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16 years ago @ Conversative Network: ... - Is Unemployment a Prob... · 0 replies · +1 points

In the post labor union, technology driven present, the law must distinguish between types of relationships ( employee or independent contractor) to satisfy numerous masters: the IRS, ERISA, competition/non-compete agreements, patent protection and litigation, and EEOC driven federal laws designed to protect workers from discrimination. The law could be unified and should be unified but the effort simply won't happen as long as the Middle East and terrorism world-wide occupy center stage.

Differing tax treatments from the 1000+ volume set of IRS regulations creates much of the dilemma as we have choked down on the independent entrepreneur so hard as to make new business survival virtually impossible. As employees, we would at least be granted some protection and fairness through the unemployment rules and other state regulations.

But there is no doubt about the fact that small businesses carry the survival of the economy on their backs to a great extent and sole proprietors work at least 33% harder for their incomes. A differing economic climate could transfer many laid-off employees into more productive citizens secure in the equity of their sweat.

16 years ago @ Change.gov - Change.gov: The Obama-... · 1 reply · +2 points

People seek my opinions as tax consultant and attorney- but they are afraid. This effects my business by creating fewer contacts and low cash flows. It is definitely not just the manufacturing sector anymore that takes a hit. The administration has to involve local leaders in the effort to revitalize the economy and create forums to share the vision and the means to make a difference and get the unemployed working again.