SandyG, I have tried twice to sign. WHERE DO I SIGN? Nothing I click on takes me to a signature!!
We can be divided into two groups of people in America. Not race, gender nor religious beliefs. There are just two types: Those who work for a living and those who vote for a living. There will be more in the latter category as time goes on. I do not think that any man out of a job would agree with Joe Biden that this economy is getting better. Yes, Joe take a look around. I don't know what these crushed families will do. Their only hope is what is great in America. It's people and their ingenuity .
Went to petition site about Obama's birth certificate- could not sign
Please e-mail or call your reps and Senators. Ask them to not pass through HR 45. It is fast track gun control. Check it out. My senator's e-mail is overloaded. I know he will vote against it. It is not our state that will pass this thing.
PappyGroves, I did not know we even had Secret Police!! Is this for real?
Al Franken is the clown going to Washington. Washington is the circus - it is fitting!!
Is Michael Jackson still dead? I could not believe the coverage on the same day our Congress was voting on a bill that would sell out country down the drain. You all have probably written about this a couple of days ago but I had to get my feelings out. Even FOX was all about Michael Jackson. I was sickened. Farrah Fawcett led a much more honorable life, I was much more sad to see her gone.
gapatriot357, we will not give up our guns as well. Once they are gone, we are done. We will share anything we have to help people but we will not allow it to be taken from us. I cannot believe that the people in Texas will not stand up to this. There is big trouble brewing. Why did they choose Texas first? Those people are very strongly considering leaving the union as it is.
Tallyho, this is so true it is heartbreaking.
I missed getting Jefferey Immelt's address or fax. Can anyone help me with this?