


16,430 comments posted · 91 followers · following 153

6 years ago @ Crasstalk - New Week · 4 replies · +6 points

A family full of grifters, the bride included.

6 years ago @ Crasstalk - New Week · 0 replies · +2 points

Sending all the good thoughts to your family. xo

6 years ago @ Crasstalk - New Week · 0 replies · +4 points

I just call her Asshole, or Ms. Racist Asshole if I'm being formal. I don't really need to know otherwise either.

6 years ago @ Crasstalk - New Week · 0 replies · +2 points

Cotdamn Ross, you cannot catch a break. I am so sorry!

6 years ago @ Crasstalk - New Week · 0 replies · +4 points

I'm so sorry you are still hurting. Whatever your decision, I hope it brings relief. xo

6 years ago @ Crasstalk - New Week · 0 replies · +1 points

I volunteer as tribute!

6 years ago @ Crasstalk - New Week · 0 replies · +10 points

"Used to"?

6 years ago @ Crasstalk - Roll Into the Weekend ... · 0 replies · +4 points

Doodlebug/Doodle, Sweet Pea, Goofball/Goofy

6 years ago @ Crasstalk - Roll Into the Weekend ... · 0 replies · +4 points

Ha! You don't need to run fast, you just need to run faster than her!

6 years ago @ Crasstalk - Roll Into the Weekend ... · 0 replies · +6 points