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14 years ago @ Hanlon's Razor - American education is ... · 0 replies · +1 points

If teaching pseudo-science and letting kids opt out of senior year make people stupider, I say Texas and Utah should go for it. Why not let them dumb themselves right out out of the competition for resources? OK, that's harsh, but wouldn't that be the natural consequence of those policies?

14 years ago @ Hanlon's Razor - Guv't argues for cell-... · 0 replies · +1 points

"Authorities..."? And who exactly would that be?

14 years ago @ Hanlon's Razor - Our prayers go out to ... · 1 reply · +1 points

Two practical actions people can take:

1) Donate to a reputable relief effort . I chose Doctors without Borders:

2) Sign CREDO's petition asking Obama to grant "temporary protected status" to Haitian refugees:

14 years ago @ Hanlon's Razor - Another note. · 3 replies · +1 points

Sorry to raise a subject you'd really rather drop, but...Is it wrong to refer to Obama as a Negro? Should one never mention his race? Should Harry Reid have described his as "a person who just happens to be an African-American..."?
("Just happens to be" is part of the Republican mantra whenever they talk about anyone who isn't white, as if race was a mysterious trait, rather than a genetic one. )
And, for the love of God, if Reid had referred to Obama as "African-AMERICAN," wouldn't Orly Tavitz et al. have had a field day?

14 years ago @ Hanlon's Razor - Winter wonderland · 2 replies · +1 points

Hey, Melanee, let's meet at LAX to welcome Hanlon's plane!

14 years ago @ Hanlon's Razor - It will take a war on ... · 0 replies · +1 points

The winning numbers are encoded in Greg's last post: 3, 6, 7, 8 12, 44. Wait till the jackpot hits $480 million. Then place your bet. There will be three winners (me, Paul, and Hanlon). We will each win $150 million. This will be just enough to buy a health insurance policy and a loaf of bread to stave off famine.

14 years ago @ Hanlon's Razor - Attention media: · 0 replies · +1 points

It not only legitimizes them, it also consumes bandwidth/column space/air time/etc. which could otherwise be devoted to commentators and politicians whose ideas actually merit attention: e.g., Bill Moyers, Dennis Kucinich, etc.

14 years ago @ Hanlon's Razor - Cloture has been reached. · 1 reply · +2 points

"Sometimes nothing is better than something." - Glenda Jackson, in Sunday, Bloody Sunday.

Is this one of those times? Or not?

I want a smackdown - Dean vs. Krugman, with Bill Moyers as referee.

15 years ago @ Hanlon's Razor - On politicians and prayer · 0 replies · +1 points

You're right. I got sidetracked by the question of whether or not Gibbs's statement was true, and totally missed the broader point, about pandering, with which I agree.

15 years ago @ Hanlon's Razor - On politicians and prayer · 5 replies · +1 points

Tho' I rarely believe White House flaks, I totally believe that Obama prays every day. I know many people who pray every day. Most aren't members of any organized religion. I am an agnostic and my habits have changed so much in the last few years that I now pray, nearly every day.

Many people use prayer as a way to help themselves become aligned with the benevolent forces of the universe. Even tho' we are incapable of comprehending those forces, our experience has been that using prayer to better align ourselves with them--to accept reality and to recognize and seize the opportunities it offers us to grow--helps us become more loving, caring, patient, resourceful, and effective. (Since I was once an atheist, I do understand how irrational this can seem to an atheist.) We pray silently, often, and without exhibitionism. It is a private practice, tho' we may do it anywhere, in any situation.

I would be hard-pressed to believe that Obama DOESN'T pray every day. A person of faith and humility (which I believe him to be) who holds his position needs all the help he can get. Daily prayer can be a powerful tool. That fact that Obama doesn't make a big show of it only increases my confidence that Gibbs is telling the truth.