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5 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'Wintersmit... · 0 replies · +8 points

All I can say is obssb. Pure obssb.

5 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'Where's My... · 3 replies · +20 points

You know, if "Where's My Cow" used "Awk!" as the sound a chicken makes it's very possible the Watch would have never bothered figuring out the secret to how to make the cube talk because it would already have been speaking when they got there.

6 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'Thud!': Pa... · 10 replies · +30 points

I love everything about the girls going out for a drink EXCEPT the purpose of "opening Tawnee's eyes". Nobby might be short and spotty and have a poor moral compass when it comes to petty theft but nothing about his interractions with Tawnee seem to actually put him in the "jerk" category. No signs he disrespects her, no signs he attempts to manipulate her, no signs he even really objectifies her. It would be too easy with Nobby's established roguish elements to have him convince her that he is doing her favors as an excuse to be gross or creepy with her but they make it clear that he has been extremely chaste with her and she appreciates how he acts around her.

6 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'Thud!': Pa... · 5 replies · +39 points

Who is disappointed we aren't going to spend the whole novel with a beautiful vampire and a gorgeous werewolf fighting for the affection of a human who sees themselves as ordinary but whose supernatural love interests obsess over? Yeah, me neither.

(This book was published less than a month before the first Twilight book.)

6 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'Thud': Par... · 0 replies · +18 points

The Agatean numknuts are an obvious reference to nunchaku, with a bonus insult/description of the result of mishandling such a weapon.

6 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'Thud!': Pa... · 3 replies · +42 points

Mark, there is no way Lady Sybil packs a lunch for her husband and then writes "Commander Vimes" on it like you suggested in the video.

It says "SAM" in handwriting as clear and legible as if it was typed in bolded 48 point font.

6 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'Thud!': Pa... · 1 reply · +20 points

I don't know that we've really looked at the non-professional aspect of Carrot and Angua's relationship since The Fifth Elephant but that certainly feels like an element of this as well. There is always an element of having a romantic partner where there are two competing desires:

- You want to feel respected and not be patronized to.
- You want to feel they are always in your corner.

Carrot seems to be rushing to play Devil's Advocate every time Angua had a snide comment about Sally and it's not clear if that's because Carrot thinks she is wrong or if he is trying to offer her a competing argument because he thinks it will help to lessen her concerns to have someone walk her through why she might be wrong even if he partially agrees. Either way it certainly feels like Carrot is standing in opposition to her strongly held beliefs, and that is hard not to take personally.

(This book) Naq guvf vf nyy fgvyy eryrinag rira vs Znex unfa'g cvpxrq hc gung Fnyyl vf vagrerfgrq va Pneebg naq nf fhpu ercerfragf "pbzcrgvgvba" sbe Nathn (gung gur obbx gunaxshyyl qbrfa'g yvatre ba gbb ybat.)

6 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'Thud': Part 8 · 0 replies · +23 points

Mark is not prepared and I am here for it.

6 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'Thud': Part 8 · 2 replies · +19 points

I'm surprised that it wasn't in the annotations of Men at Arms (may have been in the comments on the appropriate split) so just in case people aren't familiar with it let's explain what the hell pork futures are.

A commodity futures contract is a deal between two parties for one to purchase a certain amount of a good for a certain price at a later date. This began with agricultural products like grain and meats and existed to mitigate risk for both parties: if there is a shortage that year the buyer can still obtain the goods they were seeking at a reasonable price and if there is a surplus that year the seller isn't going to lose out because the market is flooded with the good. There are markets for these contracts: a buyer might decide that a contract isn't worth as much as another potential buyer thinks it is as the date of the deal approaches and will sell off the contract to another buyer. There are other factors to consider and futures have expanded into all sorts of other goods and financial instruments but that is the most basic gist of it.

6 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'Thud!': Pa... · 1 reply · +13 points

No worries: if they leave it alone for another 250 years they think it will burn itself out. Hopefully.