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12 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Flashback 1995: Ron Pa... · 0 replies · -2 points
Then, of course, he smeared Beck for pulling the race card. I don't watch Glenn any longer, but it appears the Breitbart is being rather hypocritical with his headlines. All one has to do is watch the video to recognize that there is no bigotry whatsoever in Dr. Paul.
At best, Breitbart is spreading propaganda for the establishment. He may not even know it. The other posters on this site drop baseless ad hominems without examining the facts. I suggest that they first examine their premises before attempting to smear Paul.
Also, they should pay attention to words like "liberal", "conservative". etc. and prepare to define them appropriately. Following the definition, one should be prepared to justify the moral consequences of their use. Words have meaning, so they should be used properly. If one chooses to use them in a conflated or equivocated manner, then one has invalidated one's own position.
12 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Ron Paul 1995: 'I Put ... · 4 replies · +7 points
Take the time to actually read it and get the facts straight. It's full (and I mean loaded) with citations as to why this isn't an issue at all.
Breitbart has jumped on the "Ron Paul is a Racist" bandwagon, just like all the other members of the MSM.
12 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Taking Heat: Ron Paul ... · 0 replies · +5 points
But I do like Ron Paul for his message of liberty and the vast philosophical backing he possesses.
12 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Taking Heat: Ron Paul ... · 0 replies · -1 points
Try again.
12 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Taking Heat: Ron Paul ... · 0 replies · +1 points
Breitbart and CNN are scared to death of this guy.
Seems to me like he might be on to something.
12 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Taking Heat: Ron Paul ... · 0 replies · +1 points
12 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Taking Heat: Ron Paul ... · 1 reply · +1 points
Wolf "Blitz" Blitzer, incompetently bringing you the same failed story since 2011, 2008, 2007, and 1996.
I really wish that the MSM would bring more of a focus to things that really matter, like the NDAA or the Obama administration attempting to start another war in Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Somalia, Afghanistan, Yemen, Egypt, and Iran.
13 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Ron Paul Unhinged: We ... · 0 replies · 0 points
Also, your confusion regarding the "memo" is a subtlety lost on message boards called "sarcasm". However, the killing of innocent people does occur as a result of our interventions. The NDAA passed by our Congress is one more in a long line of Patriot Acts that intends to do it the American people. This is why I followed up with the question of morality at the end. (Here's a tip: The questions assume a utilitarian type of morality. Is it a trick to ask them in this manner?)
I believe you have the capacity to respond in a rational manner. Please, I am asking for a rational response. Prove to me that you can be better than your behavior has so far indicated.
13 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Ron Paul Unhinged: We ... · 0 replies · -2 points
Firstly, the IAEA is part of the U.N., started way back in 1957. Ron Paul knows this, so your objection is from your own ignorance of the subject.
The report does NOT indicate that Iran has nuclear weapon capability. In fact, the report is explicit in that they DO NOT have evidence of such capability. However, they do indicate that other unnamed intelligence agencies suggested a concern that Iran has nuclear weapons capability.
They know, from the presented evidence, that Iran has, at best, 20% Uranium refinement process. A 90-95% U-235 is needed for weapons-grade. The evidence does not support even the proximity of such a capability. At this point, such claims are arbitrary. If evidence should arise, then I would accept it. But I still wouldn't panic, like most of the other bloodthirsty paranoids on these sites.
Stop repeating the propaganda line.
13 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Ron Paul Unhinged: We ... · 2 replies · -5 points
"Ron Paul is coming out ahead. It's time we smear him with more lies and distortions. We can't lose control. We can't let him admit that we kill many people throughout the world, most of them innocent civilians, and are soon planning on doing it to our own people. Do everything you can to propagate the establishment status quo." -The GOP Progressive Establishment
As of 2006, the estimate of deaths related to our invasion was approximately 600K. One could attempt to refute it, but please don't resort to ad hominems like "Oh, that's a Liberal report!" Whether or not it is, it is important to challenge the evidence.
Secondly, how many innocent lives are acceptable to you? Is it ok to kill 1 million? Is 100,000 acceptable? Is 10,000 acceptable? How many are acceptable when the war is unjustified? How many does it take before you realize that you're a worse monster than what you're trying to fight? Serious moral questions that everyone should be prepared to answer.