


18,077 comments posted · 87 followers · following 23

7 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Open Thread - March 29... · 1 reply · +2 points

Hey brother, how's it hangin?

7 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Open Thread - March 28... · 1 reply · +3 points

Hey brother, long time....

8 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - #NeverTrump: The media... · 4 replies · +3 points

Nothing term limits wouldn't fix....

8 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - The Insidious Power of... · 2 replies · +3 points

Stupid children with no grasp of reality and ex-hippies that refuse to grow into adults vote for Bernie.

That skanky old bitch gets support from people that think a vagina qualifies her to lead us....

8 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - MoveOn, Media Matters ... · 1 reply · +3 points

“We could be peaceful and do things different,” 19-year-old Arianna Perez told the LA Times, “but if we did, we wouldn’t get our voice heard.”

Well then honey, when you start the violence you'll get violence in return. So go back to pepper-spraying little kids and beating up people for wearing a Trump shirt. At some point there will be a reckoning....

8 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Liberal Male Writers D... · 2 replies · +2 points

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

I saw one of your former clients passed away....

8 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Liberal Male Writers D... · 4 replies · +2 points

Hey brother, how ya been?

8 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Texas School District ... · 6 replies · +3 points

Hey if you can't find a reason to spend money on guns and ammo, then life ain't worth living....

If you're around tomorrow I'd like your opinion on said guns and ammo.

8 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Open Thread - March 31... · 0 replies · +3 points

Same here....

8 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Gov’t Employee Steal... · 1 reply · +2 points

Did you get a load of the names in that story? What were their parents smoking when they picked those red flags out?