I agree with the survey .My take on this is ,never mind what a person says ,watch what he does.In my books that is what I used to judge performance .There are a few other demonstrating good leadership and so many more demonstrating extremely poor leadership .
What is the Western world doing in the continent of Africa ,other than for the resources.Let the African leaders rule over Africa .I remember well what was done to Muaamar Qaddafi because he wanted to establish the golden dinar for Africa.
I like the saying " Same $hit ,different pile " .All neocon led for the benefit of the war machinery and pharma industry .
It has been obvious for quite some time that Russia plays a very good chess game and the US and allied lackeys still play checkers. Slowly but surely ,reason will take over the nefarious machinations of the West and will have to heel to common sense lest civil breaks out which could very well be the last card in the deck and the joker / trump card will not be of any use. Chaos will ensue as written in the protocols of zion .
The West is in shambles and it's destruction or restructure could not happen any sooner .Trump and his neocon advisors are getting boring already and the world needs competent leadership some of which is already starting to appear in other parts of the world and whispers of same even in the US.
The bully in the school yard so very well described . So many fail to see or accept responsibility for the criminal actions of their own governments and I include my own .
The day of reckoning is approaching and it will not be pretty .
Unfortunately , a good possibility . A very ugly scenario.
The UK ,being the US lackey that it is ,will probably not do a damn thing differently because of this ruling .I wish I could say different but maybe under Jeffery Corbyn if he gets elected , in spite of the heavy duty push by the zionist lobby in the UK things could be different. I do hope.
I had read the article in Consortium news, which is very well done but I am especially impressed with the interview of Aron Maté and his father Gabor.
What a good message to people in general and especially the people of the US at this time of disillusionment .