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12 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - Egypt’s First ‘Sex... · 0 replies · +2 points

As I posted in another thread:

The modern feminist movement in the west was never about feminism in the sense that it cared for the plight of women in all facets and in all cultures. That was just a ruse. Its real purpose was the spread of Cultural Marxism in the form of Political Correctness and Critical Theory, which is to relentlessly find fault with and criticize western civilization, its history and its institutions, and portray everything as the oppressed verses the oppressors, until western civilization becomes a source of shame rather than a source of pride.

Though that comes in many guises, in this (feminism) instance its narrative is the patriarchal white male as the oppressor and the traditional female as the oppressed, and that criticism is specific to western civilization and only western civilization, for that is what these Marxist theoreticians targeted for destruction from the outset (See: Frankfurt School).

Or as Marxist theoretician Willi Munzenberg so eloquently put it; "We will make the west so corrupt that it stinks."

So their purpose is not to compare western civilization to the third world or savage cultures like Islam, or savage cultures throughout history and antiquity, or to find fault with Islam. If they did that it would defeat the purpose, to undermine western civilization and dismantle western culture, so instead they ignore any such comparisons, they do not find fault with other cultures, but instead they focus like a laser-beam on western civilization, holding it to the loftiest of standards, standards it is impossible to meet, assuring that she will always fall short and be found wanting, until people rebuke any such notions of American exceptionalism.

Only then, Antonio Gramsci surmised, will the west be prepared to embrace the Marxist struggle.

12 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - Egypt’s First ‘Sex... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sorry for this post, it was not meant to be spam, I was simply testing my login which had some trouble.

I apologize to one and all for the inconvenience.

12 years ago @ Big Government - Mark Levin: Breitbart ... · 1 reply · +3 points

I always felt like the two greatest warriors on the right were Breitbart and Levin.

12 years ago @ - CNN's Piers Morgan: 'I... · 0 replies · +3 points

That story about Andrew in Spanish class is so believable.

Every H.S. had that one guy you really wanted to hang around with, because he was the perfect combination of fearless and funny, and that was Andrew Breitbart, if you had any sense of humor at all, he was the guy who made you LYAO, and he was also the first guy who had your back if you were his friend, and probably the first guy to inject himself into a dispute if he felt like a weaker kid was being bullied.



We all encountered someone like him in school and we all wanted to be that guys friend.

12 years ago @ Big Journalism - In Memoriam: Andrew Br... · 0 replies · +3 points

Andrew showed us how to fight, but there are very few people who can do what he did, who are willing to put their own necks on the chopping block as he was, for make no mistake about it, to take the fight to the Democrat Media Complex to the degree that he did is to invite them to kill you, to dig into every aspect of your life and look for any means by which to turn you into an object of ridicule, which can be a punishment worse than death, and everyone of us feels vulnerable because none of us are without sin, so to invite that level of scrutiny and national exposure is a scary proposition, but this man had rare courage.

I suppose this is the best tribute I can offer ...

This song, in my view, perfectly captures the essence of Andrew Breitbart and how he lived his life.

RIP Andrew

12 years ago @ - Rush Remembers Breitbart · 0 replies · +24 points

Andrew showed us how to fight, but there are very few people who can do what he did, who are willing to put their own necks on the chopping block as he was, for make no mistake about it, to take the fight to the Democrat Media Complex to the degree that he did is to invite them to kill you, to dig into every aspect of your life and look for any means by which to turn you into an object of ridicule, which can be a punishment worse than death, and everyone of us feels vulnerable because none of us are without sin, so to invite that level of scrutiny and national exposure is a scary proposition, but this man had rare courage.

I suppose this is the best tribute I can offer ...

This song, in my view, perfectly captures the essence of Andrew Breitbart and how he lived his life.

RIP Andrew

12 years ago @ - Greg Gutfeld Reacts To... · 0 replies · +4 points

Andrew showed us how to fight, but there are very few people who can do what he did, who are willing to put their own necks on the chopping block as he was, for make no mistake about it, to take the fight to the Democrat Media Complex to the degree that he did is to invite them to kill you, to dig into every aspect of your life and look for any means by which to turn you into an object of ridicule, which can be a punishment worse than death, and everyone of us feels vulnerable because none of us are without sin, so to invite that level of scrutiny and national exposure is a scary proposition, but this man had rare courage.

I suppose this is the best tribute I can offer ...

This song, in my view, perfectly captures the essence of Andrew Breitbart and how he lived his life.

RIP Andrew

12 years ago @ - Fox News Remembers Bre... · 0 replies · +12 points

Andrew showed us how to fight, but there are very few people who can do what he did, who are willing to put their own necks on the chopping block as he was, for make no mistake about it, to take the fight to the Democrat Media Complex to the degree that he did is to invite them to kill you, to dig into every aspect of your life and look for any means by which to turn you into an object of ridicule, which can be a punishment worse than death, and everyone of us feels vulnerable because none of us are without sin, so to invite that level of scrutiny and national exposure is a scary proposition, but this man had rare courage.

I suppose this is the best tribute I can offer ...

This song, in my view, perfectly captures the essence of Andrew Breitbart and how he lived his life.

RIP Andrew

12 years ago @ - BreitbartTV Remembers · 0 replies · +6 points

Andrew showed us how to fight, but there are very few people who can do what he did, who are willing to put their own necks on the chopping block as he was, for make no mistake about it, to take the fight to the Democrat Media Complex to the degree that he did is to invite them to kill you, to dig into every aspect of your life and look for any means by which to turn you into an object of ridicule, which can be a punishment worse than death, and everyone of us feels vulnerable because none of us are without sin, so to invite that level of scrutiny and national exposure is a scary proposition, but this man had rare courage.

I suppose this is the best tribute I can offer ...

This song, in my view, perfectly captures the essence of Andrew Breitbart and how he lived his life.

RIP Andrew

12 years ago @ - In Memoriam: Andrew Br... · 0 replies · +4 points

Andrew showed us how to fight, but there are very few people who can do what he did, who are willing to put their own necks on the chopping block as he was, for make no mistake about it, to take the fight to the Democrat Media Complex to the degree that he did is to invite them to kill you, to dig into every aspect of your life and look for any means by which to turn you into an object of ridicule, which can be a punishment worse than death, and everyone of us feels vulnerable because none of us are without sin, so to invite that level of scrutiny and national exposure is a scary proposition, but this man had rare courage.

I suppose this is the best tribute I can offer ...

This song, in my view, perfectly captures the essence of Andrew Breitbart and how he lived his life.

RIP Andrew