Surprised Trish and Lita aren't given better opponents for Trish v Charlotte or Lita vs Asuka not possible? And i hope we get Sasha vs Bayley
Greatest On A Pole matches Ever
Who cares? Whats Owens returning for? To get misused and squashed even more? Yay....
WWE logic....The Colons will win.
Thats the thing, 'social' justice warriors do not judge an individual..they judge them based on what societal group they deem they belong too...they set up barriers between us based on our differences. Its quite a facist mind set to have
Fair enough, i have to admit it went downhill pretty fast after Miz/Bryan, but i would argue there was a 4 star match (IC match) and 3 matches between 3.5-3.75 stars (WWE title, Miz/Bryan, Womens triple threat), so half the card was solid. The only terrible matches were Raw womens, WWE title and Strowman/Owens (i can forgive Balor-Corbin as they have fought so many times before and it felt special seeing the Demon). Was it spectacular? No, but it wasnt awful. Thats all i can ask for in todays WWE. Im not a fan of DQ finishes either but if the match itself is good up until the end(and it serves a storyline purpose), i cant complain
Mr Tito may be leaving LOP brothers, but Hulkamania is about to run wild in the column section brothers. Hulkster Strikes Back, here every week
I never want to see Lesnar in a WWE ring again UNLESS they do away with the suplex bullsh!t
Quite surprised by your star ratings and overall negativity. I've actually only watched up to the AJ/Joe match as of writing, and thus have only read your column up to that point (although skimmed down to look at the other ratings and the 'D' grade), so far i have really enjoyed Summerslam. The IC match is already on my re-watch list, as is Joe/Styles and i also really enjoyed the Womens triple threat. Omly downside is the pointless Owens/Strowman match. Thought the Smackdown tag match was full of action too for it short running time. And i am higjhy critical of the direction WWE are going in, but so far so good regarding Summerslam. Looking forward to catching up on the rest tonight even if im aware of the spoilers