


63 comments posted · 1 followers · following 2

14 years ago @ The British National P... - Lib Dem Candidate Reve... · 0 replies · +1 points

I AM no mongrel; I can trace my family back through the Celtic Clans, His children probably are mongrels. He is a posh twat from a high 'wankingh' family. And unfortunately for us he doesn't deserve his standing. Absolutley disgusted

14 years ago @ The British National P... - The Tory/Labour Nightm... · 0 replies · +3 points

Nu Liebor are selling the HNS as a Co-Operative. Have you heard that the NHS is run on a co-operative agenda, because I hadn't until recently? Is that the reason why the Cheif Execuctive of my local HNS Foundation Trust, with knobs on, has just been awarded, and accepted a 6.5% pay rise on top of his £175000 salery and £1.5 Million pension pot. Apparently this is because he has achieved targets. My friend, I think you will find that it is your staff that have achieved the targets and are getting bugger all for their hard work.

14 years ago @ The British National P... - Lib Dem Candidate Reve... · 0 replies · +6 points

I totally agree with your sentiments, I have that gut reaction of feeling totally revolted by these comments. Obviously spouted by somebody who has no family history to be proud of. Actually he's wrong about a coffee coloured race, when blacks interbreed with whites their offspring eventually become predominately white.

14 years ago @ The British National P... - Tweedledee Tweedledum ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I really coudn't be arsed to watch it, knowing exactly the kind of facile, infantile platitudes that would spout forth from such a sorry collection of 'Tim nice but DIM' potential Leaders of our country. They have stolen ALL their policies from the BNP, and quite frankly it makes my skin crawl to listen to any of them trying to inspire floating voters. It never fails to amaze me how thick people are!

14 years ago @ The British National P... - Mass Murderers, Tortur... · 0 replies · +2 points

Yes, It reminds me of that scene in Blazing Saddles where Hedley Lamar is recruiting his army of outlaws to destroy the town of Rock Ridge so the rail-road company doesn't need to spend money circumnavigating it. He asks each of them for their qualifications and they reply, rape, murder, bushwhacking, etc The ludicrousness is exaggerated even more when one of these criminals gives his qualifications as "rape, murder, bushwhacking, rape". Hedley stops him and says "you said rape twice?" The criminal then replies "I like rape!". The whole film was a satire on westerns but the story line could now so easily be used to expose the sheer madness and evil of this LibLabCon government who are encouraging and allowing these dangerous and homicidal foreign war criminals into our nation for the seemingly only purpose of destroying it from within.

14 years ago @ Big Journalism - Hang ‘Em High: Obama... · 0 replies · +2 points

Off topic here, I need my children to learn about History, I'm afraid, and ashamed, I missed that part of an education, among other bits, but am catching up thanks to the BNP. any ideas?

14 years ago @ The British National P... - Will Britain Learn the... · 0 replies · +2 points

Top London Cash Prices Paid

A special price paid for INTERESTING GOLD!

"What like the Crown Jewels and that kind of thing, hang on a sec I'll get they key!"

Gordon Brown takes his unwanted Gold Bits to trade for cash.

Unfortunately being a Chancellor of the Exchequer, and having no idea about budgets, because he's never had to live on one, Gordon gets rid of the family silver, because it's a bit of historic clutter that you can't scan into a computor and store neatly on a memory stick and you can't hit targets with it either, unless you use it for dart practice!

And here he is, ten years later, thinking 'Isn't it always the way, you throw away something thats been cluttering up the place for years and you've never needed it and then once you've dumped it, you find you did need it for a rainy day after all'
Obviously Your parents didn't live through the war Gordie. Stupid does not even go close to a discription of you as a dispicable person.

Treason does!

14 years ago @ The British National P... - College Green Dart Ass... · 0 replies · +2 points

Exactly my feelings after two weeks jury service!

14 years ago @ The British National P... - College Green Dart Ass... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks for your reply Jenni, I think you have made a very good point. Now I have a third example of just how racially predudiced the CPS is I will definitely be writing a letter to them.

14 years ago @ The British National P... - College Green Dart Ass... · 2 replies · +6 points

Having recently served two weeks on jury service this article has roused the anger and frustration that I felt during the two cases I adjudicated. Neither of these cases should have been brought to court by the Crown Prosecution Service due to lack of reliable, nay any, evidence.
The first prosecution witness clearly showed he was committing perjury by lying with intent to mislead the course of justice. I volunteered to be the foreman of the jury and wrapped up a decision of not guilty within three minutes. I can tell you it was such honour to be able to dispatch a Not Guilty verdict on that young persecuted family, and to know that all the other members of the jury were unanimous in our assessment of the situation (but why was he allowed to get away with blatantly lying In court?)
Our second case was dismissed because the jury could not come to a unanimous decision, and again it was a case that of being the defendants word against a gang.
The experience really horrified me as to the amount of money that is being wasted on cases where there really is no evidence, these cases should NEVER have reached a court of law, and yet I heard a disturbing article on the radio today of a woman who was told by the police that her children were being groomed by their head teacher. The distress and turmoil they had to endure for years and years and yet, although he pleaded guilty in court he got away without even a conditional sentence, and when she managed to get him back to court on appeal, he was given eighteen months and served Nine!.
This is a political agenda, what a surprise, there is no justice in this country anymore, there is no integrity there is no honesty, there is not even any honour among thieves. We have reached a really, really low point in the political and judicial History of Britain, it is a disgrace, and it is deeply prejudicial to our future as a culture and nation. I have every respect for Nick, who else would put up with what he has had to put up with when he could easily have stuck his snout in the trough and lined his pockets with all the other traitors, DOESN’T THAT SAY SOMETHING ABOUT WHAT THE BRITISH NATIONAL PARTY STANDS FOR!