


194 comments posted · 1 followers · following 1

12 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Man arrested in report... · 2 replies · 0 points

He crossed the line.

But, it would be nice if she could control state spending, balancing the budget to what is coming in vs. what you what to hang over voters heads.

13 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Gregoire: Tax hike, no... · 0 replies · +10 points

What a bunch of crap! She overspends and now wants to make the average Joe pay for her negligence.

13 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Economists say state f... · 0 replies · +1 points

I hope our government is smart enough to base the budget recovery on cutting heads and unnecessary services, not just on tax increases.

13 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Gregoire blames Wall S... · 0 replies · +8 points

Where did all the money go????? So we all pay extremely high sales taxes, some of the highest gas taxes in the country, and our property taxes are out of site. It can only mean that Washington state continues to overspend. I cannot understand why we have to drive in a borderline gridlock situation each day.

It's time to privatize the ferry's, and other transit since the state can't managed to do so.

And..let's get the spending under control.

13 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Gregoire plans major c... · 0 replies · +1 points

She woke up and said...Oh, I guess I'm spending more than we're bringing in........

Wow...we really need to force some cuts! Raising taxes is not an option!

13 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Seattle to ask voters ... · 0 replies · +5 points

This is just flat out crazy! Who in their right mind would vote for this? I am embarassed that we woud even let this on the ballot. It is borderline criminal to not manage all the revenue that comes into this overtaxed state and then ask to rob more...........vote em' out!!!

13 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - County council approve... · 1 reply · +4 points

Let's not address the cuts.....geez this gets old.

I would gladly pay the extra $20 if I knew it meant I-5 was going to be widened to 6 lanes, and I--405 5 lanes. This county is out of control.

This should be voted on!

13 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Homeowner to thief: \'... · 0 replies · +1 points

I welcome the day that everyone pays into the tax base rather than being a tax burden (welfare, court system, etc.). Not in our lifetime........;-(

13 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - King Co. Council delay... · 0 replies · +10 points

We have some of the wealthiest people in this county paying very high taxes, so the money is there. Cut the fat and spend the money to add lanes to our pathetic freeways that bottle-neck at Seattle and Bellevue.

13 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Is Wash. state underfu... · 0 replies · 0 points

So we all pay extremely high sales taxes, some of the highest gas taxes in the country, and our property taxes are out of site. It can only mean that Washington state continues to overspend. I cannot understand why we have to drive in a gridlock situation, and spend soooooo much to fund our roads. It's time to privatize the ferry's transit. etc. and get the spending under control.