Eamonn Gavin

Eamonn Gavin


13 comments posted · 108 followers · following 0

7 years ago @ RTE Sport - Peter Lawrie retires f... · 0 replies · +7 points

We are all proud of you, Peter. You gave us lots of great memories. Every good wish in you new position.

12 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - Al-Qaeda-Allied Qatar ... · 0 replies · +13 points

It's over to you, Israel. You are fast becoming the ONLY hope for the future of Western civilization as we know it. Do I hear somebody mention the United States? Well, yes - until Obama came along ................... Éamonn, Dublin.

12 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - Muslim Persecution of ... · 2 replies · +4 points

Excellent article, thank you! The bottom line is this - the only way in which Western civilization can even begin to think about stopping the onward march of Islamism is to get rid of the bogeyman - Obama - in November. God Bless America - Protector of Western Civilization. THANK YOU, AMERICA, MOST SINCERELY. Éamonn, Dublin, Ireland.

12 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - The BBC Isn't Sure Isr... · 0 replies · +4 points

The BBC also thought that Tim Henman would win Wimbledon every year. Now they've changed to Andy Murray. Next, it will be a gay Palestinian who is in a single-sex marriage and who can have three same-sex spouses at any one time. I hope I'm dead before they make it compulsory. Éamonn, Dublin, Ireland.

12 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - The Signs of a Romney ... · 0 replies · +3 points

Great post Tyra! Absolutely on the button. Obama is doing no favours whatsoever for African Americans. In fact, he is doing them great harm. America will be able to look back at his so-called presidency (in which all he did was campaigned for 2012) and say "we elected the first African American president - and look at the way he treated the position". You, Tyra, have work to do, in your own community and also outside it. Say loudly and clearly what you said in your post and you can make an impression by letting the people know that not all African Americans support or agree with Obama. Good Luck and God Bless You! Éamonn, Dublin, Ireland.

12 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - The Signs of a Romney ... · 0 replies · +16 points

Whatever one thinks about Romney, surely he is better than the present incumbent. I certainly don't want to see Obama getting the go-ahead to complete his turning of the United States of America into a communist type state. So, come on you guys, the rest of the world is depending on you. Nobama 2012. Éamonn, Dublin, Ireland.

12 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - Robert Fisk Demonizes ... · 4 replies · +23 points

I am ashamed to say that Fisk is the darling of the anti-Israel media here in Ireland. His views are without exception cycloptic and bigoted, but they are accepted by the Irish media as the factual comments of a supposedly unbiased journalist. He is arrogant, condescending, patronising and shovels disinformation as if it were slurry in a farmyard. His views should be questioned at every turn - he should be made to explain himself, give evidence for what he says, and not be simply allowed a platform from which to pontificate without fear of a professional question in response. So, well done Front Page, for taking Fisk and his ilk to task regularly.

12 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - Washington Backs Islam... · 0 replies · +5 points

I STAND WITH ISRAEL. Éamonn, Dublin, Ireland. (I am a Catholic.)

12 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - The UN's International... · 0 replies · +1 points

I STAND WITH ISRAEL. Éamonn, Dublin, Ireland. (I am a Catholic.)

12 years ago @ Big Government - In Memoriam: Andrew Br... · 1 reply · +16 points

You DISGUSTING, cretinous, imbecilic excuse for a human being. Éamonn, Dublin, Ireland.