


261 comments posted · 20 followers · following 0

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Does Bill Mahr Have Ra... · 0 replies · +1 points

Jackie Gleason once told me "Never trust anyone that goes around calling others "Pal"......"

16 years ago @ GretaWire - BREAKING NEWS ! · 2 replies · +1 points


Hi bob..........
are you posting on CR for the most part ? miss you here.......

Hi Sal
I don't blog very much at all any tired of SLAMBAMADINGDONG'S smart mouthed vicious obots
Good to see you sal


16 years ago @ GretaWire - What is your favorite ... · 0 replies · +1 points



Those of you on this Blog that matter know who I am....You can take the following for the Gospel Truth.....

There is a person on this and other Blogs that is a Sociopath, a Liar a cyber-stalker and harrasser.........
She has stalked people for years. She is NOT a good person. You must avoid her at all costs. She's a sociopath. She has even tried to break up some peoples marriages by finding the wife's e mail and sending Lewd and Lacivious Lies about their Husbands.

She has stated numerous times at Gretawire that the Conservative Revolution Site is run by a couple of liberals and keeps repeating that. That is a Bald Face Lie. I can attest to the Veracity of C R....C R owner Jan and Leighva

I am not going to say there are not a couple of people on C R that I don't like......there are also some Screwballs that do not like me......that is neither here nor there.
The Point is.... this person Suzi is Dangerous...Suzi also goes by the names... Proud American...and most recently ....Sammie....I'll keep you posted about future Aliases Suzi uses.

Again....Jan...the Owner and Leighva are two people that can be totally trusted....C R can be trusted as much as.... if not more than...any other Blog....The Internet is what it is


16 years ago @ GretaWire - Sound Off! · 0 replies · +1 points



Those of you on this Blog that matter know who I am....You can take the following for the Gospel Truth.....

There is a person on this and other Blogs that is a Sociopath, a Liar a cyber-stalker and harrasser.........
She has stalked people for years. She is NOT a good person. You must avoid her at all costs. She's a sociopath. She has even tried to break up some peoples marriages by finding the wife's e mail and sending Lewd and Lacivious Lies about their Husbands.

She has stated numerous times at Gretawire that the Conservative Revolution Site is run by a couple of liberals and keeps repeating that. That is a Bald Face Lie. I can attest to the Veracity of C R....C R owner Jan and Leighva

I am not going to say there are not a couple of people on C R that I don't like......there are also some Screwballs that do not like me......that is neither here nor there.
The Point is.... this person Suzi is Dangerous...Suzi also goes by the names... Proud American...and most recently ....Sammie....I'll keep you posted about future Aliases Suzi uses.

Again....Jan...the Owner and Leighva are two people that can be totally trusted....C R can be trusted as much as.... if not more than...any other Blog....The Internet is what it is


16 years ago @ GretaWire - LATEST: INDICTED !! HO... · 1 reply · +1 points



Those of you on this Blog that matter know who I am....You can take the following for the Gospel Truth.....

There is a person on this and other Blogs that is a Sociopath, a Liar a cyber-stalker and harrasser.........
She has stalked people for years. She is NOT a good person. You must avoid her at all costs. She's a sociopath. She has even tried to break up some peoples marriages by finding the wife's e mail and sending Lewd and Lacivious Lies about their Husbands.

She has stated numerous times at Gretawire that the Conservative Revolution Site is run by a couple of liberals and keeps repeating that. That is a Bald Face Lie. I can attest to the Veracity of C R....C R owner Jan and Leighva

I am not going to say there are not a couple of people on C R that I don't like......there are also some Screwballs that do not like me......that is neither here nor there.
The Point is.... this person Suzi is Dangerous...Suzi also goes by the names... Proud American...and most recently ....Sammie....I'll keep you posted about future Aliases Suzi uses.

Again....Jan...the Owner and Leighva are two people that can be totally trusted....C R can be trusted as much as.... if not more than...any other Blog....The Internet is what it is


16 years ago @ GretaWire - OPEN THREAD ! · 0 replies · +1 points



Those of you on this Blog that matter know who I am....You can take the following for the Gospel Truth.....

There is a person on this and other Blogs that is a Sociopath, a Liar a cyber-stalker and harrasser.........
She has stalked people for years. She is NOT a good person. You must avoid her at all costs. She's a sociopath. She has even tried to break up some peoples marriages by finding the wife's e mail and sending Lewd and Lacivious Lies about their Husbands.

