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9 years ago @ http://www.ascensionwi... - Dr Michael Salla - Cos... · 0 replies · +2 points

Dr. Micro Salad brain claims a small rock formation on Mars is a duck.

Dr. Salad >"The duck seems to be walking and behaving normally"

Sub title "Is NASA Lying?"
Lying that there are no ducks on Mars?

Total Fucking IDIOT!

9 years ago @ http://www.ascensionwi... - Dr Michael Salla - Cos... · 0 replies · +1 points

"According to independent sources". Oh let me guess, the "two eyed" witness Corey Goode?
Oh look at that. He through in some Dr Simon Atkens this time.
Dr. Micro Salad Brain has a PHD in capatalizing on other peoples material and adding his own patronizing inteligence insulting twist.

9 years ago @ http://www.ascensionwi... - Dr Michael Salla Updat... · 0 replies · +2 points

@Sinelari. P.S. Just to be fare. Of course their are exceptions, but clearly Mr Salad Brain is not.

9 years ago @ http://www.ascensionwi... - Dr Michael Salla Updat... · 1 reply · +1 points

@Sinelari. I stand corrected. Of couse Corey Goode has two eyes. The devils in the details.
As for Dr. Michael Salad Brain being a doctor does not help his credibilty with me. Academics are the most narrow minded brainwashed people
that have been trained to to not question or think for them selves. Only to memorize corupt info from jesuit globalist writen text books. They are only rewarded for following their agenda and use their PHD licence as badge to enforce thier false information and their egotistical, closed minded dangerous dogmatic ideals. I would sooner believe some trailer trash with a 5th grade education.
Anyways, I just saw that there is another article to read by Dr Salad brain.

9 years ago @ http://www.ascensionwi... - Dr Michael Salla Updat... · 1 reply · 0 points

In another article wich is not posted here. It can be read at Michael Salla's exopolitics website, he claims that there are now 2 eyewitnesses to the claims being maid by Corey Goode.

> "its deeper significance is that there are now two eyewitnesses reporting about the secret space program meetings"

> "provides a second perspective on the secret “galactic diplomacy”

This other eyewitness is Lt Col Gonzales. The only info about this eyewitness is comming from the first eyewitness.

I dont even know how to put it into words how retarded and insulting it is for Dr. Michael Salla to use part of Corey Goodes story to verify his story.
This is like Corey Goode making a statement like "the Blue Avians told me to tell everyone that my story about them is true, so thats my proof that it is true".

Dr. Michael Salla is a total fucking idiot!

9 years ago @ http://www.ascensionwi... - ZAP\'s Update - July 5... · 2 replies · +5 points

The police, the government, corperations, our own bodies.
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9 years ago @ http://www.ascensionwi... - Cobra Update - July 5,... · 1 reply · +3 points

@Sinelari: I think Cobra is in the wrong business. He should be selling cereal. He already has all the prizes for each box. Just think of the possibilities. "Chimera Charms", "Cinomonianti Coco Puffs", "Captain Cobra Crunch", "Galactic Fruity Loops", "Cobra Flakes"..etc.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

9 years ago @ http://www.ascensionwi... - ZAP\'s Update - July 5... · 0 replies · +5 points

@gigglez: I would like to grow some cannabis plants on my front lawn. I may have to wait till i get to heaven to do that.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

9 years ago @ http://www.ascensionwi... - Tom Heneghan Update - ... · 0 replies · +4 points

Hey! What about Al Gore?

9 years ago @ http://www.ascensionwi... - ZAP\'s Update - July 5... · 6 replies · +6 points

@Sinelari: The difference being that in Heaven, you are actually permitted do as you I hear.