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13 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - Email in: Vanilla Mari... · 1 reply · +2 points
How strictly is that infantry included clause? Can you like give a sgt a combi-melta in a future list?
Assuming you can, here's my thoughts on the toughest 750 list that includes stuff that will be useful later
100 - Librarian
210 - 10 Tacticals - meltagun, missile launcher, rhino
210 - 10 Tacticals - meltagun, multi-melta, rhino
125 - Rifleman
100 - MM Attack Bike x2
Oh, also, I'm back.
13 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - GWvsJohn talks Rolepla... · 0 replies · +1 points
13 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - GWvsJohn talks Rolepla... · 0 replies · +1 points
13 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - GWvsJohn talks Chaos: ... · 0 replies · +2 points
Wait, not, because for like the thousandth time, you cant prove by example. 20 point i5 assault marines on foot with a single ap3 flamethrower are not an assault unit. That flamed is easy to avoid, it's 90% of the squads threat and it can easily leave you stranded.
13 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - GWvsJohn talks Rolepla... · 0 replies · +1 points
Continue to post interest here. Just a point I'd like to add, playing a pbp game takes dedication. I'm wary of adding folks who post here as guests and can't take the time/effort to register for a login.
Finally, there's been a few questions regarding what you "need" to play. I think its ridiculous to think you can play an rpg without at least the core book. They're not expensive. if you're poor or unscrupulous, there are many ways to get one.
13 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - GWvsJohn talks Rolepla... · 1 reply · +1 points
That being said, if someone wanted to run a DW game, I'm all in.
13 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - Guest Article: Dark Mi... · 1 reply · +2 points
13 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - Guest Article: Dark Mi... · 3 replies · +2 points
13 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - GWvsJohn talks Chaos: ... · 2 replies · +1 points
13 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - GWvsJohn talks Chaos: ... · 0 replies · +1 points
Regarding them as a front line force, absolutely not. 1) they're your only unit with range, why would you waste that throwing them at an enemy? 2) if you're going to advance, you'd rather do it without something that carries melta. 3) i5 assault marines are not a CC unit.