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13 years ago @ http://brokenheartbord... - http://brokenheartbord... · 4 replies · +1 points

the urchin has already shown himself to be a somewhat continuing thing, in regards to us building "allies" and the whole dissing the monk thing. Look we are guys, the master is a guy, we wanna get laid, its human nature, and unfortunatly it shall pan out that way for the most part.

Logicly speaking however, be it a gang, an army, or a small highly skilled seductive kunoichi slaves. We need money, right now our guys only marketable skill seems to be his ability to get laid and make women want more and more sex. Making contacts and controling a gang means having money or a commodity to keep them in line, as well as outfitting them, we have none of that now, we can't assume everyone is going to come with full plate mail and be a masterswordsmen. Theives work for money, Barbarians for violence, whores for money, slaves out of fear, loyalaty, or both. Right now the only ones we can inspire and use are fear and loyalty via seduction and being really good in bed. So i'm always going to vote for sex cuz in my sick mind i can find a way to warp any of the girls to being our little whores to make money via.

13 years ago @ http://brokenheartbord... - http://brokenheartbord... · 3 replies · +1 points

oh no no no, we are sadistic enough that sure, "we'll give you a few female clients to play with, and we'll let you play with cheza even... BUT... we get to play with you sweetheart."

13 years ago @ http://brokenheartbord... - http://brokenheartbord... · 5 replies · +1 points

the first one, ehh, i have a feeling our guys dealt with his share of psycho paths, 2 if she just likes kittens thats great, so we got our rooms cleaned win/win, 3. thats a bad thing? what you think men are the only ones that pay for sex?

13 years ago @ http://brokenheartbord... - http://brokenheartbord... · 1 reply · +1 points

hmm, i apologize then, i seem to have missed that one somewhere along the line. *deletes his useless comment*

13 years ago @ http://brokenheartbord... - http://brokenheartbord... · 7 replies · +1 points

*chuckles* maybe it is an issue, i do find her attractive, however i'm not suggesting that we jump on her now, just speculating. I understand we dont know enough about her, which is why all my scenarios were what will happen scenariors, grant it one was definatly more fantasy then anything else, and as of right now the master has no way of her sadistic tendancies, if they even exist. However she is cute, she is available, she is relativly cheap to get to work, and she is definatly a prospect if nothing else, hiring her for any of the above said opputonites provides a way for botht chezza and us to take note of her actions, ESPECIIALLY if we make her work with chezza, as chezza can scopre her out for us while under the pretense of working.

We also cant forget that this also gives chezza a bit more time to relax as well while sitll saving us some money.

13 years ago @ http://brokenheartbord... - http://brokenheartbord... · 9 replies · +1 points

this is true, but i'm looking at investments we can make WITHOUT spending cash, maybe just a bit of time and energy. Rhona will cost time, energy, and a shit load of money. We must work with what is at hand, and shiela is at hand.

Also.... from my experiance, its the sweetest ones that have the most sadistic sides......

13 years ago @ http://brokenheartbord... - http://brokenheartbord... · 1 reply · 0 points

well...... breaking stubborn things can be fun, but time consuming. I think i may have tumbled upon a secondary sadist besides the master though... and if we find some way to convert her to our side.. well *shrugs* As far as viable slaves, i beleive nameless is perfect for the master. SHe needs a soft touch after all the abuse, and with that she will probably be completly compliant as long as it doesn't involve pain, and of course there will be pain if she doesn't obey, so she'll be putty. As far as her looks, yes she has a few scars, and that nasty one on her face could be a major issue. But mostly she looks dirty, with a good clean up, and some makeup magic worked on those scars, i think she would be a fine addition.... and though she may not be the best looking, she would be perfect for certain things considering she wouldn't gladly do them as long as it didn't involve pain... there are alot of things normal girls wont do that many a person would pay good money for, and many of them dont involve pain.. humiliation yes, pain no.

13 years ago @ http://brokenheartbord... - http://brokenheartbord... · 11 replies · +1 points

also, maybe i'm reading to much into her bio... but i'm involved in BDSM, and torturing a cat definatly falls along the lines of sadism.... perhaps given the right circumastances she could be brought to the masters side as somewhat of an assistant... mayhaps leaving chezza tied up in a room shiela is gonna clean with a few... "instruments" around...... nothing to drastic, we wouldn't want our dear chizza to be hurt... but if her master is watching... and the torture is more "fun" then other tortures well... i dont think chizza will complain...

13 years ago @ http://brokenheartbord... - http://brokenheartbord... · 12 replies · +1 points

she seems quite eager to serve the master, and i dont beleive its only for the money. She's quite easy on the eyes and she may just be capable of being convinced to do it for free with a tender touch and a few soft kisses... or other things.... maybe have both her and Chizza clean the rooms to split the labor... and see how much of chizzas adoration and love for her master may rub off. even if we do pay her, by only making her do half the work we reduce the price AND give chizza time to relax a bit more... and get to scope shiela out a bit more and see if she is desperate for cash, or desperate for attention, or both..