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12 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Protesters climb up fl... · 0 replies · 0 points

The jobs are Obamaesque "economic stimulus" because once that forest is done, they'll need to find another one, and another one and another one...

It's a convenient way to never have to fix the education system.

I got to sit in a privately-owned B-25 bomber belonging to a log trucking company owner in Salem back in the '90s, when "times were tough for the logging industry." Have you ever met a truck driver who can afford a multi-million dollar World War II bomber when "times are tough"?

TREESITTERS and PROTESTORS: It doesn't work this way. You're not going to annoy people into listening to you; you'll lose far more battles than you'll win. I know who Julia Butterfly is, but, none of these people do and who knows if that tree is still there?

12 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Protesters climb up fl... · 0 replies · 0 points

"Forestry management - sort of like"

98% of the 1,500-year-old America redwoods--the tallest organisms in the world--cut down in about 50 years for "progress."

THAT sort of forestry management?

12 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Protesters climb up fl... · 0 replies · 0 points

"Then again I dont see any of these people keeping a job"

So let me ask you this, since you're obviously so informed:

When you say you "don't see any of these people" does that mean you actually checked, or is that something Lars Larson does for you?

12 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Protesters climb up fl... · 0 replies · 0 points

Government help?

You mean like giving public land to private companies and then taxing me for cutting trees on my own land?

I pay several hundred dollars a month to put my kid through private school--AND pay property taxes-- only to hear some intellectually-conflicted rednecks blathering about who gets "government help." If your kid goes to public school, don't talk to me about "government help" because people like me subsidize your kids'' educations without getting anything out of it.

12 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Protesters climb up fl... · 0 replies · +1 points

Try it.

12 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Protesters climb up fl... · 0 replies · +1 points

I served in the Marine Corps, and if I saw any of your little redneck buddies assaulting these Americans you'd be laid out on the ground at the point of a .45 until the police arrived to serve proper American justice.

Now stop stroking your angry little thingie and go burn a flag.

12 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Protesters climb up fl... · 0 replies · +1 points

Put this apple on your head...

You're talking about shooting Americans. Time was, in the Marine Corps, I swore an oath to protect the Constitution. Sounds like you just want to urinate on it.

Go burn a flag, hypocrite.

12 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Protesters climb up fl... · 0 replies · +1 points

Is that what Jesus would do?

If you, in turn, call yourself a Christian I kinda wonder if you also call yourself a heterosexual.

12 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Protesters climb up fl... · 0 replies · +1 points

I wish I could run him up a flagpole and see how he feels about being assaulted with a pellet gun.

He's from Lake Oswego, so, he has better lawyers to fight his battles for him than I do.

12 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Protesters climb up fl... · 0 replies · +1 points

No, not really.

The native species of Oregonus Treehuggerus is actually radically more politically independent than its allies in other states. It has nothing to do with "sides."

2% of the ancient American redwood and sequoia remain. 2%, after only a few decades of logging, 98% of it is gone. It only takes a thousand years or so for a forest to become "ancient."

Here's the catch: What remains of the California redwoods was not saved by sit-ins or protestors. It was saved by the Rockefellers, Lady Bird Johnson...