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15 years ago @ KABOBfest - Who Said "No Democracy... · 0 replies · +1 points
Now here's a snapshot of a young Iranian lady waving a finger in protest that isn't photoshopped: http://www.vizardofthevestside.com/2009/06/effemi...
15 years ago @ KABOBfest - “Surprise, surprise!... · 0 replies · +1 points
If you want to highlight the plight of the Uighurs in China, and talk about the supposed lack of media coverage, there's no need to put down other movements.
Tibet isn't a popular issue because of "Hippies" - its popular because its the home of universalist, worldly Buddhist monks like the Dalai Lama, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, who has contributed his share in promoting PEACEFUL global unity around the world -- to more than just his own co-religionists.
Some of the people on this board, and perhaps the Uighurs, should take notes about their approach.