


36 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

15 years ago @ The British National P... - Vote BNP and Save Britain · 0 replies · +11 points

Here we good good people, D-Day, we stand on the brink of an epic journey, this is history in the making, God Bless us, The BNP are going to show just what we're made of and how much support we really have in our country.

15 years ago @ The British National P... - BNP Scotland Distribut... · 0 replies · +3 points

Great Lads, as a Clydebank (Bankie) lad myself, i regularly take the time to educate people about the true BNP and more and more Scots and Bankies are going to vote BNP, even though some lefty has attempted to tell lies about us in the local paper.

I really believe that if there was a general election, we would come out on top, people are now seeing the truth about the old gang and they now want truth and action.

15 years ago @ Home of The Green Arrow - Why they must silence ... · 0 replies · +1 points

If they think pulling down the website will cost us voters they are kidding themselves on. People vote BNP for a good reason and their minds are made up.

I can't beieve the support the party is getting in Scotland just now and the up and coming elections will show this. Eveyone i speak to is swaying to the BNP, and if they need a little persuasion, i'm their man.

They can try all they want, peoples minds are made up ans have already done their research into the party.

15 years ago @ The British National P... - Conservative Run Brent... · 0 replies · +4 points

Appauling behaviour, is this the same party who were recently crying out because of potential labour smears against them, this just sholws they are no better than their facist friends.

Can nothing be done about this, there must be a contact in place, for a set period of time with the billboard company? At least local people will see the underhand tactics being used by the Tories.

15 years ago @ The British National P... - BNP Stands Record 459 ... · 0 replies · +7 points

Come on the BNP, i was soo glad to see that our leaflet has been posted through every door in Clydebank Scotland, i don't even need to try and convince my parents anymore (who were labour zombies), its come naturally.

15 years ago @ Glasgow Mods - R&B, Br... - Being a Young Mod Today · 0 replies · +1 points

Smart young intelligent individual.

Switched on and taking in the whole scene[s] over the years. So glad you found this site, as you will never be pointed in the wrong direction. Its people like you who help make or break scenes, and if one scene, has proven itself to be, "there" and staying "there" is the Mod scene. Welcome and thank-you.

Your a credit to your parents.

15 years ago @ The British National P... - BNP’s Truth Truc... · 1 reply · +6 points

I dont even think question time will say anything about it, as they will be scared of the response, either that or they will say it was an isolated incident by "a few".

Instead they should tell it like it is.

15 years ago @ The British National P... - Labour’s Voodoo ... · 0 replies · +4 points

tpuc.org, John Harris has already stated how money is fictional and that it is totally worthless, now we have even more worthless money backed by what.......nothing in consideration?

15 years ago @ The British National P... - Tory Frontbencher Admi... · 1 reply · +4 points

This is the latest tactic by the marxist EU, admit that the immigration isn't working, admit it's all going wrong, with the hope that people will take to the streets in fear of their future.

Then seeing as our Army is out of the country fighting illeagal wars, they will put NATO troops onto our streets to supress us and impose martial law.

The Tories, just like the media, are now slipping in that multiculturism doesn't work, this is in the hope of causing civil unrest.

15 years ago @ The British National P... - The “Surreal Civ... · 7 replies · +9 points

And what will the traitors in government do.........nothing.......nothing at all. These parasites claim benefits, spread hatred and then go and attempt to kill our soldiers. They and the rest of their enrichers, sit over hear, in the safety of the British security blanket and work towards the destruction of our once wonderful country.

While our troops fight and lose their lives, in "their illegal wars" the enemy is here, popping in and out on little holidays to pakistan or wherever else they care to go to.

As an ex-serviceman myself, i can say to the traitors, you may keep our troops out of this country, and think you can force an EU Army on us, however, you forgot about the ex-service personnel, we are still more than capable of lifting arms and defending out lands, i'm only 38 and i have forgotten none of my training.

The Territorial Army was here to defend the territorial lands of our country, however, they have even managed to deploy them away as well.

Never mind, we're here and 100,000's like us.