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12 years ago @ Big Peace - Obama Says His Apology... · 0 replies · +1 points

It's good to alive and living in Texas!

12 years ago @ Big Peace - Obama Says His Apology... · 0 replies · +9 points

I want to know what he is going to say the families of the American troops who were killed over this. It is obvious to me that this so called CIC is willing to tolerate the execution of his own troops.

I admit I take a hard line approach and wonder why we didn't just bomb that whole country back to the stone age. Seriously, what do they bring to the table? What do they contribute to the world? They live like animals and have the mentality of a caveman. On our way out, burn and destroy every last poppy field and Koran, then give them the one finger salute. Cut off every penny of foriegn aid to every Muslim country who don't even try to hide the fact they hate America. No amount of bowing or apologizing from Obamao will ever change the anti-American sentiment.

12 years ago @ Big Government - In Memoriam: Andrew Br... · 0 replies · +2 points

Sorry to hear about your wife passing. Your post hit home with me as it reminded me of how devestated I was to learn my best friend from HS died at 43 a few years back. I find when friends and those we admire or respect pass, it motivates me to enjoy each day and be a better person.

More than anything, I realize the truth in the passage from Proverbs about "not leaning unto thine own understanding", because sometimes there are no answers, just temporary sorrow which blossoms into the joy of having had the opportunity to share time with those who brought a ray of light into our lives.

12 years ago @ Big Government - In Memoriam: Andrew Br... · 0 replies · +3 points

no doubt...

12 years ago @ Big Government - In Memoriam: Andrew Br... · 0 replies · +5 points

Absolutely shocked and saddened to hear of Andrew's passing. To say you will be missed seems like an understatement. God bless you and may he comfort your family. We all owe it to Andrew to honor his memory by never giving up the fight for truth, liberty, and the preservation of the American dream. Thank you for your inspiration and persistance. We will miss you.

13 years ago @ Big Government - White House: Auto Indu... · 1 reply · +3 points

looks, did you catch his flub on how "even a Wrangler can't get over the obstacles we face" in regard to the economic recovery? Don't think the workers liked that implication as the Jeep enjoys a reputation of being pretty damn tough in the off road world.

13 years ago @ Big Government - White House: Auto Indu... · 1 reply · +4 points

We are buying a new car this weekend, as much as I like the Jeep Grand Cherokee, Denali Yukon, and CTS-V, it looks like it's going to be another Land Cruiser.

I found it interesting when he remarked about all of the high tech gear utilized in the plants these days and then started speaking of education. Perhaps if we stopped focusing on "Social Justice" indoctrination in our schools and spent more time on math and sciences...

13 years ago @ Big Government - Is America on the Verg... · 1 reply · +1 points

May Father Time catch up with him sooner than later.

13 years ago @ Big Government - Is America on the Verg... · 0 replies · +1 points

Don't forget to include a tax increase on us "wealthy business owners".

Hang in there Walt.

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - RIP: James Arness Dead... · 0 replies · +9 points

Loved that show as a kid.

RIP Mr. Arness