Sorry, that is the 3ds, Man.
Like that Frozen film... Let it be... let it go. The Vita is done.
I wouldn't go that far, but Inafune is showing his true colors as being shady as hell.
Oh shit... it seems that Inafune can't keep it together without a task master keeping him on point.
Because the xbox one is essentially getting the same shitty 3rd party games Sony's ps4 is getting, and most people who own either one of those consoles got it for the multiplats.
If I was this guy, I'd raise a stink with my bank, get my money back, sell my ps4, get and xbox 1, and send a scathing letter telling Sony to go F' themselves.
This game looks like fun... I'll get it on steam, and if it comes to the wii u, I'll double dip.
Let's get down to brass tacks.... Sega paid Gamefreak to make this game for x consoles, and since they're paying the cost to be the boss, so be it.
Amen. Nail on the head. Like I said, nothing from this game engenders feelings of "this game is in good hands" to me.
It boils down to this; after turning the FF franchise into shit over the last decade, Squenix has more to prove with FF 15 than Monolithsoft has to prove with Xenoblade Chronicles X. The best analogy I can think of is two students who both had straight A's for the longest time, but as of late one of them has been barely passing at best and flunking at worst, whereas the other has maintained A's and B's (the former student is Squenix the latter is Monolithsoft). I say this with absolute sincerity, if FF 15 bombs, it may be the deathknell for big, huge, Squenix Jrpg's (and in my opinion, looking at how shitty most of those games have been over the years from Squenix it might not be a bad thing). On the other hand, Xenoblade Chronicles X could bomb as well (highly unlikely when you consider that a lot of the people who made those awesome FF games that are beloved by everyone in Squaresoft's wonder years now work at Monolithsoft), which wouldn't be the worst thing ever, but would signal a shift in resources for the studio and it's publisher.