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9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Israel Mocks Europe La... · 0 replies · 0 points

Here is one of the examples of Western European hypocrisy and duplicity. In 1940 USSR occupied Estonia. None of the West European countries recognized the legality of that occupation and all had maintained diplomatic relations with the “Estonian government in exile”. From 1950 up until Estonia’s independence in 1991 Russia transferred to Estonia millions of her citizens in blatant violation of the 4-th Geneva Convention. However when Estonia passed the law demanding from Russian “settlers” in Estonia to take the exam on Estonian language and history in order to receive Estonian citizenship the same West European countries threatened Estonia with the sanctions unless it repels the “racist law”. (Not to expel “illegal settlers” but just make them effort to obtain citizenship). And they never labeled Soviet products made by Russians in Estonia.
Compare to the West Bank and look how differently West European countries apply the same convention depending on the location and people’s race.

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Israel Mocks Europe La... · 0 replies · +1 points

The problem here is that the label defines the product made exclusively by Jews and Jews only. This is the racist law.

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Israel Mocks Europe La... · 2 replies · -4 points

I might agree with you. However in that case everything made on the West Bank should be labeled "West Bank" without the destinction either it Jewish or Arab. (without the "yellow star" in other words). (without racist distinctions). No "palestinian" anymore since such country doesn't exist: now there should be "west bank" movies, "west bank" beer, "west bank" politicians, etc... Is that what EU plan to implement?
BTW, "east" Jerusalem should be labeled as "Israel" since it is part of Israel.
(Just curious. Do EU plan to label products made in Wilno district of Lithuania instead of "made in Lithuania" - made in Poland?)

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Two Tickets to Paradis... · 0 replies · +3 points


9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Where Are the Non-Jews... · 0 replies · 0 points

i am not sure about this. The purpose was to conduct "ethnic cleansing". How do you "cleanse" - by expelling or by murdering the entire population is of secondary matter. If you have place to expell (like ethnically cleanse Jews from the West Bank - that is what "human rights" advocates want to do) - then you expell them. If you don't have place to expell - then you have to murder them. You must notice that Nazis didn't start to murder Jews right away

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Where Are the Non-Jews... · 0 replies · 0 points

Holocaust should be our business only. Nobody’s else. Others had their own holocausts: Armenians had “Armenian genocide”, Hutu - “Rwanda genocide”, Kampucheans – Pol Pot, etc. The first victims in Auschwitz were not Jews but Russian POWs. In Belorussia 600 villages were burnt to the ground together with their inhabitants. There was a lot of evil during WWII. We were not the only ones. Poles and Ukrainians murdered hundreds of thousands of each other but you don’t go to look at their mass graves. Only Poles and Ukrainians do. Most likely you even never heard about those massacres at all. There was, of course, the difference why they had far less victims than we did: “Armia Krayova” came to defend Polish population and UPA – Ukrainian. Nobody came to defend us. And we must learn from that. But it should be only our business. Like it is for everybody else.

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Readers Write: Bibi, B... · 2 replies · -10 points

Why don't you want to accept the fact that there was UN security council resolution 1441 which threatened Saddam with the war if he won't comply with the previous resolutions? Why instead of this well known fact you are bringing some articles in the newspapers? There is no and couldn't be a comparison between binding UN resolution and articles in the newspapers. Why are you mute about such important fact? You act just like Goebels.

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Readers Write: Bibi, B... · 1 reply · -9 points

I made my question quite clear: If you would be USA President what would you do after Butler's statement that Saddam didn't comply with any of UN BINDING resolutions including the, so called, FINAL? Would you insist on making one more? Or would you just forget that there were any and let it go? Goldberg blames Netanyahu and Bush. I blame Saddam and all members of the UN security coincil who voted for 1441 resolution and made it "final". Our opinions therefore are different.

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Readers Write: Bibi, B... · 5 replies · -16 points

Why is this crap? The reason for the invasion were not Netanyahu speeches, Iraqi WMDs or complicity in 9/11. THe reason for the invasion was BINDING UN security council resolution 1441 which gave Saddam the FINAL opportunity to complay until March 17 with the prervious resolutions. Then came Butler. He was asked: did Saddam comply? No, said Butler. That was it. What do you think Bush had to do? Make another FINAL resolution? This is plain stupid. If France, Russia and liberals did not want invasion they had to put different words in the resolution 1441. But once they did - there wasn't way back. Therefore France, Russia, China, etc are responsible for the Iraq war, not Israel or Netanyahu. So, stop FINALLY this nonsense about WMD, etc.

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - The Life and Death of ... · 0 replies · -4 points

Collaborators are the first ones who must be killed. There are no bigger enemies than the ones of your own who join your enemy. Therefore Jewish supporters of BDS are not just naive idiots or people with the "unconventional opinion". They are the enemies of the Jews - bigger than white supremacists, neo-nazis and jihaddists taken together.
I think the purpose of this book is a TRY to prove that Jewish police in ghetto were NOT collaborators.