I promoted no violence. Perhaps it was related to my reference to Socialism/Fascism, I'm not sure. We will see if the moderator squelches my free speech on this post.
My comments were related to the current administration and its spending policies. My "attacks of words" were directed towards the current president and were limited to criticisms of his policies. If people cannot see were he is leading us, then those people are blind. The country, as we have known it, may be as good as gone. The Obama, Pelosi, Reid agenda must be stopped (through the ballot box, of course). The moderator/moderators of this blog are too quick with the censorship knife.
Apparently this blog is confusing to many. The format is very disorganized. It is creating misconceptions.
What???? And this comment is based on what exactly?
This blog is a screwed up mess. Fix it, or lose everyone!! It is all disjointed!! It has no continuity.
"the912project" had better get it together. It seems to be censoring comments. The perfect example of "Fascism"
I have apparently been censored also. I canonot access the "Vent" area at all.
In other words, censorship.
I appreciate everything that Glen Beck is doing. However, when he states that he does not want to see the Tea Partys as protests agains Obama because he doesn't want them to be a "Republican/Democrat thing", he is distorting the issue. They have to be "against Obama", as he is out of control with power. He will destroy our futures, if he is not stopped. These partys will not be a "Republican/Democrat thing", they will be protests against an administration that threatens us all. I am no Republican. George Bush drove me from that party.
I agree. There are better forum formats than this one. It is very difficult to negotiate and is very disorganized.