


13 comments posted · 1 followers · following 2

14 years ago @ Antiwar.com Original A... - End US Aid to Egypt · 0 replies · +11 points

"It's high time for Antiwar.com to cease acquiescence to the fictional narrative of Israeli democracy."

Indeed, indeed!!

14 years ago @ Boston Celtics Basketb... - The Big Polarizer · 0 replies · +1 points

Last year, especially in the playoffs, yes. But this year? I don't see how you can say that.

14 years ago @ News From Antiwar.com - Israeli Govt: They Hat... · 0 replies · +3 points

"In particular the site seeks to emphasize debunking the “myth” of Palestine, declaring that there “has never been such a concept as Palestine” and that there is no basis for a Palestinian state, an odd declaration at a time when the Israeli government is negotiating the creation of that state."

Except that the Palestine that was, wasn’t a foreign interventionist creation and dependent; what may or may not be getting “negotiated”, is.

14 years ago @ News From Antiwar.com - Hebron Shooting Threat... · 0 replies · +1 points

Those “peace talks” only benefit those paid by the US to engage in them.

14 years ago @ News From Antiwar.com - Israel Draws Up Plans ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Evil is, evil does.

15 years ago @ News From Antiwar.com - Lebanese Military Fire... · 0 replies · +1 points

"The fighting left 44 Israeli civilians killed and several hundred Lebanese civilians killed, though the Lebanese military did not actually take any part in the war."

Actually, over a thousand Lebanese civilians were killed.

15 years ago @ Antiwar.com Original A... - The Boycott Revisited · 0 replies · +1 points

Jeff Blankfort - Uri Avnery's rationalising Israel's dispossession of the Palestinians
A passage from it:
"I continue to be mystified at your continuing efforts to separate the settlers from those Jews living within the Green Line as if the majority of those in Israel proper are not as responsible for electing a series of professional killers as their prime ministers year after year, all of whom have expanded the settlements. There hasn't been a single poll of Israeli Jews that I have seen going back to 1988, in the early days of the first intifada, where half of those polled did not call for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza. How many settlers were there in 1988?"

15 years ago @ Antiwar.com Original A... - The Boycott Revisited · 0 replies · +1 points

Avnery: "I would only like to point out that hatred is a very bad adviser. Hatred leads nowhere, but to more hatred."
There’s nothing wrong with hatred of injustice. Justice and injustice, words which he doesn't use in his article are the issue, not "peace". And I’m sure Mr. Avnery hates the mistreatment of Jews.

15 years ago @ Antiwar.com Original A... - The Boycott Revisited · 0 replies · +1 points

Antiwar.com claims to be dedicated to libertarian principles in its “Who We Are” section, but its advocacy of “peace” deals with Israel violates those principles. Israel can only exist by both preventing millions of Palestinians from returning to land they were ruthlessly driven from and which is rightfully and legally theirs, and receiving continued US military and financial backing. Both of those policies are fundamental violations of libertarian principles, and “peace” deals with Israel justifies their continued violations.

15 years ago @ Antiwar.com Original A... - Against the Israel Boy... · 0 replies · +1 points

More from Jeff Blankfort's response to Avnery":

"By what right have you and the 94% of your fellow Israelis who supported the onslaught on Gaza, and with whom you now stand on the boycott issue, to make any claim on those who believe that the only way to bring about a just solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict is to make Israel a political and economic pariah? Do you really think that the majority of Israeli Jews living within the Green Line are any less responsible for the present situation than those in the settlements, and if you do, pray explain who was responsible for electing the likes of Begin, Shamir and Sharon as their prime ministers, not that Rabin or Peres were a whit better? Can you honestly make a case that Israel has not merited a pariah status many times over?"
<a href="http://mondoweiss.net/2009/08/blankforts-response..." target="_blank">http://mondoweiss.net/2009/08/blankforts-response...