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15 years ago @ Filipino Voices - CA decision in PP v. L... · 0 replies · +1 points
Appellants brief is a public document. It is submitted under oath to the Court. It is of public record upon submission and affirmation. How could the Court commit plagiarism on a public document submitted as part of a case under its jurisdiction and adjudication.
However,are we justified to insinuate that the Lady Justice who penned the decision was so craven and bereft of intellectual ability to compose a bit of English and explain things in her own words, that she just had to \"steal\" from the Appellant\'s Brief?
Is this is more anti-\"manang\" vituperation?
It\'s not a Creative Writing Class the CA is all about, after all.
15 years ago @ Filipino Voices - Cuando te ofenden, dul... · 0 replies · +1 points
I dunno Ben. When I watch his Robinson performance courtesy of Baycas
I must say my first reaction was that I\'ve never seen ANYONE do it with more fervor. Burning pa. As if Pops married...Ricky Hatton or something. hehe.
I guess we just have to call it the Mellow Touch Lupang Hinirang.
Also, no one does it right. Most of the time it sounds like a...Communion Song.
15 years ago @ Filipino Voices - How else should it be ... · 1 reply · +1 points
Hahaha. You probably hurt Bencard\'s feelings just now because Bencard is one of those \"others\" who have come before Benign0 defending Personal Responsibility. In fact, Benign0 GOT his ideas from Bencard to begin with! But some of our most entertaining exchanges around here have been between your newly designated Saints Peter and Paul. Except it\'s more like Cain and Abel. Or and Maganda!
15 years ago @ Filipino Voices - How else should it be ... · 2 replies · +1 points
The Opposite of a Strawman is being built by BongV. It is a Statue of Liberty with a Halo of shining letters that spell \"Personal Responsibility\", flying penants of \"Creative Thinking\" and \"Brilliant Consultancy\". It is ringed by the greatest men of History and Literature, and joined by America, Australia, England, the entire Western World! At the head are the Peter and Paul of this army of Benigz and and BongV.
Whilst we, the Barbarian Bloggers, scratching our heads on the perimeter and looking on, clueless and puzzled as to what exactly IS going on, are invited to attack and assail this Great Alliance Motherhood and Apple Pie.,
15 years ago @ Filipino Voices - How else should it be ... · 0 replies · +1 points
But you have also set up one Giant Statue of Liberty with a halo around its head of shining letters that spell \"personal responsibility\". And you have drawn the lines of a magic circle around it, lining up all these great men of History and Literature, and all the greatest countries within, and now, with you marching around it, you invite us anti-Benigz Heathens to attack this Fortress of the Great American Way, of Motherhood and ApplePie.
Very good BongV. We are all William Howard Taft Avenue\'s Little Brown Brothers and proud of it. I am!
15 years ago @ Filipino Voices - How else should it be ... · 0 replies · +1 points
15 years ago @ Filipino Voices - How else should it be ... · 2 replies · +1 points
What is at issue is the assertion of Benigz that the Filipino People have a Character Flaw, and that this Character Flaw is what explains their failure.
You would paint him as the Patron Saint of Personal Responsibility and have drawn the lines around to defend it.
No, none of those countries are \"fans\" of Benign0. Neither is Obama or anybody else.!
15 years ago @ Filipino Voices - How else should it be ... · 0 replies · +1 points
15 years ago @ Filipino Voices - How else should it be ... · 1 reply · +1 points
why not switch to Chuckie, instead of Chuckie\'s Bride. I think they were both dolls, but somehow he gets her pregnant and she even gives birth at the end. He was funny in a boyish sort of way but she\'s really evil looking. Didn\'t she kill Chuckie by giving birth to their baby and it him like a cannon ball or something?
I can\'t read your comments because I\'m getting creepy feelings in my own house just looking at you!
Considering that you often make a lot of serious sense, you need a more fitting costume for the bal masque...
15 years ago @ Filipino Voices - How else should it be ... · 0 replies · +1 points