
961 comments posted · 2 followers · following 4

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Prakash: Forces trying... · 0 replies · +9 points

Going on stage and singing one love , The nation is not fool by that pure foolery. Before national election their is always big talk about unity, after election unity is not a subject anymore.The nation has come to the understanding of one love " My Family, My Close friends and Myself " Rock so with your brand of unity please .

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Lee Sing wants to be M... · 0 replies · 0 points

Only if UMBALA is your campaign manager , otherwise stay home and relax .

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Ravi ends hunger strik... · 0 replies · -1 points

Bobby Sands ,An IRA hunger striker live for 66days before death , Ravi is of poor spirit and would not have live 25 days without food and water .

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Ravi collapses after f... · 2 replies · +11 points

Even his own government of whom he is fasting for did not see it fit to keep tabs on him , Dr Wayne people saved his life . Ravi better get real .

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Ravi: It’s not a... · 0 replies · +2 points

I Already told Ravi he is no Bobby Sands and should pack up and go home. Bobby Sands was on a hunger strike for 66 days before he died . When you do fasting and deep breathing , after awhile your body system adjust to the rigors , This is why Dr Wayne who is specialize in fasting will shock a lot People and may go down in record . I surely will not like him to die .

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - ...Anti-Kublalsingh pr... · 0 replies · -2 points

You are not any Bobby Sands ,behave and go home .

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - No bail for martial ar... · 0 replies · +4 points

There goes your life because your urges went out of control , lifetime in the calaboose for you .

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Martial arts trainer t... · 1 reply · +4 points

This man should never be around children , the man will be imprison but who will compensate the parents .

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Govt plans $26m for &l... · 0 replies · +1 points

I did also and so will lots of others .

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Cashier charged in hot... · 4 replies · +3 points

Both of them cannot be wrong, Why was the worker not protected in the establishment ? Where was the security to prevent these daily fracas ?