88p221 comments posted · 4 followers · following 0
13 years ago @ - Paul: Hamas Was Starte... · 5 replies · +2 points
13 years ago @ - California salon shoot... · 0 replies · +1 points
The s.o.b. was wearing body armor and had at least four weapons - a rifle and three handguns.
He also had a court order against him set in place during 2007 voiding his 2nd Amendment rights.
Click on the link and read it all - both pages...... At least the L.A. Times reports (somewhat) honestly, not like AP and it's agenda-driven-with-the-left madness.
13 years ago @ - NY judge jails man for... · 0 replies · +1 points
14 years ago @ - Ariz. lawmakers may ma... · 0 replies · +1 points
Good on ya, Arizona !
I'd love to see Colt produce a commemorative edition of the 1911 for Utah and the S-A for 'Zona. Take a portion of the profits, donate it to a good, deserving charity (like a mil or L.E. widows/children's foundation) and present serial numbers 1&2 of each piece to the respective governors for display in each state house.
I'd definitely go for the 1911 and probably the wheel gun too.
14 years ago @ - Peace-Loving Progressi... · 0 replies · +29 points
Totalitarian Statists - exactly who these people are and they don't hide it.
The five sane SCOTUS Justices better have top-level personal security and protection. We're one 'nudge' away from "it".
14 years ago @ - Clinton Calls for Calm... · 3 replies · +21 points
Mme. Secretary, Ms. Clinton: Go spit up a rope. You're backing the wrong side of crazy here. Mubarak's a dictator and the Shari'a is everything maniacs running rampant are a billion times worse. Most of the people - they want their country back and to simply be left alone.
And another thing Ma'am, you may wish to consider that the 12th Imam types pushing the buttons over there from The Muslim Brotherhood, Iran and Hezbollah are coordinating it all --- taking over Lebanon AND Egypt simultaneously in order to get to their real goal --- Israel.
But I'm just a typical bitter Jewish God-clinging Constitution-loving Flag-waving gun-owning barking-mad-insane NASCAR fan, so what do I know, right ?
The merde is about to encounter the ventilateur in a big way.
And what I expect from the administration here is a "nudge" from Sunstein and words of pure submission from his boss.
14 years ago @ - Obama Never Had Contac... · 0 replies · +27 points
14 years ago @ - Emanuel raises more th... · 0 replies · +2 points
(Soros, G.E. and Progressive Insurance.)
14 years ago @ - One Dead After Gunfigh... · 0 replies · +2 points
Y'all are makin' it too easy for snarkification.
As for reality, everybody repeat after me...... "It can't happen here"......... Know why ?...... Our malls here in America are all "gun-free zones"....... Those little signs are all over the place and everybody heeds the warning, so there's nothing to see here...... Move along...... These are not the murderous pieces of filth you are looking for.
14 years ago @ - US plucks tiny daisy f... · 0 replies · +1 points
More importantly, how much private land use and other development was prevented from occurring because of this cutie lil' flower that does...... does...... what exactly is it's function ?