


66 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - Email in: Vanilla Mari... · 1 reply · +2 points

I have found that for escalation leagues like this, you're better off writing your final list, then reverse engineering it into lower level lists.

How strictly is that infantry included clause? Can you like give a sgt a combi-melta in a future list?

Assuming you can, here's my thoughts on the toughest 750 list that includes stuff that will be useful later

100 - Librarian
210 - 10 Tacticals - meltagun, missile launcher, rhino
210 - 10 Tacticals - meltagun, multi-melta, rhino
125 - Rifleman
100 - MM Attack Bike x2

Oh, also, I'm back.

13 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - GWvsJohn talks Rolepla... · 0 replies · +1 points

Are you still interested in GMing? Shoot me an email.

13 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - GWvsJohn talks Rolepla... · 0 replies · +1 points

It would be perfect for it, especially DW. But you run into the same time issue as a TT game. I can't set aside a scheduled block for role playing. The issue is only amplified when you consider timezones.

13 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - GWvsJohn talks Chaos: ... · 0 replies · +2 points

Ok, now I'm totally convinced.

Wait, not, because for like the thousandth time, you cant prove by example. 20 point i5 assault marines on foot with a single ap3 flamethrower are not an assault unit. That flamed is easy to avoid, it's 90% of the squads threat and it can easily leave you stranded.

13 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - GWvsJohn talks Rolepla... · 0 replies · +1 points

Ok, looks like there's some decent interest. I think the next step is for one of the interested DMs to step up and say , "I really want to DM a 3++ rpg." So, if you're serious about putting the time and effort into DMing this thing, shoot me an email and we can work out the details.

Continue to post interest here. Just a point I'd like to add, playing a pbp game takes dedication. I'm wary of adding folks who post here as guests and can't take the time/effort to register for a login.

Finally, there's been a few questions regarding what you "need" to play. I think its ridiculous to think you can play an rpg without at least the core book. They're not expensive. if you're poor or unscrupulous, there are many ways to get one.

13 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - GWvsJohn talks Rolepla... · 1 reply · +1 points

I agree 100% that Deathwatch seems to be the coolest. However, have you ever tried pbp roleplaying? The standard for combat is 1 round per day. That means a small skirmish takes a week. It's tough. Once a group is more comfortable, you can speed it up. I've played games where the GM would set the combat scenario then the players would post their characters general battle plan with any specifics required, then the GM would roll out the entire combat making the specific round by round decisions. You could even take turns with the round by round choices and rolls if everyone could be trusted to be impartial.

That being said, if someone wanted to run a DW game, I'm all in.

13 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - Guest Article: Dark Mi... · 1 reply · +2 points

I'll write up a post asking if anyone is interested. I think dark heresy or rogue trader would work better than deathwatch since DW is more combat oriented and combat is the worst/hardest part of play by post roleplaying

13 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - Guest Article: Dark Mi... · 3 replies · +2 points

are you a Gamemaster type?

13 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - GWvsJohn talks Chaos: ... · 2 replies · +1 points

A rhino based assault unit without power weapons isn't scaring anyone. The template is good, but it's not going to win the day for you. Also, if you're using it on anything with combat tactics, you'll probably cause enough wounds to allow them to flee and regroup, stranding you in the open. If you want an above average rhino based CC unit, Berserkers are far superior to Noise Marines. NM are a shooty unit. You want them to use their range as an advantage. If you're sitting back, adding a just in case champ with a siren is wasted points.

13 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - GWvsJohn talks Chaos: ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I mentioned their increased ability to act as backfield CC defense due to the extra CCW and i5.

Regarding them as a front line force, absolutely not. 1) they're your only unit with range, why would you waste that throwing them at an enemy? 2) if you're going to advance, you'd rather do it without something that carries melta. 3) i5 assault marines are not a CC unit.