


12 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

9 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - WWE Issues Statement o... · 2 replies · -32 points

The last thing WWE needs to have a hand in is sports injury oversight. It'd be like having The Third Reich in charge of Jewish Affairs.

Bust all you want on me, but the WWE has blood on its hands and needs to be brought to account for it!

10 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - THE FINAL COUNTDOWN - ... · 0 replies · +4 points

CM Punk has to do what is right for him.

If this legitimate (and I agree with the negative opinions of Levesque, Orton, Bautista, and Cena), then he is leaving and holding his head high. If it is a work, then he is holding up his share of the storyline and making it work.

If you are truly unhappy with what you do, find another job or an entirely new line of work.

10 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - Jim Ross Speaks Out On... · 4 replies · +19 points

Paul Heyman.
Paul E. Dangerously.
Organizer and Promoter for ECW.

He has been an overall big name in wrestling for a long time. If they can create a Celebrity Wing and allow Koko B. Ware in (at all, not to mention before The Four Horsemen), why would Mr. Heyman not deserve it?

10 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - Spoiler: New TNA World... · 0 replies · +5 points

Chris Adams won the WCWA World Heavyweight Title.
Gary Steele won the NWA World Heavyweight Title.

Just a couple of examples.

10 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - Mr. Tito\'s PHAT 15 Ye... · 1 reply · +8 points

I was hoping to hear something with "cliff" or "machine press" or "gun" involved.

10 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - Mr. Tito\'s PHAT 15 Ye... · 2 replies · +2 points

I have also appreciated your thoughts on Chris and how you have avoided all the "monster" BS that almost everyone else has.

Here's to many more years!


10 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - Mr. Tito\'s PHAT 15 Ye... · 3 replies · +14 points

Been a avid reader all this time and been glad that you reply to emails. Keep up the awesome work!

BTW, you and I spoke at one point and talked about creative ways to end the Compaq from Hell's life. How did it meet it's demise?

10 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - Night Of Champions PPV... · 0 replies · +4 points

Given that many people are moving to alternative television options (Hulu and such), cable and satellite providers cannot afford to alienate their customers. A refund might sound absurd, but losing a customer base and, due to the situation, future customer purchases, it becomes a less painful option.

The WWE does not have the demand power it used to and needs to see this as an "Oh crap!" moment. A long time ago, fans chose who they loved to love and hated to hate. Now, the WWE picks who they want to push, regardless of fans' thoughts. They need to step back and realize what happened and fix it.

A business who ignores the customer base they have will lose it and deserves to.

10 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - More Backstage News on... · 2 replies · +13 points

Best announcer ever? I love JR, have enjoyed him, and wish him the best.
But announcers are only as good as the can banter back and forth.
You young'uns forget men like Bobby Heenan and Gordon Solie.

JR was good, but not the best.

11 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - Hulk Hogan Announces X... · 0 replies · -1 points

How subtle and no one got that joke yet! Touché, good sir!