


20 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

16 years ago @ DemConWatch - Guess Who Might Be Mov... · 0 replies · +1 points

Are there any cases of a President's own mother or father moving in? Inquiring minds want to know...

16 years ago @ DemConWatch - Matthews thinking abou... · 1 reply · +1 points

Perhaps Rendell would have a place in Obama's cabinet...Labor or Transportation?

16 years ago @ DemConWatch - Senator Clinton? · 0 replies · +1 points

Sorry, but the notion that Bill Clinton would be Senator is pretty silly. For instance, what the hell does he know--or care--about the plight of upstate dairy farmers?

Also, the notion that this seat "belongs" to the Kennedys is laughable. For one thing, the Kennedy clan (historically) are not native New Yorkers. For another, the seat "belongs" to the people of the state of New York, and no one else. What we need, first and foremost, is someone who cares about statewide issues and has the experience to do something about them--not just another pretty face or celebrity name.

16 years ago @ DemConWatch - The next Senator from ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I live in Gillibrand's district, and I would wholeheartedly support her as Senator. She is bright, capable, and hands-on. She won in this overwhelmingly upstate Republican district with over 60% of the vote. She delivered her second child about 6 months ago. She holds regular, monthly "Congress in Your Corner" town hall meetings throughout the district.

And frankly, it's about damn time that we had an upstate New Yorker elected to a statewide position. The last time a native upstater was elected as Senator from New York was in the 1950s.

16 years ago @ DemConWatch - The Clinton Questions · 0 replies · +1 points

According to Politico (as of 10 minutes ago) the deal is now done:


16 years ago @ DemConWatch - Lunchtime Trivia · 1 reply · +1 points

All Dem: Connecticut, Vermont, North Dakota, Hawaii, New Mexico

All Rep: Wyoming

Did I miss any? If not, do I get a prize?

16 years ago @ DemConWatch - Hillary Clinton · 0 replies · +1 points

There are better options other than RFK Jr for a Senate replacement. My local congresswoman, for instance--Kirsten Gillibrand, an upstate Dem re-elected in a landslide in an overwhelmingly Rep district.

16 years ago @ DemConWatch - Hillary Clinton · 0 replies · +1 points

The notion that HRC would ever run for governor of NY is thoroughly laughable. The political culture of Albany is such that it is not a place where I see her thriving, or fitting in. It's a small, insular world dominated by unions and special interests. Besides, would she really want to give up having an impact on national issues (health care, education, etc.) so as to go to Albany to hash out such things as budget cuts to the SUNY system?

16 years ago @ DemConWatch - Election roundup · 1 reply · +1 points

Worth noting: in the MN election, there were 25,000 'undervotes'; i.e., ballots that registered a vote for President but no vote for Senate. And the majority of those undervotes were from Obama counties. Upshot: there could well be quite a few ballots (in the thousands) from first-time-voters who improperly recorded their votes. The voter intention would now be picked up by the manual recount. All Franken needs at this point is for 110 ballots to be flipped in his direction.

16 years ago @ DemConWatch - "Possible Verdict... · 7 replies · +1 points

Here's a question: the Politico story on this suggests that, even if Stevens were to win re-election, he might be "expelled" from the Senate. If that happens, what does Alaska state law say about naming a successor? Would it be in the hands of...gulp...governor Palin???