted our Government. It has done this through defects of the law under which it operates, through the maladministration of that law by the Federal Reserve Board and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it”.

Did you know that every Central Bank of every Industrial country in the World is a Private Banking System owned and controlled by the Super Wealthy Rothschild Banking Family?

13 years ago @ Big Government - Breaking - Power to th... · 0 replies · +1 points

Did you know the Rothschild Family is said to be worth Twenty-five Trillion Dollars?

Did you know if every living person on earth was to give you $3,676 in cash money, you would be about as rich as the Rothschild Banking Family.

Are you starting to understand how these Politicians are bankrupting America and destroying the American middle class?

If you do not listen to what I am saying, then you deserve to sleep in the street because that is exactly where you and your entire family is going to end up very soon.

I retired after working thirty years as an Industrial Engineer at Rockwell International in Newark, Ohio. So, please trust me, these are Real International Trade numbers to back up everything I am saying.

Did you know that America can create 10 Million good paying Jobs almost overnight by Pulling out of NAFTA and WTO right now? But, none of these American Politicians will ever let that happen.

Here is my Job creation Computations:

“Based on the U.S.Department of Commerce estimates that 22,800 jobs are created for every $1 billion in merchandise produced for Import or Export.” Go to this location to check.

Total USA Imports in 2006:
$ 2,211.7 billion ---- (Total Import number including all Oil Imports)
$ 309.4 billion less - (minus amount spent on Imported Crude Oil)
$ 1,902.3 billion X 22,800=43.37 million jobs lost from Imports. ==================================================

Total USA Exports in 2006:
$ 1,451.7 Billion X 22,800=33.10 million jobs created from Exports.

If USA Pulls out of NAFTA and WTO right now:

USA could possibly lose 33.10 million Jobs from EXPORTS.

However, I am sure many countries will still import items from the USA because they will be forced to do so. That would of course create even more jobs gained than I have estimated.

USA would absolutely gain 43.37 million Jobs by closing the doors to International IMPORTS from China, India and Japan.

So, 43.37 minus 33.10 = 10.27 million NET JOBS GAIN.

My calculation means ABSOLUTELY 10.27 million Jobs gained if the rest of the world did not buy one single penny of USA EXPORTS.

SO MOTE IT BE. . . . .
BY: Harry Dingey

13 years ago @ Big Government - Breaking - Power to th... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sssssh.. Obama and the Democrats and Republicans do not want you to know this because they are all paid Globalists who care more about sending your JOB off shore to China to increase profits for International Bankers and Manufacturing Companies than American Workers who voted them into office.

You have the best President and Congress that MONEY CAN BUY, because all the leading candidates of both parties are bought and paid for by the CFR-PARTY before the first ballet is ever cast by the people.

The CFR-PARTY is controlled by the Rothschild Banking Family consists of card-carrying members that run and control all the International Banks, Manufacturing Companies and all the major means of communication all over the world.

Did you know that every American President since Woodrow Wilson elected in 1913 has been a card carrying member of CFR-PARTY?

After Woodrow Wilson was elected President of America, one of the first acts he did was to establish the Federal Reserve Banking System (A Private Banking Company) in American in 1913 to repay the Wealthy Rothschild Family for financing his run for President.

Did you know that this private central bank called the Federal Reserve Bank would regulate the amount of money the US government was allowed to borrow and put in circulation?

Did you also know like any bank, the America Government must also pay the Federal Reserve Bank interest on all this borrowed money? Of course in the final analysis the American people are totally responsible for the National Debt plus interest.

Talk about a SWEETHEART deal. This is like your accountant charging you interest on every check you write on your own checking account. Only the American Congress could think up a deal like this.

Congress had a vote about 6 months ago to audit the Federal Reserve Bank books and the bill failed in the Senate.

Also, I should like to point out that every Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank appointed by an American President since its inception in 1913 has been a Zionist Jew.

Sen. Barry Goldwater ~ With No Apologies said in 1979.

Mr. Chairman, “we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve banks. The Federal Reserve Board, a Government board, has cheated the Government of the United States out of enough money to pay the national debt. The depredations and the iniquities of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal reserve banks acting together have cost this country enough money to pay the national debt several times over. This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of the United States; has bankrupted itself, and has practically bankrupted our Government. It has done this through defects of the law under which it operates, through the maladministration of that law by the Federal Reserve Board and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it”.

Did you know that every Central Bank of every Industrial country in the World is a Private Banking System owned and controlled by the Super Wealthy Rothschild Banking Family?

13 years ago @ Big Government - Gov. Christie to NJ Te... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sorry bigbutter..

I am trying to help our great country in a time of need.

I did not intentionally post 5 times.

The redundancy was do to the system response.


13 years ago @ Big Government - Gov. Christie to NJ Te... · 2 replies · 0 points

Sssssh.. Obama and the Democrats and Republicans do not want you to know this because they are all Globalists who care more about sending your JOB off shore to China to increase profits for International Bankers and Manufactures than the American Workers.

You have the best President and Congress that money can BUY. You can never vote these Traitors out of office either because all Federal Elections are rigged against you.

If you’re too damn stupid to understand what these Politicians are doing to America and you do not listen to what I am saying, then you deserve to sleep in the street. You voted all of these TRAITORS into Federal Office so get use to it.


Here are my Job creation Computations:

“Based on the U.S.Department of Commerce estimates that 22,800 jobs are created for every $1 billion in merchandise produced for Import or Export.”

Total USA Imports in 2006:
$ 2,211.7 billion --- (Import number including all Oil Imports)
$ 309.4 billion less - (minus amount spent on Imported Crude Oil)
$ 1,902.3 billion X 22,800=43.37 million jobs lost from Imports. ==================================================

Total USA Exports in 2006:
$ 1,451.7 Billion X 22,800=33.10 million jobs created from Exports.

If USA Pulls out of NAFTA and WTO right now:

USA could possibly lose 33.10 million Jobs from EXPORTS.

However, I am sure many countries will still import items from the USA because they will be forced to do so. That would of course create even more jobs gained than I have estimated.

USA would absolutely gain 43.37 million Jobs by closing the doors to International IMPORTS from China, India and Japan.

So, 43.37 minus 33.10 = 10.27 million NET JOBS GAIN.

My calculation means ABSOLUTELY 10.27 million Jobs gained if the rest of the world did not buy one single penny of USA EXPORTS.

SO MOTE IT BE. . . . .
BY: Harry Dingey