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12 years ago @ http://onthebox.us/ - Words of Comfort: Copy... · 0 replies · +15 points

"Have you ever noticed how billions of people have different faces, and yet all God has to work with is a nose, a mouth, and a couple of eyes. And some people ask why we worship Him."

Let me fix that for you.
"Have you ever noticed how billions of people have different faces, and yet it's all caused by genetic variation of inherited traits. And some people are just too insecure, deluded, ignorant or dull to accept the correct answer and instead pick simple, ancient myths."

Ray, what do you tell someone who was born with a deformed face, someone who never leaves his home because people stare and mock him? Do you tell him that God did an amazing job? What about the woman whose face gets eaten away by flesh-eating bacteria, fine-tuned by a loving creator?
Oh, I know that the pat apologist answer is "it's sin's fault" or "Satan did that". If that's your answer, please explain how exactly this sin mechanism works, how it switches around genes or combines molecules into new information.
Don't you sometimes think how strange it is that human scientists using completely non-magical and precisely defined methods are making such progress dealing with more and more of these problems, more and more effectively each year? While all the old incantations, blood sacrifices and substance blessings are still doing absolutely nothing beyond being placebos?
A reasonable person would understand that "worship God" is beyond doubt one of the types of behavior least corresponding to reality.

12 years ago @ http://onthebox.us/ - Today’s Show Not... · 0 replies · +9 points

I don't think the words "logic" and "plausible" mean what you think they mean.

12 years ago @ http://onthebox.us/ - Today’s Show Not... · 0 replies · +7 points

"Any person who can murder 20 children is a person who has no fear of God nor His eternal judgment. There's a word describing that person, and it's not "Christian." "

Is it "Hebrew"?

12 years ago @ http://onthebox.us/ - Words of Comfort: What... · 0 replies · +4 points

If you were dug up just thousands of years after burial, scientists would be able to tell. You do not fossilize within some thousands of years to be indistinguishable from an early stone-age corpse, age-wise. They might not be sure at first glance, but that's why we have science, so we don't have to rely on first glances and hunches.
Second, they would excavate your surroundings, and through the differences in the sediments, they would know if there was a burial within older substances that were shoveled over your corpse, or slid there in an earthquake or similar. There are books on how to date sediments, and how to examine paleontological findings. It's not like millions of scientists working all across the globe for centuries have just missed these "gotcha" questions that creationists think are so brilliant.

12 years ago @ http://onthebox.us/ - Words of Comfort: What... · 0 replies · +5 points

Nobody can prove that you know the first thing about anything you're talking about.

12 years ago @ http://onthebox.us/ - Words of Comfort: Why ... · 0 replies · +10 points

There once was a planet. It was shrouded in darkness, for it had drifted out of its mother star's orbit thousands of years ago. It was a cold, lifeless world. Travelers from a distant world landed in their ship. Scouring the dusty plains and valleys of the dead planet, they found a ruined settlement, and in it, in a preservation container decorated with religious symbology, a book.
On the last page of the book, they read the last message of an extinct race:
He will never leave us, He promised, He gave us warmth and light, and instructed us to pray thousands of years ago. All his prophets confirmed this, century after century. They did not lie, for they wrote scripture for all aeons, confirming that no lie is in their heart, and in the light of His wisdom they bathed, and so they wrote, and so we knew the Word and the Law to trust.
We have faith.
We'll be warm forever.
The faithless, the scoffers, the sinners have given in to their spiritual denial and blindness. They've left to settle other worlds. This one is doomed, they said. But we know better. We'll stay warm, for we trust His word.
We'll be warm.

12 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Germany Debates Propos... · 0 replies · +12 points

Nonsense. No HUMAN loses the right to criticize other HUMANS about what they're doing to third HUMANS, just by being born in a place that happens to be same place other people committed crimes. Your attitude is misanthropic.

12 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Germany Debates Propos... · 0 replies · +9 points

As a German, I resent your comment. You're probably just trolling, but if not, please apologize for your racist comment. Perhaps you would like to consider in what way your attitude is similar to that of those committing historical crimes against Jews and other minorities. During the discussion of circumcision, I've seen just as many, if not even more, racist, jingoistic, exceptionalistic and chauvinistic comments against Germans than against Jews. There are hateful idiots on all sides, and being "born" to the side of historical victims or perpetrators is neither an excuse to be unfair nor a conviction.

12 years ago @ http://onthebox.us/ - Today’s Show Not... · 0 replies · +1 points

I did watch a pop-sci program a few weeks ago, in which a scientist did speak about the Big Bang as an explosion. But they also mentioned that the original explosion theory was changed at least 20 years ago, to more accurately describe it as a quick, initial explosion followed by expansion and developing forces like gravity that account for the emergence of order.

12 years ago @ http://onthebox.us/ - Today’s Show Not... · 0 replies · +1 points

With that state of memory, it's likely that his wife reminds him what his name is each morning. Or he himself that he's not supposed to be gay today.