
407 comments posted · 81 followers · following 2

9 years ago @ Third Edge of the Sword - Make Your Move · 0 replies · +2 points

Good luck. They're retarded as well as incompetent.

9 years ago @ Third Edge of the Sword - Make Your Move · 0 replies · +2 points

They owe me pussy. Didn't you read the poster? What did they think the drinks were payment for?

9 years ago @ Third Edge of the Sword - All hail the abortionists · 0 replies · +1 points

Of Canadians polled that were asked if they felt Morgentaler should receive the order of Canada, 60% of them agreed. What's even more interesting is that 66% of them felt he should be considered a hero.

Like any other man, Amanda, Michael White's right to do whatever he likes with his body (to wit, killing his baby) is not up for a vote.

9 years ago @ Third Edge of the Sword - Why farms should never... · 0 replies · +1 points

Ignorant post full of misinformation that is not true

Like...direct screenshots of the health and safety legislation that is being extended to farms. Look pal, the truth is on my side, it isn't on yours. The ignorance is entirely yours. Come clean about the sick crap you want the NDP to do to Albertan farmers. Stop your sick lies, Bill 6 is horrible and Albertans recognize this.

All other Provinces have legislation in place to protect farm workers

Other provinces have legislation in place to protect fags from criticism. They shouldn't. In fact, as I mention above Alberta's health and safety regulations are already far too onerous to existing business, let alone adding farms to the mix.

it is time to put regulations in place to protect workers and yes that includes the children of farmers.

Albertan families shouldn't have to suffer at the hands of government regulations. Period. It is not the job of you or the government to "protect" anybody. The government has no place in the farmhouses of the nation.

That 10 year old Hutterite boy killed last week is proof of that.

The one who wouldn't have been impacted by the regulations? What's he proof of?

9 years ago @ Third Edge of the Sword - How to fill the Oilers... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hole E: Top tier goaltender The goaltending market was pretty good this year, and the Oilers did as they were predicted to do for much of late June: sign Cam Talbot

Hole F: Backup goaltender The Oilers are presumably going to go with far-left Twitter coward Ben Scrivens in this position. This wouldn't have been my choice. Along with #OilersFistCaptain, Scrivens should be traded for magic beans for his contempt of the Albertan people he claims to be a member of.

9 years ago @ - So long Michael Coren,... · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm confused about Coren's behaviour. Is he trying to flex his "tolerant" muscles to make his new friends swoon? Is this how annoying Coren was to non-religious people and left-wingers back when he was on 100 Huntley?

9 years ago @ Third Edge of the Sword - Edmonton SUN has to de... · 0 replies · +3 points

The progressive mind at work, ladies and gentlemen! Why debate points of policy when you can denounce with a blanket catch-all like "u r close-miinded" and then censor them so they can't reply?

9 years ago @ Third Edge of the Sword - Devon Hugh Saunders \"... · 0 replies · +1 points

Devon Saunders thinks he has witchcraft powers?

10 years ago @ Third Edge of the Sword - All manufacturing sect... · 0 replies · +1 points

Of course it will. Every government worker is a "taker", a nonproductive member of society. Not paying them is money the government literally doesn't have to collect (or spend).

10 years ago @ Third Edge of the Sword - The #yegslutwalk march... · 0 replies · +1 points