She has stated numerous times at Gretawire that the Conservative Revolution Site is run by a couple of liberals and keeps repeating that. That is a Bald Face Lie. I can attest to the Veracity of C R....C R owner Jan and Leighva

I am not going to say there are not a couple of people on C R that I don't like......there are also some Screwballs that do not like me......that is neither here nor there.
The Point is.... this person Suzi is Dangerous...Suzi also goes by the names... Proud American...and most recently ....Sammie....I'll keep you posted about future Aliases Suzi uses.

Again....Jan...the Owner and Leighva are two people that can be totally trusted....C R can be trusted as much as.... if not more than...any other Blog....The Internet is what it is


16 years ago @ GretaWire - open thread ... blog! · 6 replies · +1 points



Those of you on this Blog that matter know who I am....You can take the following for the Gospel Truth.....

There is a person on this and other Blogs that is a Sociopath, a Liar a cyber-stalker and harrasser.........
She has stalked people for years. She is NOT a good person. You must avoid her at all costs. She's a sociopath. She has even tried to break up some peoples marriages by finding the wife's e mail and sending Lewd and Lacivious Lies about their Husbands.

She has stated numerous times at Gretawire that the Conservative Revolution Site is run by a couple of liberals and keeps repeating that. That is a Bald Face Lie. I can attest to the Veracity of C R....C R owner Jan and Leighva

I am not going to say there are not a couple of people on C R that I don't like......there are also some Screwballs that do not like me......that is neither here nor there.
The Point is.... this person Suzi is Dangerous...Suzi also goes by the names... Proud American...and most recently ....Sammie....I'll keep you posted about future Aliases Suzi uses.

Again....Jan...the Owner and Leighva are two people that can be totally trusted....C R can be trusted as much as.... if not more than...any other Blog....The Internet is what it is


16 years ago @ GretaWire - BREAKING NEWS ! · 6 replies · +1 points



Those of you on this Blog that matter know who I am....You can take the following for the Gospel Truth.....

There is a person on this and other Blogs that is a Sociopath, a Liar a cyber-stalker and harrasser.........
She has stalked people for years. She is NOT a good person. You must avoid her at all costs. She's a sociopath. She has even tried to break up some peoples marriages by finding the wife's e mail and sending Lewd and Lacivious Lies about their Husbands.

She has stated numerous times at Gretawire that the Conservative Revolution Site is run by a couple of liberals and keeps repeating that. That is a Bald Face Lie. I can attest to the Veracity of C R....C R owner Jan and Leighva

I am not going to say there are not a couple of people on C R that I don't like......there are also some Screwballs that do not like me......that is neither here nor there.
The Point is.... this person Suzi is Dangerous...Suzi also goes by the names... Proud American...and most recently ....Sammie....I'll keep you posted about future Aliases Suzi uses.

Again....Jan...the Owner and Leighva are two people that can be totally trusted....C R can be trusted as much as.... if not more than...any other Blog....The Internet is what it is


16 years ago @ GretaWire - LATEST: INDICTED !! HO... · 1 reply · +3 points


Hi good to see you.....I did enjoy batting it around with you during the Big Game.....I'm sorry I haven't acknowledged you..... I enjoy Bloging with you....Please if I ever do that again holler at me ...Thanx

16 years ago @ GretaWire - open thread -- blog · 0 replies · +1 points



Those of you on this Blog that matter know who I am....You can take the following for the Gospel Truth.....

There is a person on this and other Blogs that is a Sociopath, a Liar a cyber-stalker and harrasser.........
She has stalked people for years. She is NOT a good person. You must avoid her at all costs. She's a sociopath. She has even tried to break up some peoples marriages by finding the wife's e mail and sending Lewd and Lacivious Lies about their Husbands.

She has stated numerous times at Gretawire that the Conservative Revolution Site is run by a couple of liberals and keeps repeating that. That is a Bald Face Lie. I can attest to the Veracity of C R....C R owner Jan and Leighva

I am not going to say there are not a couple of people on C R that I don't like......there are also some Screwballs that do not like me......that is neither here nor there.
The Point is.... this person Suzi is Dangerous...Suzi also goes by the names... Proud American...and most recently ....Sammie....I'll keep you posted about future Aliases Suzi uses.

Again....Jan...the Owner and Leighva are two people that can be totally trusted....C R can be trusted as much as.... if not more than...any other Blog....The Internet is what it is